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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

MGCAMD 1.35 mit Oscam 1.20 connected aber Sky bleibt stumm


Ist gelegentlich hier
22. Mai 2013
Hi @ all,
sorry ich hab jetzt seit 2 Tagen alle Configs und Vorschläge um gesetzt :-( ich seh vor lauter bäume den wald nicht mehr .
könnt ihr mir weiter helfen?

Habe einen GM 990 mit Enigma2 HDMU Image und MGCAMD 1.35 am laufen ich sehe auf dem Server das der user conected ist, aber das bild bleibt schwarz und stumm.

Unter dem Image Spark läuft alles , will aber das Enigma nutzen.
Wäre topp wenn ich da von euch Profis Unterstützung bekommen könnte-

LG Reblade
AW: MGCAMD 1.35 mit Oscam 1.20 connected aber Sky bleibt stumm

hi hab jetzt mal alle Oscam die es um downloaden unter plugin gab ausprobiert, die configs angepasst wie beschrieben....................nichts!
noch nicht mal ein connect auf dem oscam server, nach dem ich die MGCamd wieder aktiviert hatte war zu mindest der connect wieder da...aber halt alles schwarz.;-(
AW: MGCAMD 1.35 mit Oscam 1.20 connected aber Sky bleibt stumm

Mgcamd.conf und die oscam config Posten sonst können wir nicht weiter helfen

Sent from my iPhone
AW: MGCAMD 1.35 mit Oscam 1.20 connected aber Sky bleibt stumm


# EMM messages
# 00 don't show any EMMs (default)
# 01 show only valid EMMs
# 02 show valid and bad EMMs with complete data display
M: { 00 }
# ECM messages
# 00 don't show anything about ecm
# 01 normal mode, show pids processed, decoded ecm and cw
# 02 verbose mode, show valid and bad ECMs with data
C: { 01 }
# AU
# 00 disable, no emm pids processed
# 01 enable, emm pids always processed for soft-au and shared cards
# 02 auto, emm started only if channel cant be decoded
# 03 process emm pids for network cards update only
A: { 01 }
# key update (sum 01 or 02 with 04)
# 01 update only new keys, default setting
# 02 update all keys (used for valid PMK checking)
# 04 enable TPS au
# + tps SID, which pmt pid contains au pid
U: { 01 } 0x12c0
# config files folder (softcam, autoroll, ignore/priority)
# 00 files in /var/keys
# 01 files in /tmp
T: { 00 }
# network mode, use summ for several clients
# 00 no network (default)
# 01 newcamd netclient
# 02 radegast netclient
# 04 camd3 netclient
# 08 gbox netclient
# 32 cccamd netclient, card list saved as /tmp/cccamd.info
# (ECM only, supported server version up to 2.1.1, later not work)
G: { 32 }
# network retry, use summ for several options
# 00 disable
# 01 retry every new ecm
# 02 try to connect to offline shares every Q: seconds
# 04 try to detect and fast reconnect to lost (and not used atm) server
# + XX messages number and YY seconds to reconnect
# mg will reconnect to server, if no answer to last XX ecm/keepalive or
# if no answer for last ecm or keepalive sent for YY seconds
# set to 0 to disable
N: { 07 } 5 30
# network ecm timeout in seconds
K: { 05 }
# newcamd dead routes connect retry, sec
Q: { 600 }
# network shares priority
# 00 gbox, newcamd, cccamd, radegast, camd3 (default)
# 01 camd3, radegast, cccamd, gbox, newcamd
# 02 cccamd, newcamd, camd3, gbox, radegast
P: { 02 }
# on screen display type
# 00 No OSD (default)
# 01 neutrino
# 02 enigma
# 03 relook
# + user password for http auth
O: { 02 } root newcs
# on screen display Options, summ of:
# 01 show emu ecm
# 02 show network shares messages
# 04 show decoding failed / fta
# 08 show emm keys update
# + web port to use for osd
S: { 03 } 8080
# Log option, summ of:
# 00 off
# 01 network udp log
# 02 log to console
# 04 file, appended ! delete it by yourself, before it eat all your hdd
# + IP udp-port log-file-name
L: { 02 } 28007 /tmp/mgcamd.log
# keep ecm cache, seconds
# every cache entry takes 28 bytes, so 24h cache will take *only* 240-400kb of memory,
# for openbox/elanvision users with remote shares make sense to set it higher than default value,
# to not hammer cards while timeshifting or playing crypted recordings.
E: { 15 }
# cache option, summ of:
# 00 Off (default)
# 01 Ecm pids cache, store pids used to decode in /tmp/ca_cache.list at exit, load at startup, same syntax as restore.list
# 02 Ecm data cache, remember CW for (E:) time
# 04 Emm cache for network cards, do not resend the same emm twice, cache not cleared until restart
H: { 07 }
# reread files, summ of:
# 00 No (default)
# 01 reread config file on channel change (including priority and ignore, but not replace/cache)
# 02 reread SoftCam.Key on channel change
# 04 reread SoftCam.Key if file changed
R: { 00 }
# debug, summ of
# 00 off (default)
# 01 debug ecm
# 02 debug emm
# 04 debug network ecm
# 08 debug network emm
# 16 debug network login
# 32 show mem/cpu stats every 1 min
# 64 add timestamp to log messages
D: { 00 }
# box type
# 00 autodetect, change only if you think wrong type detected.
# 01 dbox2
# 02 dreambox
# 03 triple-******
# 04 relook
# 05 openbox
# 06 dreambox/mips
# 08 stapi/kathrein
# 09 stapi/ipbox
# 11 stapi/openbox
B: { 09 }
# map all 180x nagra caids to 1801
# default is 01
F: { 00 }


