Die neuen Images mit dem neuen Patch von AVM sind jetzt verfügbar.
Ich eröffne hier mal einen Thread, in dem es um die BigOne-Images gehen soll.
Der Thread soll als Diskussions-Thread dienen und um Feedback zu den BigOne-Images zu sammeln.
Positives und auch negatives Feedback ..... immer her damit ..... denn nur so kann man Verbesserungen erreichen !
Link ist nicht mehr aktiv. (Stand: 27.10.2013)
installing packages
syslogd-cgi-0.2.3 ............ 3.13 Kb
inetd-0.2 .................... 2.90 Kb
authorized-keys-0.1 .......... 2.28 Kb
dropbear-2013.60 ............. 74.21 Kb
callmonitor-1.20.9 ........... 34.60 Kb
openvpn-2.2.2 ................ 118.32 Kb
avm-firewall-2.0.4_rc5 ....... 15.90 Kb
dosfstools-3.0.22 ............ 0.00 Kb
e2fsprogs-1.42.8 ............. 375.24 Kb
fuse-2.7.6 ................... 7.29 Kb
haserl-0.9.32 ................ 8.72 Kb
inadyn-mt-02.24.38 ........... 34.97 Kb
ldd-0.1 ...................... 4.17 Kb
mod-1.0 ...................... 100.95 Kb
modcgi-0.3 ................... 3.41 Kb
nfsd-cgi-0.1 ................. 1.75 Kb
nfs-utils-1.2.3 .............. 50.91 Kb
opendd-0.7.9 ................. 23.11 Kb
openssh-6.2p2 ................ 21.71 Kb
openssl-0.9.8y ............... 114.56 Kb
openvpn-cgi-1.0 .............. 17.41 Kb
pcsc-lite-1.8.10 ............. 35.65 Kb
portmap-6.0 .................. 5.91 Kb
samba-3.0.37 ................. 359.95 Kb
sg3_utils-1.26 ............... 24.77 Kb
spindown-cgi-0.2 ............. 2.20 Kb
tcp_wrappers-7.6 ............. 11.83 Kb
transmission-2.82 ............ 343.31 Kb
transmission-cgi-0.0.4 ....... 4.21 Kb
usbutils-007 ................. 180.99 Kb
vsftpd-3.0.2 ................. 43.35 Kb
wget-1.14 .................... 132.09 Kb
wol-0.7.1 .................... 5.67 Kb
wol-cgi-0.6 .................. 2.96 Kb
tbflex-0.2.5 (addon) ......... 35.90 Kb
Update: 06.03 mit ToolBoxFlex 2.5
Link ist nicht mehr aktiv.(Stand 22.02.2014)
Das ist mit drin:
installing and stripping modules
hfsplus.ko ................... 35.13 Kb
nls_utf8.ko .................. 0.91 Kb
cifs.ko ...................... 97.28 Kb
fat.ko ....................... 23.92 Kb
reiserfs.ko .................. 97.61 Kb
exportfs.ko .................. 2.35 Kb
nfsd.ko ...................... 37.89 Kb
fuse.ko ...................... 24.05 Kb
pl2303.ko .................... 7.56 Kb
usbserial.ko ................. 11.73 Kb
ftdi_sio.ko .................. 12.58 Kb
installing packages
syslogd-cgi-0.2.3 ............ 3.12 Kb
inetd-0.2 .................... 2.89 Kb
authorized-keys-0.1 .......... 2.28 Kb
dropbear-2013.62 ............. 88.81 Kb
cifsmount-6.2 ................ 11.71 Kb
callmonitor-1.20.9 ........... 34.72 Kb
openvpn-2.3.2 ................ 126.89 Kb
php-5.4.24 ................... 1331.94 Kb
avm-forwarding-0.0.1a ........ 5.77 Kb
ccid-1.4.13 .................. 56.92 Kb
curl-7.35.0 .................. 34.25 Kb
dosfstools-3.0.25 ............ 51.72 Kb
e2fsprogs-1.42.8 ............. 591.89 Kb
haserl-0.9.32 ................ 8.93 Kb
inadyn-mt-02.24.38 ........... 35.23 Kb
ldd-0.1 ...................... 4.29 Kb
mod-1.0 ...................... 101.51 Kb
modcgi-0.3 ................... 3.53 Kb
nfsd-cgi-0.1 ................. 1.75 Kb
nfs-utils-1.2.3 .............. 51.68 Kb
ntfs-2013.1.13 ............... 117.51 Kb
