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Oscam Help

AW: Oscam Help

Thnks but i have installed it
The problem is: "When i deep shutdown my receiver and i start it again in Panel SoftCam CW0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 and cw1: ad 45 ad (is an exmple).
But CW0 remain only to 00 00 00 00 00 00 and do not refresh.
I must stop and start again oscam and it go well."
AW: Oscam Help

Good morning to all,
before I have posted this problem that when I shutdown in deep mode and I turn on receiver Oscam seem to be no good. Cw0: 00 00 00 and cw1 ab cd etc. if I stop Oscam and I restart them cw0 ab cd etc and cw1 too. In which way I can resolve this? That is like Oscam at the turn on from deep shutdown do not start well. I have installed them manually because ipk don't install panel. What are cw0 and cw1? In the install script Code:emuname = oscam
binname = oscam
startcam = /usr/bin/oscam -b -r 2 -c /usr/keys
stopcam = killall -9 oscam
what mean -b -r 2 -c?
can I change something to start Oscam well?
i remember that in a previous installation of enigma with hdmu Oscam start with only:
-b -r (I saw that in the panel) Oscam in this version of enigma can be install from emu plugin.
can I change script only with these two parameters? What mean -b -r 2 -c?
thank for all answer
AW: Oscam Help

-b run as deamon in background
-r2 restart on segfaults
-c /usr/keys Conf dir is /usr/keys
AW: Oscam Help

And what about cw0 and cw1.
When start receiver only cw1 is ok.
cw0 is 00 00 00 00 00
I must restart oscam from panel.
In which way i can resolve?
AW: Oscam Help

Hi al-x83,
I have downloaded this file of oscam that you post:
So i have a Spark triplex.
Which are the differences between the file in it?
The files are these:

Two files are with "svn", what does it means?
Two files are with "emu", what does it means?

Then i think that the files with libusb are the files with library, it is correct?

What is the best file to install? "Svn" or "Emu"? And in both cases with "libusb" or not?

Thanks al-x83

AW: Oscam Help

- "svn" means "subversion" and contains the version from oscam. All oscam versions with modern WebIf have their own version. In this case 1424.
- "emu" means "emulator". This oscam version has an emulator included. Therefore you have the possibility to encrypt channels without smartcard. In this case a SoftCam.Key file must be included in the config directory.

The versions with the appendix libusb have the library libusb inside. So you don’t need this library on your system itself.
This versions are necessary only, if you want to use a smargo reader with smartreader protocol.
AW: Oscam Help

Which are the best to install pls?
and the "emu" versione you tell me that have the possibility to encryot channel. In which way and what use is for?
Where i can take softcam.key?
Take a look to these:
oscam-1.20-modern1124-sh4-linux-libusb this is old oscam file
oscam-1.20-modern_svn1424-sh4-linux this is new oscam file
in the old file in not include svn?
So i can install the file without libusb because i haven't a smargo reader!!!
Why i must encrypt channel for what use?
AW: Oscam Help

install the first one,
since you don't know anything about emu, you won't need it
AW: Oscam Help

Here is a list o f possible Providers for Emu but it's not up to date:

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CAID 0D05 should be almost dark.
Use a Binary without libusb.
AW: Oscam Help

can you explane somthing pls? What is emu?
so this file i must use? "oscam-1.20-modern_svn1424-sh4-linux "
AW: Oscam Help

i have tried them.
It look like well but some channel have ms so high. this release oscam-1.20-modern1124-sh4-linux-libusb working and ms in that channel are not so high.
Why this?
I have try to change because is new release.
ms are 350/500.
Are right?
Have I a way to lower them?
If you want i post my config and log.
Tell me and i do it
AW: Oscam Help

At first:
If you have a running system/version and no trouble, any other problems or missing features then there is no reason to change the version.

If you want to change your version anyway, then you should post your complete configs.
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