################## General Instruction - oscam.conf ####################
# #
# per default no changes from the user are needed #
# but verify the IP-range oh your local Network #
# #
logfile = stdout
nice = -1
enabled = 1
au = 1
user = dvbapi
boxtype = dreambox
httpport = 16002
httpuser = oscam
httppwd = oscam
httphelplang = de
httprefresh = 15
httpallowed =,
enabled = 1
au = 1
decodeforever = 1
boxtype = duckbox
user = dvbapi
###### for E2 set pmt_mode = 0 ###########
###### for Titan set pmt_mode = 4 ###########
pmt_mode = 0

######## end of file ########

danke im voraus
LG Reblade
AW: MGCAMD 1.35 mit Oscam 1.20 connected aber Sky bleibt stumm

Es fehlen noch ocam.server, oscam.user

Im oscam.conf fehlen die Protokolle.
Für MGcamd muß das Newcamd Protokoll vorhanden sein.
AW: MGCAMD 1.35 mit Oscam 1.20 connected aber Sky bleibt stumm


############### General Instruction - oscam.server ###################
# To activate/deactivate the reader set enable = 1/0 #
# #
# You might specify further entries in each reader section #
# such as "caid =________" and/or "services = _________" but you needn´t #
# For further details see the OSCAM documentation #

