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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

gelöst AU mit SRG V5 und Easymouse


Ist gelegentlich hier
2. Juni 2013
Ich habe da eine Frage an die Spezialisten im Board, was mach ich falsch?
Habe folgende Konfiguration und das AU Update der SRG V5 Karte funzt nicht

Raspbeery Pi 2
Raspbian Jessie
Oscam r11233
2 x Easymouse

Oscam config

# oscam.conf generated automatically by Streamboard OSCAM 1.20-unstable_svn SVN r11233
# Read more:

logfile = /var/log/ipc/OScam.log
disableuserfile = 0
unlockparental = 1
maxlogsize = 2480
waitforcards = 0
preferlocalcards = 2
block_same_ip = 0
block_same_name = 0
usrfile = /var/log/ipc/OScam.log
suppresscmd08 = 1


port = 15000
suppresscmd08 = 1

port = 12000
nodeid = E5A864DA10491558
version = 2.3.0
reshare = 1
reshare_mode = 1
ignorereshare = 1
forward_origin_card = 1

enabled = 1
au = 1
pmt_mode = 0
delayer = 60
ecminfo_type = 1
user = dvbapiau
read_sdt = 1
write_sdt_prov = 1
boxtype = dreambox

port = 24480
monlevel = 4

httpport = 16002
httptpl = /var/emu/skin
httppiconpath = /var/emu/skin
httphelplang = de
http_prepend_embedded_css = 1
httprefresh = 15
httpshowpicons = 1
httppiconsize = 30
httpshowuserinfo = 1
httpallowed =,,,

Oscam Server

label = hdplus-schwarze-Karte(MOUSE)
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
fallback = 1
caid = 1843
boxkey = A7642F57BC96D37C
rsakey = BF358B5461863130686FC933FB541FFCED682F3680F09DBC1A23829FB3B2F766B9DD1BF3B3ECC9AD6661B753DCC3A9624156F9EB64E8168EF09E4D9C5CCA4DD5
detect = cd
mhz = 358
cardmhz = 358
group = 2
emmcache = 1,1,2,0
cccreshare = 1

label = SRG_V5
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ttyUSB1
services = srg_13e
resetcycle = 1
smargopatch = 1
fallback = 1
caid = 0500
boxkey = A7642F57BC96D37C
rsakey = BF358B5461863130686FC933FB541FFCED682F3680F09DBC1A23829FB3B2F766B9DD1BF3B3ECC9AD6661B753DCC3A9624156F9EB64E8168EF09E4D9C5CCA4DD5
fix07 = 0
detect = cd
mhz = 600
ident = 0500:050810,050800
group = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,30
emmcache = 1,1,2,0
lb_force_fallback = 1
cccreshare = 1
deprecated = 1
auprovid = 050810
read_old_classes = 0

Oscam User

user = dvbapiau
pwd = dvbapiau
caid = 0600&0F00,0900&0F00,0B00&0F00,1800&FF00,0500&0F00
monlevel = 4
keepalive = 1
group = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,30
services = srg_13e
preferlocalcards = 0
ident = 0500:050810,050800
cccreshare = 1
cccignorereshare = 1


P: 0500:050810
#P: 1830
#P: 1843
#P: 098C
#P: 09C4
#P: 1702

Besten Dank für Eure Tipps

schon mal im voraus
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: AU mit SRG V5 und Easymouse

Dir fehlt in der Oscam.user der AU Parameter, sprich is nicht aktiviert.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: AU mit SRG V5 und Easymouse

