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diablo cam wifi cant do DNS lookup


30. August 2012
Hi members,
i have finally got my diablo wifi cam working (hw 2.6 UW2.5)
but i still have a little problem, i cant connect over the internet with a dns name,
there aint any problems with internal or external ip address
the thing i mean with dns name is:
c:name.dyndns.com port user pass
but works when i type:
c:wan/lan-ip port user pass.

does anyone else have the same problem, read that one or two also have it on this forum.
AW: diablo cam wifi cant do DNS lookup

you should try entering a static IP and Set the DNS to your Router IP.
The same Problem encountered me using DHCP.
AW: diablo cam wifi cant do DNS lookup

Hi, The ip is already on static. I tried typing the routers ip under DNS even tried typing googles and open dns. But still the same.
do you have oscam on your server?
so you have to install an oscam-version > 7666 and change the cccam-config "receive-timeout" from 2000 to 4000

be sure that the c-line does not end withe a spacebar or an enter!
AW: diablo cam wifi cant do DNS lookup

yes im using oscam and the version that im using is OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn build #7934,
but the thing or should i say the problem is that i cant connect when i type the dyndns.org or no-ip.org same for the client. it works fine when i both type my lan and wan ip address
is the port you use correctly forwarded to your server (in your router)?
AW: diablo cam wifi cant do DNS lookup

Yes it is because it works fine when I type my wan ip address, plus under conf-addon-server it says no connected when I type the "name of the address".
AW: diablo cam wifi cant do DNS lookup

Is your DynDns working correctly? Maybe there is a configuration error on your Router. Just have look at your log if DynDns Provider can refresh your IP. For controlling trie pinging your DynDns adress in cmd/term.
AW: diablo cam wifi cant do DNS lookup

My account are working fine, because it works with my dream box
AW: diablo cam wifi cant do DNS lookup

This is strange. Attempts the Diablo to connect or appears nothing in Oscam log? Did you set the recv_timeout parameter?
AW: diablo cam wifi cant do DNS lookup

When I type the sever name in the cccam.cfg file it can then not connected but connects to the server when typing the wan ip, but when I have connection, it then loses the connection to my router ever 10-20 min and then reconnects. I have tried with 4 different routers. I'm uning the lasteds uw 2.25. Do you or anyone else have the same problem where it losses the connection to the router?
AW: diablo cam wifi cant do DNS lookup

My Diablo ( UW 2.25) works stable over internet with DynDns (provider = dyndns.org). The Diablo doesn´t work properly with all TVs and Receivers. Maybe it could be helpful testing it with other devices. Either it can be helpful decreasing TX Power. Other W-LAN appliances can interefer the Diablo. Could you post your Oscam settings (.conf and .user)?
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