######################### Internal Readers ###############################
# Default Config should work with Seca, Conax, Cryptoworks, Viaccess, NDS #
# #
# For Irdeto, Betacrypt just activate "cardmhz=600" by removing the "#" #
# #
# For Nagra activate and set the correct "rsakey = " and "boxkey = " en #
# examples for HDplus HD02 and Sky S02 are included #
# #
# for specific Smartcards such as TIGER or Viaccess with AES-Key #
# see the OSCAM documentation #
enable = 0
description = Set as HD plus HD01
Label = Intern_Upper_HD01
Protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
emmcache = 1,1,2
detect = CD
group = 1
caid = 1830
cardmhz = 368
mhz = 368
rsakey = BF358B5461863130686FC933FB541FFCED682F3680F09DBC1A23829FB3B2F766B9DD1BF3B3ECC9AD6661B753DCC3A9624156F9EB64E8168EF09E4D9C5CCA4DD5
boxkey = A7642F57BC96D37C
enable = 0
description = Set as HD plus HD02
Label = Intern_Upper_HD02
Protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
emmcache = 1,1,2
detect = CD
group = 1
caid = 1843
cardmhz = 368
mhz = 368
rsakey = BF358B5461863130686FC933FB541FFCED682F3680F09DBC1A23829FB3B2F766B9DD1BF3B3ECC9AD6661B753DCC3A9624156F9EB64E8168EF09E4D9C5CCA4DD5
boxkey = A7642F57BC96D37C
enable = 0
description = Set as Sky S02
label = Intern_Upper_S02
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
emmcache = 1,1,2
detect = CD
group = 1
caid = 1702
cardmhz = 600
mhz = 600
enable = 0
description = Set as Sky V13
label = Intern_Upper_V13
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
caid = 09C4
boxid = 12345678
ins7e11 = 15
detect = CD
# card not init. use other mhz 343,357,480,500 or 686....
mhz = 343
cardmhz = 357
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,2
blockemm-unknown = 1
ndsversion = 2
enable = 0
description = Set as Sky V14
label = Intern_Upper_V14
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
caid = 098C
boxid = 12345678
ins7e11 = 15
detect = CD
# card not init. use other mhz 343,357,480,500 or 686....
mhz = 343
cardmhz = 357
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,2
blockemm-unknown = 1
ndsversion = 2
#################### External Readers / SMARGO ########################
# Important !!!! Use SMARGO Firmware 1.4 or 1.5 #
# With regard to your Smartcard set up the Reader/Smargo as follows: #
# #
# For Seca, Conax, Cryptoworks, Viaccess, NDS, Nagra #
# Frequency Fixed 3,69 Mhz / Normal / T=0 / EGT = 0 #
# #
# For Irdeto, Betacrypt #
# Frequency Fixed 6,0Mhz / Normal / T=1 / EGT = 0 #
# #
# If SMARGO ist in Autoswitch mode, than activate fitting mhz/cardmhz- #
# Entries in the reader-Section #
# # #
# For Nagra activate and complete the "rsakey = " and "boxkey = " and #
# and remove the # in the smargopatch = 1 line #
# example for HDplus is included #
# #
# for specific Smartcards such as TIGER or Viaccess with AES-Key #
# see the OSCAM documentation #
enable = 0
description = Set as HD plus HD02
label = Extern_0_HD02
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
emmcache = 1,1,2
detect = CD
group = 1
smargopatch = 1
caid = 1843
rsakey = BF358B5461863130686FC933FB541FFCED682F3680F09DBC1A23829FB3B2F766B9DD1BF3B3ECC9AD6661B753DCC3A9624156F9EB64E8168EF09E4D9C5CCA4DD5
boxkey = A7642F57BC96D37C
#mhz = 357
#cardmhz = 357
enable = 0
description = Set as Sky S02
label = Extern_0_S02
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
emmcache = 1,1,2
detect = CD
group = 1
caid = 1702
#mhz = 600
#cardmhz = 600
enable = 0
description = Set as Sky V14
label = Extern_0_V14
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
caid = 098C
boxid = 12345678
ins7e11 = 15
detect = CD
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,2
ndsversion = 2
#mhz = 357
#cardmhz = 357

######################### Remote Readers ##############################
# Important !!!! Use this or not in personal responsibility #
# #
# #
# For further details see the OSCAM documentation #
enable = 0
label = dreambox1
protocol = cccam
device = 192.xxx.xxx.xxx,8033
user = Fabian
password = 1234567
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,2
cccmaxhop = 5
cccversion = 2.0.11
enable = 0
label = camd35-reader
protocol = camd35
device = IP/dyndns,PORT
user = USER
password = PASS
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,2
enable = 0
label = newcamd-reader
protocol = newcamd
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
device = IP/dyndns,PORT
user = USER
password = PASS
group = 1
emmcache = 1,1,2
######## end of file ########

[################## General Instruction - oscam.user ####################
# #
# per default no changes from the user are needed #
# #
user = Fabian
pwd = 1234567
group = 1
au = 1
uniq = 0
betatunnel = 1833.FFFF:1702,1834.FFFF:1722
######## end of file ########


N: 192.xxx.xxx.xxx 8033 Fabian 1234567

CWS = 192.xxx.xxx.xxx 8033 Fabian 1234567 10 02 13 04 15 06 17 08 01 10 11 12 13 14 lan server1
CWS_MULTIPLE = 20000:20005 dummy dummy 10 02 13 04 15 06 17 08 01 10 11 12 13 14 lan server2

Als Info ich hab eine V13 karte


- - - - - - - - - -

Es fehlen noch ocam.server, oscam.user

Im oscam.conf fehlen die Protokolle.
Für MGcamd muß das Newcamd Protokoll vorhanden sein.

wie sehen die aus ? so etwa
N: 192.xxx.xxx.xxx 8033 Fabian 1234567

CWS = 192.xxx.xxx.xxx 8033 Fabian 1234567 10 02 13 04 15 06 17 08 01 10 11 12 13 14 lan server1
CWS_MULTIPLE = 20000:20005 dummy dummy 10 02 13 04 15 06 17 08 01 10 11 12 13 14 lan server2

AW: MGCAMD 1.35 mit Oscam 1.20 connected aber Sky bleibt stumm

Alle Reader bei dir sind Group 1 das passt schon nicht. Und Enable ist bei allen readern auf 0 also aus. Wo soll da das Bild kommen !!!

Sent from my iPhone