opendd-0.7.9 ................. 22.83 Kb
openssh-6.4p1 ................ 22.70 Kb
openssl-0.9.8y ............... 113.90 Kb
openvpn-cgi-1.0 .............. 17.42 Kb
pcsc-lite-1.8.10 ............. 36.04 Kb
phpxmail-1.5 ................. 92.22 Kb
portmap-6.0 .................. 6.03 Kb
samba-3.0.37 ................. 574.07 Kb
sg3_utils-1.26 ............... 24.98 Kb
spindown-cgi-0.2 ............. 2.19 Kb
tcp_wrappers-7.6 ............. 12.00 Kb
transmission-2.82 ............ 345.71 Kb
transmission-cgi-0.0.4 ....... 4.21 Kb
usbutils-007 ................. 181.71 Kb
vsftpd-3.0.2 ................. 43.74 Kb
wget-1.15 .................... 141.38 Kb
wol-0.7.1 .................... 5.77 Kb
wol-cgi-0.6 .................. 2.96 Kb
xmail-1.27 ................... 167.75 Kb
tbflex-0.2.5-2 (addon) ....... 36.09 Kb
Link ist nicht mehr aktiv. (Stand: 27.11.2013)
[Internes Image = KEINE External]
installing packages
syslogd-cgi-0.2.3 ............ 3.19 Kb
inetd-0.2 .................... 2.91 Kb
authorized-keys-0.1 .......... 2.29 Kb
dropbear-2013.60 ............. 90.75 Kb
callmonitor-1.20.9 ........... 37.78 Kb
openvpn-2.3.2 ................ 134.48 Kb
avm-firewall-2.0.4_rc5 ....... 17.87 Kb
ccid-1.4.13 .................. 68.69 Kb
dosfstools-3.0.23 ............ 61.74 Kb
e2fsprogs-1.42.8 ............. 719.60 Kb
haserl-0.9.32 ................ 10.67 Kb
ldd-0.1 ...................... 4.78 Kb
mod-1.0 ...................... 107.41 Kb
modcgi-0.3 ................... 3.92 Kb
nfsd-cgi-0.1 ................. 1.75 Kb
nfs-utils-1.2.3 .............. 63.92 Kb
ntfs-2013.1.13 ............... 143.06 Kb
opendd-0.7.9 ................. 28.47 Kb
openssl-0.9.8y ............... 145.28 Kb
openvpn-cgi-1.0 .............. 18.77 Kb
pcsc-lite-1.8.10 ............. 45.01 Kb
portmap-6.0 .................. 7.03 Kb
samba-3.0.37 ................. 721.35 Kb
sg3_utils-1.26 ............... 31.36 Kb
spindown-cgi-0.2 ............. 2.21 Kb
tcp_wrappers-7.6 ............. 14.55 Kb
transmission-2.82 ............ 394.03 Kb
transmission-cgi-0.0.4 ....... 4.36 Kb
vsftpd-3.0.2 ................. 53.43 Kb
wget-1.14 .................... 166.37 Kb
wol-0.7.1 .................... 6.64 Kb
wol-cgi-0.6 .................. 2.98 Kb
tbflex-0.2.5-2 (addon) ....... 38.41 Kb
Update 06.03 mit ToolBoxFlex 2.5:
Link ist nicht mehr aktiv. (Stand: 22.02.2014)
[MIT External]
installing and stripping modules
hfsplus.ko ................... 53.47 Kb
cifs.ko ...................... 141.59 Kb
fat.ko ....................... 36.31 Kb
exportfs.ko .................. 3.74 Kb
nfsd.ko ...................... 63.07 Kb
pl2303.ko .................... 11.62 Kb
usbserial.ko ................. 20.64 Kb
ftdi_sio.ko .................. 20.78 Kb
installing packages
syslogd-cgi-0.2.3 ............ 3.19 Kb
inetd-0.2 .................... 2.91 Kb
authorized-keys-0.1 .......... 2.29 Kb
dropbear-2013.62 ............. 109.90 Kb
cifsmount-6.2 ................ 14.22 Kb
callmonitor-1.20.9 ........... 37.69 Kb
openvpn-2.3.2 ................ 158.00 Kb
php-5.4.24 ................... 1691.83 Kb
avm-forwarding-0.0.1a ........ 5.94 Kb
ccid-1.4.13 .................. 68.69 Kb
curl-7.35.0 .................. 42.51 Kb
dosfstools-3.0.25 ............ 61.69 Kb
e2fsprogs-1.42.8 ............. 719.60 Kb
