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Sonstige Panele Nice Restreamer Panel


23. Januar 2013
Hello all. I would like to present you Nice-Restreamer!

It's a unique tool to manipulate,restream or encode remote or local streams on demand or static ! Build on node.js+ffmpeg. You get a fast,reliable and rock stable Restreamer to get 1000+ connections on single core cpu !

Input Streams = All that FFMPEG can "eat"
Output to Mpegts and HLS (on-demand or static)
Main and Backup streams are switched without client interruption !

Tested on Ubuntu 14.x.x | 16.x.x server
upd: Installer reworked..should work on most debian distro !


cd / && rm install.sh && wget
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&& chmod 755 install.sh && ./install.sh

and Follow on screen instructions !

Simple and Fast installation for all.
wery nice but i can't input noting in free test
You Can put it every thing in this Free Pannell. I test it and every thing is ok.

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how kann i reduce resolution for transkoding.
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