Bei der V5 braucht man kein boxkey und rsakey !!!
Und nur eine Gruppe vergeben. Nicht "group = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,30" .
Hier einmal mein Reader.:

label = srg
protocol = smartreader
device = Serial:Reader A432CDA
services = srg
lb_whitelist_services = srg
autospeed = 0
cacheex_allow_filter = 0
caid = 0500
ecmwhitelist = 0500@050800:2A,30;0500@050810:2A,30
detect = cd
mhz = 369
cardmhz = 369
ident = 0500:050800;0500:050810
group = 9
emmcache = 1,3,2,0
blockemm-unknown = 1
lb_weight = 400
cccreshare = 3
deprecated = 1
AW: AU mit SRG V5 und Easymouse

einen DVBapi Abschnitt braucht man am PI auch nicht, dem zufolge auch keinen Account für diesen, da der PI ein reiner Server ist
wer soll die EMM liefern?
wie sieht dieser Account am Server aus?
die Karte läuft bzw. wird eingelesen
AW: AU mit SRG V5 und Easymouse

Ja die Karte wird erkannt und eingelesen nur das AU geht nicht

Hier noch ein Account der darüber läuft
user = XXX
pwd = XXX
caid = 0600&0F00,0900&0F00,0B00&0F00,1800&FF00,0500&0F00
au = 1
group = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,30
penalty = 0
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: AU mit SRG V5 und Easymouse

was ist das für eine Box?
welche Softcam nutzt du da?
AW: AU mit SRG V5 und Easymouse

und stimmen dort die Configs bezüglich AU wenn dort auch OScam läuft ... ???
AW: AU mit SRG V5 und Easymouse

Hier die Configs der Box

Oscam config

logfile = /usr/local/etc
disableuserfile = 0
usrfile = /usr/local/etc
lb_mode = 1
lb_auto_betatunnel_mode = 3


port = 15000
suppresscmd08 = 1

port = 12000
nodeid = E5A864DA10491558
version = 2.3.0
reshare = 1
ignorereshare = 1

enabled = 1
au = 1
pmt_mode = 0
delayer = 60
ecminfo_type = 1
user = dvbapiau
read_sdt = 1
write_sdt_prov = 1
boxtype = dreambox

port = 24480
monlevel = 4

httpport = 83
httpuser = XXX
httppwd = XXX
httphelplang = de
httppollrefresh = 10

Oscam User

user = dvbapiau
pwd = dvbapiau
caid = 0600&0F00,0900&0F00,0B00&0F00,1800&FF00,0500&0F00
monlevel = 4
au = 1
group = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,30
preferlocalcards = 0
cccreshare = 1
cccignorereshare = 1

Auch wenn ich auf der Box mit CCCAM arbeite geht das AU auch nicht
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: AU mit SRG V5 und Easymouse

sollte passen,
welche OScam Version am Client?
AW: AU mit SRG V5 und Easymouse

Ziemliche Chaos Configs hast du da.
Poste nochmal alles was du hast sauber geordnet und übersichtlich von Server und Client.

AW: AU mit SRG V5 und Easymouse


oscam server

label = hdplus-schwarze-Karte(MOUSE)
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
services = hdplus
fallback = 1
caid = 1843
boxkey = A7642F57BC96D37C
rsakey = BF358B5461863130686FC933FB541FFCED682F3680F09DBC1A23829FB3B2F766B9DD1BF3B3ECC9AD6661B753DCC3A9624156F9EB64E8168EF09E4D9C5CCA4DD5
fix07 = 0
detect = cd
nagra_read = 1
mhz = 358
cardmhz = 358
group = 2
emmcache = 1,1,2,0
cccreshare = 1
read_old_classes = 0

label = SRG_V5
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ttyUSB1
services = srg_13e
resetcycle = 1
smargopatch = 1
fallback = 1
caid = 0500
fix07 = 0
detect = cd
mhz = 600
ident = 0500:050810,050800
group = 3
emmcache = 1,1,2,0
lb_force_fallback = 1
use_gpio = 1
cccreshare = 1
deprecated = 1
auprovid = 050810

oscam user

user = XXX
pwd = XXX
caid = 0600&0F00,0900&0F00,0B00&0F00,1800&FF00,0500&0F00
au = 1
group = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,30
penalty = 0

