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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

Modern Webinterface unter IPC?

AW: Modern Webinterface unter IPC?

so das problemchen ist gelöst worden :thank_you: an allen.
Ich habe heute nochmals installiert und System neugestartet allerdings mit oscam-1.20-unstable_svn-r8938 r358

[COLOR=#333333]wget -O/var/emu/script/oscam-compile.sh  ipc.pebkac.at/ipc/scripts/oscam-compile.sh && chmod +x  /var/emu/script/oscam-compile.sh[/COLOR]


[COLOR=#333333]o compile -mod[/COLOR]

nur laufen jetzt bei manchen klienten keine sky hd kanäle mit :kez_03:oscam-1.20-unstable_svn-r8938

AW: Modern Webinterface unter IPC?

wurde eigentlich schon gelöst, warum das WebIf nicht angesprochen werden kann nachdem man "o compile" und ein OSCam restart durchgeführt hat?
Erst ein 2tes mal neu comilieren funktioniert wieder alles ganz normal...

ist halt ein wenig nervig, wenn man immer 2x kompilieren muss!
AW: Modern Webinterface unter IPC?

ich glaub ich habe den Fehler gefunden, ich habe ipv6 mit compiliert und somit lief es schief... ohne gehts beim 1x ;)
AW: Modern Webinterface unter IPC?

Danke für die Rückmeldung. Somit ist es ein Oscam - Problem und ich muss nicht das Compile-Script debuggen :emoticon-0123-party
AW: Modern Webinterface unter IPC?

nene immer schön so lassen bin mehr als glücklich damit... musste letztens eine OSCam für meine GigaBlue compilieren und hätte mich gefreut wenn es das compile.sh für sie geben würde...

am Raspberry macht kompilieren mit IPC und dem compile.sh mehr als Spass :emoticon-0123-party
AW: Modern Webinterface unter IPC?

Mit simplescript von gorgone ist es ja ein Kinderspiel sich seine eigene zu bauen.
AW: Modern Webinterface unter IPC?

hat auf meiner GigaBlue leider nicht funktioniert, da es mir beim Befehl "./simplebuild debinstall" immer einen unexpected Fehler in Line 1162 ausgegeben hat... habe mir dann einfach fertige OSCam für mipsel gesaugt!

