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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

weisse HD+ 01 will nicht mehr


Ist gelegentlich hier
14. Juni 2010
Hallo Leute,

ich habe ein Synology NAS mit einem Smargo und OScam 1.20~r9362-3. Heute habe ich mal oscam neu installiert weil es mein NAS geschrottet hat. Karte wird erkannt, allerdings will das Ding nun nicht mehr mit der Fehlermeldung:
(1830&000000/0000/EF11/92:1A78C5297BC9D8E2AC05B0F2B56B3203): not found (244 ms) by hdplus - VOX HD

Anbei meine Config Files. Evtl. kann mir wer helfen?

label = hdplus
description = hdplus
protocol = smartreader
device = 002:002
services = hdplus
lb_whitelist_services = hdplus
caid = 1830
boxkey = A...C
rsakey = B...5
detect = cd
mhz = 534
cardmhz = 369
ident = 1830:000000,003411,008011
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,2

serverip = meine Server IP
logfile = /usr/local/oscam/var/oscam.log


port = 34000@1830:000000,003411,008011
serverip = meine Server IP
key = 0102030405060708091011121314

httpport = mein Port
httpallowed =,

user = Flo
pwd = datPW
caid = 1830
suppresscmd08 = 1
au = hdplus
group = 1
services = hdplus
ident = 1830:000000,003411,008011

user = andi
pwd = datPW
caid = 1830
suppresscmd08 = 1
au = hdplus
group = 1
services = hdplus
ident = 1830:000000,003411,008011

user = andivu
pwd = datPW
caid = 1830
suppresscmd08 = 1
au = hdplus
group = 1
services = hdplus
ident = 1830:000000,003411,008011

user = mattl
pwd = datPW
caid = 1830
suppresscmd08 = 1
au = hdplus
group = 1
services = hdplus
ident = 1830:000000,003411,008011

# HD+ (HD01) **************************************
m:1830:::::92 1830:000000

caid = 1830
provid = 000000,003411,008011
srvid = 277E,EF10,EF11,EF14,EF15,EF74,EF75,EF76,EF77,5273,5274,1519,2E9B,151A,157F,157C

### DVB-S - Astra HD+ - Astra 19.2E
0000,1830,1843,1860,098C,09C4:126E|BetaDigital|.1 Testkanal|TV|Astra HD+
0000,1830,1843,1860,098C,09C4:126F|BetaDigital|.2 Testkanal|TV|Astra HD+
0000,1830,1843,1860,098C,09C4:1519|BetaDigital|Tele5 HD|TV|Astra HD+
0000,1830,1843,1860,098C,09C4:151A|BetaDigital|DMAX HD|TV|Astra HD+
0000,1830,1843,1860,098C,09C4:157C|BetaDigital|Disney Channel HD|TV|Astra HD+
0000,1830,1843,1860,098C,09C4:157F|BetaDigital|Deluxe Music HD|Astra HD+
0000,1830,1843,1860,098C,09C4:1581|BetaDigital|Sport1 HD|TV|Astra HD+
0000,1830,1843,1860,098C,09C4:2E9B|CBC|Super RTL HD|TV|Astra HD+
0000,1830,1843,1860,098C,09C4:5273|MTV Networks|NICK/CC HD|TV|Astra HD+
0000,1830,1843,1860,098C,09C4:5274|BetaDigital|N24 HD|TV|Astra HD+
0000,1830,1843,1860,098C,09C4:EF10|CBC|RTL HD|TV|Astra HD+
0000,1830,1843,1860,098C,09C4:EF11|CBC|VOX HD|TV|Astra HD+
0000,1830,1843,1860,098C,09C4:EF14|BetaDigital|Sport1 HD (old)|TV|Astra HD+
0000,1830,1843,1860,098C,09C4:EF15|BetaDigital|RTL2 HD|TV|Astra HD+
0000,1830,1843,1860,098C,09C4:EF74|ProSiebenSat.1|SAT.1 HD|TV|Astra HD+
0000,1830,1843,1860,098C,09C4:EF75|ProSiebenSat.1|ProSieben HD|TV|Astra HD+
0000,1830,1843,1860,098C,09C4:EF76|ProSiebenSat.1|kabel eins HD|TV|Astra HD+
0000,1830,1843,1860,098C,09C4:EF77|ProSiebenSat.1|SIXX HD|TV|Astra HD+
0000,1830,1843,1860,098C,09C4:EF78|ProSiebenSat.1|ProSieben MAXX HD|TV|Astra HD+
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: weisse HD+ 01 will nicht mehr