user = XXX
pwd = XXX
caid = 0600&0F00,0900&0F00,0B00&0F00,1800&FF00,0500&0F00
au = 1
group = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,30
cccstealth = 1

user = dvbapiau
pwd = dvbapiau
caid = 0600&0F00,0900&0F00,0B00&0F00,1800&FF00,0500&0F00
monlevel = 4
keepalive = 1
au = 1
group = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,30
services = srg_13e
preferlocalcards = 0
ident = 0500:050810,050800
cccreshare = 1
cccignorereshare = 1

oscam config

logfile = /var/log/ipc/OScam.log
disableuserfile = 0
unlockparental = 1
maxlogsize = 2480
waitforcards = 0
preferlocalcards = 2
block_same_ip = 0
block_same_name = 0
usrfile = /var/log/ipc/OScam.log
suppresscmd08 = 0


port = 15000
suppresscmd08 = 0

port = 12000
nodeid = E5A864DA10491558
version = 2.3.0
reshare = 1
reshare_mode = 1
ignorereshare = 1
forward_origin_card = 1

enabled = 1
au = 1
pmt_mode = 0
delayer = 60
ecminfo_type = 1
user = dvbapiau
read_sdt = 1
write_sdt_prov = 1
boxtype = dreambox

port = 24480
monlevel = 4

oscam dvapi

P: 0500:050810
#P: 1830
#P: 1843
#P: 098C
#P: 09C4
#P: 1702

oscam version

Unix starttime: 1462911903
Starttime: 10.05.2016 20:25:03
Version: oscam-1.20-unstable_svn-r11233
Compiler: arm-bcm2708hardfp-linux-gnueabi-libusb-pcsc
Box type: generic (generic)
PID: 1706
TempDir: /tmp/.oscam
ConfigDir: /usr/local/etc/
WebifPort: 16002

Web interface support: yes
LiveLog support: yes
jQuery support intern: yes
Touch interface support: yes
SSL support: no
DVB API support: yes
DVB API with AZBOX support: no
DVB API with MCA support: no
DVB API with COOLAPI support: no
DVB API with COOLAPI2 support: no
DVB API with STAPI support: no
DVB API with STAPI5 support: no
DVB API read-sdt charsets: yes
Irdeto guessing: yes
Anti-cascading support: yes
Debug mode: yes
Monitor: yes
Loadbalancing support: yes
Cache exchange support: yes
CW Cycle Check support: yes
LCD support: no
LED support: no
Clockfix with realtime clock: yes
IPv6 support: no

camd 3.3x: no
camd 3.5 UDP: yes
camd 3.5 TCP: yes
newcamd: yes
CCcam: yes
CCcam share: yes
gbox: yes
radegast: yes
scam: yes
serial: yes
constant CW: yes
Pandora: yes
ghttp: yes

Reader support: yes

Nagra: yes
Irdeto: yes
Conax: yes
Cryptoworks: yes
Seca: yes
Viaccess: yes
NDS Videoguard: yes
DRE Crypt: yes
Bulcrypt: yes
Griffin: yes
DGCrypt: yes

cardreader_phoenix: yes
cardreader_internal_azbox: no
cardreader_internal_coolapi: no
cardreader_internal_coolapi2: no
cardreader_internal_sci: yes
cardreader_sc8in1: yes
cardreader_mp35: yes
cardreader_smargo: yes
cardreader_pcsc: yes
cardreader_smartreader: yes
cardreader_db2com: yes
cardreader_stapi: no
cardreader_stapi5: no
cardreader_stinger: yes


oscam config

logfile = /usr/local/etc
disableuserfile = 0
usrfile = /usr/local/etc
lb_mode = 1
lb_auto_betatunnel_mode = 3


port = 15000
suppresscmd08 = 1

port = 12000
nodeid = E5A864DA10491558
version = 2.3.0
reshare = 1
ignorereshare = 1

