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STB model 6E736B20 and ins7E (CAID 09BB)

any one have 09BB working oscam?

Did you get the k1 key? or dcw key?
forget about this....this is airtel caid 09BB red card encrypted type 3des..
yes still not possibel to get key with easy way may be 2023 solve this issue and get 3des easy...
Okay, so this card is 3DES overcrypt. However, you did not config BOXID correctly. That is why the log shows “Card needs pairing/extra data”.

Let’s start from ins7e, you should be able to see your ins7e from the menu as a format like this:


Then, you should be able to grab BBBBBBBB from ins7e and adds 80 to the first two digits and then take that as your BOXID.

And lastly your ins7e will be like this:


With all of the above configurations your card should be able to enter the mode so called “8B”. And then you will be stuck with 3DES k1_unique key same as me. ;P
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