zum Fehler den ich angesprochen habe hier der Startlog wo man es sieht das es am IPv4/IPv6 Problem hängt...
>> OSCam <<  cardserver started at Wed Apr  9 15:06:29 2014
2014/04/09 15:06:29        0 s >> OSCam <<  cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r376 (arm-linux-gnueabihf)
2014/04/09 15:06:29        0 s creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 30317
2014/04/09 15:06:29        0 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 31 services loaded, rejected 0
2014/04/09 15:06:29        0 s userdb reloaded: xxx accounts loaded, xxx expired, xxx disabled
2014/04/09 15:06:29        0 s signal handling initialized
2014/04/09 15:06:29        0 s 363 service-id's loaded in 6ms
2014/04/09 15:06:29        0 s 11 provid's loaded
2014/04/09 15:06:29        0 s 22 lengths for caid guessing loaded
2014/04/09 15:06:29        0 s LED support is not active. Can't detect machine type.
2014/04/09 15:06:29        0 s cccam: Cannot create socket (errno=97: Address family not supported by protocol)
2014/04/09 15:06:29        0 s cccam: Trying fallback to IPv4
2014/04/09 15:06:29        0 s cccam: setsockopt(IPV6_V6ONLY) failed (errno=92: Protocol not available)
2014/04/09 15:06:29        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 119 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:30        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 118 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:31        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 117 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:32        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 116 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:33        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 115 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:34        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 114 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:35        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 113 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:36        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 112 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:37        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 111 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:38        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 110 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:39        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 109 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:40        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 108 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:41        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 107 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:42        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 106 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:43        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 105 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:44        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 104 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:45        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 103 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:46        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 102 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:47        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 101 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:48        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 100 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:49        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 99 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:50        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 98 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:51        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 97 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:52        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 96 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:53        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 95 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:54        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 94 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:55        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 93 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:56        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 92 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:57        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 91 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:58        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 90 seconds
2014/04/09 15:06:59        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 89 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:00        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 88 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:01        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 87 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:02        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 86 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:03        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 85 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:04        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 84 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:05        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 83 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:06        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 82 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:07        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 81 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:08        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 80 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:09        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 79 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:10        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 78 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:11        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 77 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:12        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 76 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:13        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 75 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:14        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 74 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:15        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 73 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:16        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 72 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:17        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 71 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:18        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 70 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:19        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 69 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:20        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 68 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:21        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 67 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:22        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 66 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:23        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 65 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:24        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 64 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:25        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 63 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:26        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 62 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:27        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 61 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:28        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 60 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:29        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 59 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:30        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 58 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:31        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 57 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:32        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 56 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:33        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 55 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:34        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 54 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:35        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 53 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:36        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 52 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:37        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 51 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:38        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 50 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:39        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 49 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:40        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 48 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:41        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 47 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:42        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 46 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:43        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 45 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:44        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 44 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:45        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 43 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:46        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 42 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:47        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 41 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:48        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 40 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:49        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 39 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:50        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 38 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:51        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 37 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:52        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 36 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:53        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 35 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:54        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 34 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:55        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 33 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:56        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 32 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:57        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 31 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:58        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 30 seconds
2014/04/09 15:07:59        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 29 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:00        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 28 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:01        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 27 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:02        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 26 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:03        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 25 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:04        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 24 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:05        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 23 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:06        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 22 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:07        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 21 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:08        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 20 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:09        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 19 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:10        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 18 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:11        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 17 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:12        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 16 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:13        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 15 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:14        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 14 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:15        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 13 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:16        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 12 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:17        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 11 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:18        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 10 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:19        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 9 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:20        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 8 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:21        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 7 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:22        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 6 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:23        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 5 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:24        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 4 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:25        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 3 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:26        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 2 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:27        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), waiting another 1 seconds
2014/04/09 15:08:28        0 s cccam: Bind request failed (Address family not supported by protocol), giving up
2014/04/09 15:08:28        0 s i12k1 [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/easy1
2014/04/09 15:08:28        0 s i12k2 [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/easy2
2014/04/09 15:08:28        0 s um02 [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/easy3
2014/04/09 15:08:28        0 s v23 [mouse] creating thread for device /dev/easy4
2014/04/09 15:08:28        0 s anti cascading disabled
2014/04/09 15:08:28  11B6278 h webif: decompressed 66027 bytes back into 196868 bytes
2014/04/09 15:08:28  11B6278 h HTTP Server: ERROR: Creating IPv6 socket failed! (errno=97 Address family not supported by protocol)
2014/04/09 15:08:28  11B6278 h HTTP Server: Falling back to IPv4.
AW: Modern Webinterface unter IPC?

bei der neuen Version für den Raspi/IPC ist der Save Button verschwunden,das graue Feld unten ist zu hoch,dadurch ist der Button nicht mehr sichtbar
AW: Modern Webinterface unter IPC?

guck guck

hab jetzt aufn rasp umgestellt läuft alles wunderbar blos bekomme das mit dem modern webif nicht hin.

bekomme immer nen fehler

oscam-compile.sh v1.3.0-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Moechten Sie eine bestimmte svn Revisionsnummer kompilieren oder die aktuelle?
[04801] | []Aktuelle


Lade aktuelle oscam-modern Revision 1364...
Ausgecheckt, Revision 1364.

patching file CMakeLists.txt
Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Assume -R? [n]
Apply anyway? [n]
Skipping patch.
4 out of 4 hunks ignored -- saving rejects to file CMakeLists.txt.rej
patching file config.h
Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Assume -R? [n]