enabled = 1
au = 1
pmt_mode = 0
delayer = 60
ecminfo_type = 1
user = dvbapiau
read_sdt = 1
write_sdt_prov = 1
boxtype = dreambox

port = 24480
monlevel = 4

httpport = 83
httpuser = XXX
httppwd = XXX
httphelplang = de
httppollrefresh = 10

oscam user

user = dvbapiau
pwd = dvbapiau
caid = 0600&0F00,0900&0F00,0B00&0F00,1800&FF00,0500&0F00
monlevel = 4
group = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,30
preferlocalcards = 0
cccreshare = 1
cccignorereshare = 0
au = 1

oscam server

label = hdplus-schwarze-Karte(Kartenschacht-unten)
enable = 0
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
services = hdplus
caid = 1843
boxkey = A7642F57BC96D37C
rsakey = BF358B5461863130686FC933FB541FFCED682F3680F09DBC1A23829FB3B2F766B9DD1BF3B3ECC9AD6661B753DCC3A9624156F9EB64E8168EF09E4D9C5CCA4DD5
detect = cd
mhz = 500
cardmhz = 369
group = 2
emmcache = 1,1,2,0
cccreshare = 1

label = SRG-Swiss(Kartenschacht-oben)
enable = 0
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci1
caid = 0500
detect = cd
mhz = 500
group = 6
emmcache = 1,1,2,0
cccreshare = 1
deprecated = 1

label = line_cccam
enable = 0
protocol = cccam
device =,12000
user = user
password = pass
fallback = 1
group = 3
cccversion = 2.3.0
ccckeepalive = 1

oscam dvbapi

P: 0500:050810
#P: 1830
#P: 1843
#P: 098C
#P: 09C4
#P: 1702

oscam version

Unix starttime: 1462904557
Starttime: 10.05.2016 20:22:37
Version: oscam-1.20-unstable_svn-r10892
Compiler: mipsel-newnigma2-linux-gnu
Box type: gigablue (generic)
TempDir: /tmp/.oscam
ConfigDir: /etc/tuxbox/config/
WebifPort: 83

Web interface support: yes
LiveLog support: yes
jQuery support intern: yes
Touch interface support: yes
SSL support: no
DVB API support: yes
DVB API with AZBOX support: no
DVB API with MCA support: no
DVB API with COOLAPI support: no
DVB API with STAPI support: no
DVB API with STAPI5 support: no
DVB API read-sdt charsets: yes
Irdeto guessing: yes
Anti-cascading support: yes
Debug mode: yes
Monitor: yes
Loadbalancing support: yes
Cache exchange support: yes
CW Cycle Check support: yes
LCD support: no
LED support: no
Emulator support: yes
Clockfix with realtime clock: yes
IPv6 support: no

camd 3.3x: no
camd 3.5 UDP: yes
camd 3.5 TCP: yes
newcamd: yes
CCcam: yes
CCcam share: yes
gbox: yes
radegast: yes
scam: yes
serial: yes
constant CW: yes
Pandora: yes
ghttp: yes

Reader support: yes

Nagra: yes
Irdeto: yes
Conax: yes
Cryptoworks: yes
Seca: yes
Viaccess: yes
NDS Videoguard: yes
DRE Crypt: yes
Bulcrypt: yes
Griffin: yes
DGCrypt: yes

cardreader_phoenix: yes
cardreader_internal_azbox: no
cardreader_internal_coolapi: no
cardreader_internal_sci: yes
cardreader_sc8in1: yes
cardreader_mp35: yes
cardreader_smargo: yes
cardreader_pcsc: no
cardreader_smartreader: no
cardreader_db2com: yes
cardreader_stapi: no
cardreader_stapi5: no
cardreader_stinger: yes
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: AU mit SRG V5 und Easymouse

Ist es wirklich so schwer mal ohne Ausnahme ALLES zu posten was du hast? Da fehlt doch schon wieder die oscam.server des Client...
Auch eventuell vorhandene oscam.dvbapi usw. usf. einfach mal alles.