karte wird mit CARDOK ( 1 entitlements ) im WebIF angezeigt?
kannst du mal auch bitte das log posten wo diese eingelesen wird, von configs her würde ich sagen ok
AW: weisse HD+ 01 will nicht mehr

Warum ist eigentlich der emmcache = 1,3,2 soweit verbreitet?! 1,1,2 reicht doch man muss die Karte doch nicht noch mehr belasten...
AW: weisse HD+ 01 will nicht mehr

karte wird mit CARDOK ( 1 entitlements ) im WebIF angezeigt?
kannst du mal auch bitte das log posten wo diese eingelesen wird, von configs her würde ich sagen ok
Ja CARDOK, ATR angezeigt, richtig initialisiert, Serial, etc. alles da.
Nichts desto trotz habe ich gestern Abend noch mal die OScam komplett neu installiert. Die gleichen Configs drauf. Und siehe da. Mittlerweile gehts wieder, warum auch immer?

Wahrscheinlich weil es in vielen grundkonfigarationen mit drin ist und viele Leute nicht wissen was sie tun.

Genau richtig. Und weil ich keine Lust habe mich damit zu beschäftigen. Des Weiteren habe ich mir keine Gedanken darüber gemacht ob er einen EMM 3x oder 1x auf die Karte schreibt. Ist aber auch dem geschuldet das als Client nur ich und mein Bruder am NAS hängen.
AW: weisse HD+ 01 will nicht mehr


Wahrscheinlich weil es in vielen grundkonfigarationen mit drin ist und viele Leute nicht wissen was sie tun.

Gruß Ralf

Bei den jetzigen Oscam Versionen eh relativ egal, EMM die nicht benötigt werden, werden einfach nicht geschrieben und übersprungen.

AW: weisse HD+ 01 will nicht mehr

So... nun ist es wieder passiert. Ohne auf dem NAS was zu ändern, ohne auf den Clients was zu ändern, ohne irgendwelche Einstellungen zu ändern geht von heute auf morgen meine Karte nicht mehr.

Karte wird erkannt, Clients connecten aber es gibt eine Fehlermeldung (siehe im Spoiler rot)

