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Oscam Help


Ist gelegentlich hier
5. Mai 2015
Good morning,
in which way i can install oscam in my dec Spark triplex image HDMU?
I have installed one 10615 but i want to try other oscam.
The file are "oscam-1.20-modern1124-sh4-linux-libusb" or "oscam-1.20-unstable_svn9822-sh4-linux-emu" or "oscam-1.20-unstable_svn9878-sh4-linux".
In which way i can install in my dec?
Thnks to all
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: Oscam Help

Use oscam-1.20-unstable_svn9878-sh4-linux. But why you wanna use an older Version than the installed?
AW: Oscam Help

The Oscam version that have installed on my dec is the newest?
To install any kind of oscam i must put in /usr/emu, change name and overwrite the existing one?
AW: Oscam Help

The newest OScam is 10656 os far:
To install any kind of oscam i must put in /usr/emu, change name and overwrite the existing one?
Yes. After this, you can start it in the Emu-menu
AW: Oscam Help

And another question.
Take a look to my configuration, i have put the change if thay are best near mine:

oscam.conf ---------------------------
disablelog = 1
loghistorysize = 1024
logfile = /var/log/oscam.log
nice = -10
maxlogsize = 100
usrfile = /var/log/oscamuser.log


enabled = 1
au = Share_1,Share_2,TivuSat ---------------------------- or -------------------------------> au = 1
user = Local_User_DvbApi
boxtype = ipbox

httpport = 8888
httpuser = xxxxxx
httppwd = xxxxxxxxxx
httphelplang = it
httpshowuserinfo = 1
httpshowecminfo = 1
httpallowed =,

oscam.server -------------------------------------------------
label = Share_1
protocol = cccam
device = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,xxxxxxxxxxx
user = xxxxxxxxxxx
password = xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
#inactivitytimeout = 1
#group = 1
#cccversion = 2.1.1
#cccmaxhops = 3
#ccckeepalive = 1
inactivitytimeout = 30
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,2
cccversion =
ccckeepalive = 1

label = Share_2
protocol = cccam
device = xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,xxxxxxxxxx
user = xxxxxxxxxxxx
password = xxxxxxxxxxxxx
#inactivitytimeout = 1
#group = 1
#cccversion = 2.1.1
#cccmaxhops = 3
#ccckeepalive = 1
inactivitytimeout = 30
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,2
cccversion =
ccckeepalive = 1

label = TivuSat
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
caid = 183D
rsakey = A92DA...........164B5
detect = cd
nagra_read = 1
mhz = 500
cardmhz = 368
ident = 183D:000000,005411
group = 2
emmcache = 1,2,2,0
blockemm-unknown = 1
blockemm-u = 1
blockemm-g = 1
lb_weight = 300

oscam.user -----------------------------
user = Local_User_DvbApi
monlevel = 4
au = Share_1,Share_2,TivuSat -------------------------------------------------> au = 1
group = 1,2
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: Oscam Help

in [dvbapi] au=1 is the only option available !!
open oscam webif . config - dvbapi
AW: Oscam Help

Thnks for all.
Your unswer are very fast.
where i can download this Oscam for my dec?
And you think that there is something for setting in best way this configuration?
I have a lot of freeze in S*y all channel in the other channel never never frezze.
Thnks a lot.
AW: Oscam Help

Use 10615. Newer versions heavt to be compiled first.
AW: Oscam Help

this is my dec: Spark triplex 7162 SH4.
I have installed fron plugin menu Oscam 10516 and MgCamd.
I have changed something with FTP but i don't remember what.
I want to erase all files, after have stopped and disinstalled the two emu from menu plugin.
After this is I erase files from folder Keys and Emu are there any other file to be erase?.After then i installed them again.
Thnks for help me
AW: Oscam Help

For Link Removed
I want to install OpenaTV image.
I have the file pdf in Geman language.
I want to put this file for Oscam: "oscam-1.20-unstable_svn10615-sh4-linux"
But i don't understand this:
1. das Script oscam.emu nach /etc kopieren und Attribute auf 755 setzen (rechte Maustaste beim DCC)
2. die oscam (bin) aus dem Download in oscam (kleingeschr.) umbenennen und zum Receiver nach /usr/bin kopieren, Attribute 755
and this
Inhalt Script oscam.emu :
emuname = oscam
binname = oscam
startcam = /usr/bin/oscam -b -r 2 -c /usr/keys
stopcam = killall -9 oscam
How i can procede?
AW: Oscam Help

1.) Copy the script to /etc/ and give the attributes 755 to it
2.) Rename the Binary to "oscam" to /usr/bin, also with attributes 755

Content of oscam.emu:
emuname = oscam
binname = oscam
startcam = /usr/bin/oscam -b -r 2 -c /usr/keys
stopcam = killall -9 oscam
AW: Oscam Help

Hi friend
I've installed oscam and Openatv like you said.
Now i've a problem.
When i deep shutdown my receiver and i start it again in Panel SoftCam CW0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 and cw1: ad 45 ad (is an exmple).
But CW0 remain only to 00 00 00 00 00 00 and do not refresh.
I must stop and start again oscam and it go well.
How i can resolve that friend?
AW: Oscam Help

I've git no idea, 'cause i don't use openATV, so I can't tell you anyhing about it
AW: Oscam Help

In OpenATV you need the camfeed. Since you can install oscam per feed. Since currently the r10659 should be.
