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Angebot Software Sygic Fleet 8.30er Truck / Build 31534 - XP - Version

AW: Sygic Fleet 8.30er Truck / Build 31534 - XP - Version

Thanks.... i needed this version it's the minimum build version for centrafuse use.
Or else i cannot get it to work in windows 8.

hope this will work now.
AW: Sygic Fleet 8.30er Truck / Build 31534 - XP - Version

there is nothing there to download at my drive.
did you delete the file ?

can you please help me to get this or a newer version ?
that would be really helpfull because i am having a really,really hard time finding this.

AW: Sygic Fleet 8.30er Truck / Build 31534 - XP - Version

Sorry, müsste aber nun wieder funktionieren!
AW: Sygic Fleet 8.30er Truck / Build 31534 - XP - Version

yes it does fuction again.
and it's a newer version too ...37266

finally i can get this to work now.
i have been looking for a version like this for a very long time.

danke schön !
AW: Sygic Fleet 8.30er Truck / Build 31534 - XP - Version

Hätte ich gerne danke!
AW: Sygic Fleet 8.30er Truck / Build 31534 - XP - Version

Hallo nexit1111,

siehe doch mal Beitrag #1 in diesem Thread!

Gruß ReSiGe
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