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Zum Frühstück die 0.9.3877


23. Oktober 2008
Gibt seit heute nacht wieder eine neue.

AW: Zum Frühstück die 0.9.3877

Welcome to AZBOX | Welcome to AZBOX

OpenSAT is proud to present

AZBox HD Firmware - rev. 0.9.3877




- Redraw routine for subtitle when the drawing fails.
- Corrected an issue when some movies are restarting play in Movie player.
- Corrected the continues play bug in Music Player.
- Corrected the large artwork bug in Music Player.
- Corrected an audio play bug when using Photo Slide Show
- Corrected the duration time issue in Movie Player.
- Corrected a bug regarding the single EPG.
- Corrected some bugs regarding photo viewer (zoom in/out, rotation, move, etc.)
- Corrected a problem related to the bookmark function and high bitrate movies.
- Corrected a problem with the play time in YouTube.
- Corrected a VFD problem regarding accent characters
- Corrected a problem when some GUI elements were overlapping (TV module).


- Added the ability to delete a group of channels in the channel manager.
- Added some setup functions in the movie player.
- Added language selection in teletext.
- Added the 'all' option in the backup/restore feature
- Added a jump key in File Manager.
- Added a possibility to show the play or remaining time in the VFD.
-Added more GMT offsets
- Added 480i video resolution for component and HDMI video output.


- Increased the channel zapping speed
- Better detection of the duration time of MP3 files (when file includes artwork).
- Increased the video quality by correcting the mosaic problem at movie player.
- Changed the PAT parser on media player to ensure the stability when parsing multiple PIDs.
- Modified the channel manager to close when a channel was selected.
- Insert some additional info at the recording buffer header.
- Modified the TS parser to extract the exact time from PTS (Movie Player).
- Modified the plug-in message queue for better synchronization and speed.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Zum Frühstück die 0.9.3877


ertser eindruck bisher die beste soft auf meiner az
ntsf platte wird erkannt
umschaltzeiten gut
movie player läuft nicht mit allen mkv’s
aber soweit bin ich erst mal zufrieden
wollen hoffen dass es weiter so in diese richtung geht
hatte nach der letzten schon fast die hoffnung aufgegeben

mfg rap1
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