2014/03/26 20:45:19 1057F0 r hdplus [smartreader] card detected
2014/03/26 20:45:19 1057F0 r hdplus [smartreader] init card at 369 mhz
2014/03/26 20:45:24 1057F0 r hdplus [smartreader] ATR: 3F (das kennt ihr ja *g*).. 61
2014/03/26 20:45:24 1057F0 r hdplus [smartreader] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2014/03/26 20:45:24 1057F0 r hdplus [smartreader] Calculated work ETU is 5.99 us reader mhz = 534
2014/03/26 20:45:24 1057F0 r hdplus [smartreader] autospeed = 1
2014/03/26 20:45:24 1057F0 r hdplus [smartreader] Effectif reader settings mhz =534 F= 512 D= 16 N=0 T=1 inv=1 parity=ODD
2014/03/26 20:45:24 1057F0 r hdplus [smartreader] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to atr Fsmax for smartreader cardspeed off 5.34 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/03/26 20:45:24 1057F0 r hdplus [smartreader] Card responded ok for ifsd request of 251
2014/03/26 20:45:25 1057F0 r hdplus [smartreader] detect native nagra card
2014/03/26 20:45:27 1057F0 r hdplus [smartreader] found card system nagra
2014/03/26 20:45:27 1057F0 r hdplus [nagra] THIS WAS A SUCCESFULL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2014/03/26 20:45:27 1057F0 r hdplus [nagra] ROM: D N A S P 1 4 2
2014/03/26 20:45:27 1057F0 r hdplus [nagra] REV: R e v G C 6
2014/03/26 20:45:27 1057F0 r hdplus [nagra] SER: ############
2014/03/26 20:45:27 1057F0 r hdplus [nagra] CAID: 1830
2014/03/26 20:45:27 1057F0 r hdplus [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2014/03/26 20:45:27 1057F0 r hdplus [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2014/03/26 20:45:27 1057F0 r hdplus [nagra] IRD ID: ############
2014/03/26 20:45:27 1057F0 r hdplus [nagra] active to: 2014/03/25 11:59
2014/03/26 20:45:27 1057F0 r hdplus [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2014/03/26 20:45:27 1057F0 r hdplus [nagra] |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2014/03/26 20:45:27 1057F0 r hdplus [nagra] +----+--------+------------+------------+
2014/03/26 20:45:27 1057F0 r hdplus [nagra] |8011|0064 |2010/12/03 |2011/12/04 |
2014/03/26 20:45:27 1057F0 r hdplus [nagra] |8011|0065 |1992/01/01 |1993/01/01 |
2014/03/26 20:45:27 1057F0 r hdplus [nagra] |8011|0BEA |2011/12/03 |2015/01/16 |
2014/03/26 20:45:27 1057F0 r hdplus [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2014/03/26 20:45:27 1057F0 r hdplus [nagra] ready for requests
2014/03/26 20:45:28 0 s init for all local cards done
2014/03/26 20:45:28 0 s anti cascading disabled
2014/03/26 20:45:28 115688 c client connected to 34000 port
2014/03/26 20:45:28 115688 c anonymous disconnected from IP_Client
2014/03/26 20:45:28 113980 c client connected to 34000 port
2014/03/26 20:45:28 113980 c anonymous disconnected from IP_Client
2014/03/26 20:45:33 117390 c client connected to 34000 port
2014/03/26 20:45:33 117390 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client IP_Client granted (andivu, au=on (1 reader))
2014/03/26 20:45:33 117390 c user andivu authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/03/26 20:45:33 117390 c AU enabled for user andivu on reader hdplus
2014/03/26 20:45:34 119098 c client connected to 34000 port
2014/03/26 20:45:34 119098 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client IP_Client granted (Flo, au=on (1 reader))
2014/03/26 20:45:34 119098 c user Flo authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/03/26 20:45:34 119098 c AU enabled for user Flo on reader hdplus
2014/03/26 20:45:42 113980 c client connected to 34000 port
2014/03/26 20:45:42 113980 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client IP_Client granted (mattl, au=on (1 reader))
2014/03/26 20:45:42 113980 c user mattl authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2014/03/26 20:45:42 113980 c AU enabled for user mattl on reader hdplus
2014/03/26 20:58:10 119098 c Flo (1830&000000/0000/EF11/92:BB0116B5CDC7F6C72A61DCAE7D35C0FB): not found (245 ms) by hdplus - VOX HD
AW: weisse HD+ 01 will nicht mehr

solltest mal deine configs überprüfen wegen dem AU, sonst fragst du am 17.05 wieder wieso die nicht geht :emoticon-0105-wink:
AW: weisse HD+ 01 will nicht mehr

Hallo Zusammen,
ich versuche vergebens im Smargo die HD01 ans laufen zu bekommen.

Hier meine config:

[reader]label = hdplus
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ttyUSB1
caid = 1830
rsakey = BF35xxxDD5
boxkey = A7xxx7C
detect = cd
ecmwhitelist = 1830:92
mhz = 369
cardmhz = 368
ident = 1830:000000,003411,008011
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,2
auprovid = 003411

Und hier die log:

>> OSCam << cardserver started at Fri Mar 28 21:34:10 2014
2014/03/28 21:34:10 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r788 (mipsel-newnigma2-linux-gnu)
2014/03/28 21:34:10 0 s creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 6723
2014/03/28 21:34:10 0 s userdb reloaded: 1 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2014/03/28 21:34:10 0 s signal handling initialized
2014/03/28 21:34:10 0 s 326 service-id's loaded in 7ms
2014/03/28 21:34:10 0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=7, port=34000)
2014/03/28 21:34:10 0 s -> CAID: 0B01 PROVID: 000000
2014/03/28 21:34:10 0 s cccam: initialized (fd=8, port=40000)
2014/03/28 21:34:10 0 s hdplus [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/ttyUSB1
2014/03/28 21:34:10 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2014/03/28 21:34:10 0 s waiting for local card init
2014/03/28 21:34:10 76E00468 h webif: decompressed 69662 bytes back into 195704 bytes
2014/03/28 21:34:10 76E00468 h HTTP Server running. ip= port=83
2014/03/28 21:34:10 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Reader initialized (device=/dev/ttyUSB1, detect=cd, mhz=369, cardmhz=368)
2014/03/28 21:34:11 629120 r hdplus [mouse] card detected
2014/03/28 21:34:14 629120 r hdplus [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FE 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 34 32 20 52 65 76 47 43 36 61
2014/03/28 21:34:14 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2014/03/28 21:34:14 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Setting baudrate to 115200 bps
2014/03/28 21:34:14 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 8.67 us reader mhz = 369
2014/03/28 21:34:14 629120 r hdplus [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.69 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/03/28 21:34:15 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Warning: Card returned error on setting ifsd value to 251
2014/03/28 21:34:16 629120 r hdplus [mouse] detect native nagra card
2014/03/28 21:34:18 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us
2014/03/28 21:34:19 629120 r hdplus [mouse] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!
2014/03/28 21:34:22 629120 r hdplus [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FE 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 34 32 20 52 65 76 47 43 36 61
2014/03/28 21:34:22 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2014/03/28 21:34:22 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Setting baudrate to 115200 bps
2014/03/28 21:34:22 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 8.67 us reader mhz = 369
2014/03/28 21:34:22 629120 r hdplus [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.69 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/03/28 21:34:24 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Warning: Card returned error on setting ifsd value to 251
2014/03/28 21:34:25 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us
2014/03/28 21:34:27 629120 r hdplus [mouse] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!
2014/03/28 21:34:30 629120 r hdplus [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FE 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 34 32 20 52 65 76 47 43 36 61
2014/03/28 21:34:30 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2014/03/28 21:34:30 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Setting baudrate to 115200 bps
2014/03/28 21:34:30 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 8.67 us reader mhz = 369
2014/03/28 21:34:30 629120 r hdplus [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.69 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/03/28 21:34:31 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Warning: Card returned error on setting ifsd value to 251
2014/03/28 21:34:31 629120 r hdplus [mouse] card system not supported
2014/03/28 21:34:31 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Normal mode failed, reverting to Deprecated Mode
2014/03/28 21:34:34 629120 r hdplus [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FE 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 34 32 20 52 65 76 47 43 36 61
2014/03/28 21:34:34 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2014/03/28 21:34:34 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 100.81 us reader mhz = 369
2014/03/28 21:34:34 629120 r hdplus [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.69 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/03/28 21:34:36 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Warning: Card returned error on setting ifsd value to 251
2014/03/28 21:34:37 629120 r hdplus [mouse] detect native nagra card
2014/03/28 21:34:38 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us
2014/03/28 21:34:40 629120 r hdplus [mouse] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!
2014/03/28 21:34:43 629120 r hdplus [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FE 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 34 32 20 52 65 76 47 43 36 61
2014/03/28 21:34:43 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2014/03/28 21:34:43 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Setting baudrate to 115200 bps
2014/03/28 21:34:43 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 8.67 us reader mhz = 369
2014/03/28 21:34:43 629120 r hdplus [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.69 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/03/28 21:34:44 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Warning: Card returned error on setting ifsd value to 251
2014/03/28 21:34:46 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Resync error: readtimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us, writetimeouts 0/0 (max/min) us
2014/03/28 21:34:47 629120 r hdplus [mouse] T1 Resync command error, trying to reactivate!
2014/03/28 21:34:50 629120 r hdplus [mouse] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FE 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 34 32 20 52 65 76 47 43 36 61
2014/03/28 21:34:50 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2014/03/28 21:34:50 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Setting baudrate to 115200 bps
2014/03/28 21:34:50 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Calculated work ETU is 8.67 us reader mhz = 369
2014/03/28 21:34:50 629120 r hdplus [mouse] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to wanted user cardspeed off 3.69 MHz (specified in reader->mhz)
2014/03/28 21:34:52 629120 r hdplus [mouse] Warning: Card returned error on setting ifsd value to 251
2014/03/28 21:34:52 629120 r hdplus [mouse] card system not supported
2014/03/28 21:34:52 629120 r hdplus [mouse] THIS WAS A FAILED START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2014/03/28 21:34:52 629120 r hdplus [mouse] card initializing error
2014/03/28 21:34:52 0 s init for all local cards done
2014/03/28 21:34:52 0 s anti cascading disabled
2014/03/28 21:34:52 639278 c plain dvbapi-client granted (dm7020, au=auto (1 reader))
2014/03/28 21:34:52 639278 c [DVBAPI] Detected /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 Api: 0, userconfig boxtype: 1
2014/03/28 21:34:53 639278 c [DVBAPI] Receiver sends PMT command 3 for channel EF10
2014/03/28 21:34:53 639278 c [DVBAPI] Receiver wants to demux srvid EF10 on adapter 0000 camask 0008 index 0003 pmtpid 0060
2014/03/28 21:34:53 639278 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1830 ECM_PID: 1CCC PROVID: 000000
2014/03/28 21:34:53 639278 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1843 ECM_PID: 19CC PROVID: 000000
2014/03/28 21:34:53 639278 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 09C4 ECM_PID: 1BCC PROVID: 000000
2014/03/28 21:34:53 639278 c [ADD PID 3] CAID: 098C ECM_PID: 1ACC PROVID: 000000
2014/03/28 21:34:53 639278 c [ADD PID 4] CAID: 1860 ECM_PID: 1ECC PROVID: 000000
2014/03/28 21:34:53 639278 c Found 5 ECMpids and 6 STREAMpids in PMT
2014/03/28 21:34:53 639278 c [DVBAPI] Receiver wants to demux srvid EF10 on adapter 0000 camask 0008 index 0003 pmtpid 0060
2014/03/28 21:34:53 639278 c New program number: EF10 (RTL HD) [pmt_list_management 3]
2014/03/28 21:34:53 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:34:53 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:34:53 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:34:54 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:34:54 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:34:54 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:34:54 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:34:55 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:34:55 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:34:55 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:34:56 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:34:56 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:34:56 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:34:57 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:34:57 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:34:57 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:34:57 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:34:58 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:34:58 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:34:58 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:34:59 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:34:59 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:34:59 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:00 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:00 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:00 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:00 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:01 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:01 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:01 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:02 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:02 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:02 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:03 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:03 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:03 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:03 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:04 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:04 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:04 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:05 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:05 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:05 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:06 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:06 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:06 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:06 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:07 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:07 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:07 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:08 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:08 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:08 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:09 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:09 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:09 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:09 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:10 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:10 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:10 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:11 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:11 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:11 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:12 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:12 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:12 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:12 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:13 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:13 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:13 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:14 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:14 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:14 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:15 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:15 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:15 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:15 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:16 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:16 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!
2014/03/28 21:35:16 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 5 ecmpids!
2014/03/28 21:35:17 639278 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 no suitable readers found that can be used for decoding!

Kann jemand helfen?