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VU+ Solo - OpenPLI 3 - lan (eth0) mac Adresse dauerhaft ändern?


21. Juni 2009
hallo, leider finde ich die datei: /etc/init.d/bootup nicht wo man als erstes zeile: ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:55 (als beispiel) einfügen hätte können.

habe noch einen anderen versuch gestartet:

There a simple way to fix your DM boxes, but how this is done depends on the image you are using.

[1] on all Pli images Flubber/ Garnet/ Helenite / Iolite;

a) with telnet or DCC go to /var/etc on your clone box and create a file  callled chg_mac.sh (command in telnet is 'touch chg_mac.sh)

b) now edit chg_mac.sh with say "vi" so the command is vi chg_mac.sh or in DCC use FTP to edit the file

c) now add this content to the file

Code: Select all
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 down hw ether 00:0a:03:43:51:4a
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 up

you can change the 00:0a:03:43:51:4a to an unused MAC address (pick a number but not the same as anything on your LAN)

d) now change the attributes of this file to chmod +x or 755 so it is  executable under *nix - right click in DCC and select change attributes

e) make a file called init in your /var/etc directory - in telnet touch init

f)now edit init with say "vi" so the command is vi init or in DCC use FTP to edit the file

g) now add this content to the file

Code: Select all
if [ -x /var/etc/chg_mac.sh ]; then /var/etc/chg_mac.sh ; fi

NOTE: if you do not use the name chg_mac.sh for the mac data make sure  you change this init file to reflect the name you choose - else this  will not work as your file will not be run at boot time.

h)now change the attributes of this file to chmod +x or 755 so it is  executable under *nix - right click in DCC and select change attributes
Your Adsense Code

i) now reboot the DM

Another Method

Create a file called init (no extension - if you do it in notepad, it  will add a .txt extension. the way around this is to save as init &  put inverted commas around it - eg "init" & that will save it as  init without any extension

Put this line into the file -

Code: Select all
ifconfig eth0 down; ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00[B]Bild ist nicht mehr aktiv.[/B]23:47:97:E5; ifconfig eth0 up

Then upload the file to VAR/ETC & reboot

leider zeigt die box nach neustart wieder die alte mac an.
wäre super wenn jemand ne lösung hätte.

hätte auch team viewer installiert (falls es jemand selber versuchen möchte).

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AW: VU+ Solo - OpenPLI 3 - lan (eth0) mac Adresse dauerhaft ändern?

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