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Neutrino HD ALPHA for AzBox HD Premium/Elite


Elite User
27. März 2008
Neutrino HD ALPHA for AzBox HD Premium/Elite

Hello dear members,

The day when we are releasing Neutrino HD for AzBox HD receivers is here .

Neutrino HD now work on : ELITE and PREMIUM ( Premium+ and Ultra is comming soon! )

How to install ?

- Load on Your AzBox Elite or Premium RC11 or RC12 Enigma 2.

- Connect by FTP to Your AzBox HD and transfer file neo4test_PE.tar.gz to /tmp

- Connect now by telnet and type this command's , one by one :

1. cd /tmp

2. tar -xvzf neo4test.tar.gz -C /

3. cd /

4. cd /home/root

5. ./runme.sh

Now, watch on Your TV, Neutrino is booting

We recommend You to dont change resolution in Settings, or if You change, use OSD Settings -> Screen Setup to allign dimensions to the new resolutions, or You will have distorted OSD .

Some things are not working, but major stuff is working, TV, Radio, WebInterface ( Streaming, Screenshots ) and so on...

Please test and make us informed

Do not expect too much as this is ALPHA version of neutrino for AzBox HD, in next days You can expect more and more

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