haserl-0.9.32 ................ 10.67 Kb
inadyn-mt-02.24.38 ........... 42.46 Kb
ldd-0.1 ...................... 4.78 Kb
mod-1.0 ...................... 110.72 Kb
modcgi-0.3 ................... 3.92 Kb
nfsd-cgi-0.1 ................. 1.75 Kb
nfs-utils-1.2.3 .............. 63.92 Kb
opendd-0.7.9 ................. 28.47 Kb
openssh-6.4p1 ................ 27.86 Kb
openssl-0.9.8y ............... 145.15 Kb
openvpn-cgi-1.0 .............. 18.77 Kb
pcsc-lite-1.8.10 ............. 45.01 Kb
phpxmail-1.5 ................. 100.97 Kb
portmap-6.0 .................. 7.03 Kb
samba-3.0.37 ................. 721.36 Kb
sg3_utils-1.26 ............... 31.36 Kb
spindown-cgi-0.2 ............. 2.21 Kb
tcp_wrappers-7.6 ............. 14.55 Kb
transmission-2.82 ............ 394.41 Kb
transmission-cgi-0.0.4 ....... 4.36 Kb
usbutils-007 ................. 209.55 Kb
vsftpd-3.0.2 ................. 53.42 Kb
wget-1.15 .................... 176.48 Kb
wol-0.7.1 .................... 6.64 Kb
wol-cgi-0.6 .................. 2.98 Kb
xmail-1.27 ................... 213.66 Kb
tbflex-0.2.5-2 (addon) ....... 38.45 Kb
Update LABOR 06.04 mit ToolBoxFlex 2.5:
Link ist nicht mehr aktiv. (Stand: 22.02.2014)
Rezeptur ansonsten identisch.
!!! NEU !!!
Mit 06.03 und ToolBoxFlex 2.5:
Link ist nicht mehr aktiv. (Stand: 22.02.2014)
installing and stripping modules
hfsplus.ko ................... 53.47 Kb
cifs.ko ...................... 141.59 Kb
fat.ko ....................... 36.31 Kb
exportfs.ko .................. 3.74 Kb
nfsd.ko ...................... 63.07 Kb
pl2303.ko .................... 11.62 Kb
usbserial.ko ................. 20.64 Kb
ftdi_sio.ko .................. 20.78 Kb
installing packages
syslogd-cgi-0.2.3 ............ 3.19 Kb
inetd-0.2 .................... 2.91 Kb
authorized-keys-0.1 .......... 2.29 Kb
dropbear-2013.62 ............. 109.90 Kb
cifsmount-6.2 ................ 14.22 Kb
callmonitor-1.20.9 ........... 37.70 Kb
openvpn-2.3.2 ................ 158.00 Kb
avm-forwarding-0.0.1a ........ 5.94 Kb
ccid-1.4.13 .................. 68.69 Kb
curl-7.35.0 .................. 42.51 Kb
dosfstools-3.0.25 ............ 61.68 Kb
e2fsprogs-1.42.8 ............. 719.59 Kb
haserl-0.9.32 ................ 10.67 Kb
inadyn-mt-02.24.38 ........... 42.46 Kb
ldd-0.1 ...................... 4.78 Kb
mod-1.0 ...................... 110.69 Kb
modcgi-0.3 ................... 3.91 Kb
nfsd-cgi-0.1 ................. 1.75 Kb
nfs-utils-1.2.3 .............. 63.92 Kb
opendd-0.7.9 ................. 28.48 Kb
openssh-6.4p1 ................ 27.86 Kb
openssl-0.9.8y ............... 145.15 Kb
openvpn-cgi-1.0 .............. 18.77 Kb
pcsc-lite-1.8.10 ............. 45.01 Kb
portmap-6.0 .................. 7.03 Kb
samba-3.0.37 ................. 721.36 Kb
sg3_utils-1.26 ............... 31.36 Kb
spindown-cgi-0.2 ............. 2.21 Kb
tcp_wrappers-7.6 ............. 14.55 Kb
transmission-2.82 ............ 394.41 Kb
transmission-cgi-0.0.4 ....... 4.36 Kb
usbutils-007 ................. 209.80 Kb
vsftpd-3.0.2 ................. 53.42 Kb
wget-1.15 .................... 169.87 Kb
wol-0.7.1 .................... 6.64 Kb
wol-cgi-0.6 .................. 2.98 Kb
tbflex-0.2.5-2 (addon) ....... 38.45 Kb
Viel Spaß beim Testen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet: