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Discussion Becker Cascade V6.0 Map update ENG

After "i + NAVI" input, the first line of the Becker 7944 says:

11 CAS_EU_NAV_6.0.1

So I think the update succeeded.
After all, it was far more easy then I thought.
The main problem is that German is not my native language.
How did I do it?
First, I updated the radio with a 2GB CF card without the two map files.
This update succeeded.
Then I prepared a 4GB CF card with the files TRACK01.RAW and TRACK02.RAW.
No success, the radio kept asking for the NAVI info.
So, this two step approach did not work for me at all.

Then I completely cleaned the 4GB SanDisk Ultra II CF card.
I also made a low level format (all zero's, virgin card).
Then I prepared the card as explained by Atlantis01 in the first thread (MiniTool Partition Wizard and WinHex) .
I copied ALL the content of the "CF-Karte" folder on the 4GB card (and left all files there).
ONLY at the beginning of the unpartioned space, I inserted the MagicText:
HARMANBECKER BECKER V6 (and nothing more).
(after the low level format, all of the unpartioned and unpartionable space was filled with zero's).
This is the best I can describe my method, I hope this is usefull for someone.
A big thanks you for all your help!

Best regards, Frans.
Very well done! Thanks for the accurate description! This will help other readers!

Now, you can prepare for the next update in case Becker doesn't provide us with new updates anymore!
You can use BMW business sat nav software or Audi MMI G2 or probably also command APS software from Mercedes!
You need to unpack their sat nav data files and copy the map file and rename it to the Becker file name and mount it into Track01
Track01 and Track02 is a splitted image! The problem with BMW and other manufacturer software is that they also splitted their map data e.g. into Western and Eastern Europe. In this case you need to make to CF cards. It seems not to be possible to merge and create a completely new file.... there are some checksums or whatever that don't allow so easily to do this.

You can read the details somewhere in this forum board!

Angebote Maps - Becker Cascade V6.0 Map update

esp those suggestions and all the work done by franky_boy and others!
Try the chrome "translation" function if in trouble!


now the speed cam audible warning also works!
I have extracted the TRACKO1.raw file and overwrote the .lwd file with the more recent 2015 .lwd file from Atlantis01 (also named 2013),
just as described by Atlantis01 in the first contribution of the V6 thread.
(extraction with WinRAR and rebuild with ImgBurn).
SanDisk Ultra and SanDisk Ultra II, 4Gb, are working O.K.
I am getting the feel of it.
A very special thanks to xcvb1, you were very helpfull!
SanDisk Ultra and S

Best regards, Frans.
Very well done ! Thanks for sharing !
But it is not me ! It is just the information that is in the Forum and a Bit try and error I also had to go through.
The next aim will be for me to use BMW and Audi maps if Becker doesn't come up with maps and/or updates anymore.

Hello friends,
i have becker cascade 7944, with V3.

I downloaded all for V6, make iso CD V6, and put files from CF folder(without Track001.raw and Track002.raw) to CF SanDisk 8GB (downgrade to 2Gb FAT16)

Becker start with upgrade(CD+CF) and register some problem, in the middle of job, with SDS-device
Update Progress of SDS-Device(V 25400) checking file SDS-Device
Update Progress of SDS-Device(V 25400) set device to programming mode
Update Progress of SDS-Device(V 25400) UPDATE FAILURE:SDS-Device


Any Help?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
First, the good News is that the CF card is working!
Secondly : is it really a 7499 or an OEM Version like Ferrari etc ?
Thirdly : if all Fine, than Check the File whether they are all complete on the CF card

Good Luck
PS merry Xmas !
Hi Guys,
Sorry if I’m hijacking someone else’s thread but it seems relevant to my problem.
I have also just bought a Becker Cascade on eBay from germany.
My issue is I can’t seem to change the language from German. It asks to insert system navigation. I have a Europe system CD 3.7 which I did the the update but doesn’t seem to recognise that.
Any help appreciated thanks.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Dear maxc777,

Yes , for changing the language you need to have the proper version of the CD!
So, your System CD is V3.7 ? And your Software on the Becker is also V3.7 ?

Than you should press the knob marked with ‚ok‘ and turn to the left until it says ‚Systemsprache einstellen‘ in the menue. Press the ‚ok‘ knob again and make your selection from the language menue that pops up !
Make your selection by pressing the ‚ok‘ knob again. Than a list of speakers will pop up. Please , confirm your selection again by pressing the ‚ok‘ button.
The Becker may ask you for inserting the CD for both changes. Please be patient since changing the system language may take up to 10 minutes !

If this is not going to work you have to check whether you really have the correct system CD for your Becker !

Good luck
Thanks for the reply!
It doesn’t work, it asks for navigation media. How can I find out what CD I need and where can I get it?
I believe the one with the unit was v4.0 but the owner didn’t send it with the unit...
Now won’t reply to my messages.
If you are in Europe V6 is the Most recent one. The easiest method is to buy it for ca 190 Europe. Or you can search this board for alternative methods to upgrade to V6.

If you prefer an easy solution you can get from the used marked a V4 and use that but than your sat nav data is from 2009 or so.

Ok. If you want an upgrade to V6 (at least when you are located in Europe) buy V6 for ca 190 Euro or search this forum for other possibilities but read it carefull and proceed step by step.
The alternative is to buy a used V4 fro. the used market.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Hi everybody,

i`m looking for the System-CD V6. The older Links in Post #1 are outdated, also on the gpsunderground-forum.

It would be nice ;-)

Thanks biggsmann
The system CD needs to be V6. If the links don‘t work anymore: try to get a used one.
The whole set with CF card can be get new for ca 190 Euro.
Try to search in this chat for System CD V6. Maybe there are further links !?
Good luck
same here, i've got the maps, but need the v6 system iso
searched different sites : all links are dead unfortunately.....
Hello! Anyone knows, where to find working links for V6 system CD and maps update now? I've just bought used Becker Cascade Radio, but without CF card. So I would like to make it operating. Thanks in advance of your help.
To be honest : I think the links in this Forum should still work either on the German pages or the English pages. If your German is not that good use a browser with translating function, this may help also for chat groups in other countries like poland. Or go to some market place and just buy a Used CF and System CD. Becker sat nav software is completely out of business as I understood. Ver 6 for Europe was the last one. In the future you need to Modify Other brands software to fit for the cascade. Instructions can be found on this forum (German pages as far as I remember) as well. For non branded sat nav radios you even don’t need to change the magic Text !
Does this help ?