ich habe ein Problem mit meiner HD+ (HD02) Karte. Ich habe zwar nichts verändert - glaube ich - aber aus irgend einem Grund bleibt HD+ schwarz.
Ich verwende einen vu+ Receiver mit zwei Karten (V14 und HD02) im internen Reader. Darauf läuft Oscam 1.20 rev: 9986. Der Receiver selbst ist mit dvbapi verbunden. Die anderen, nicht im gleichen Subnetz, sind mit CCcam 2.3.0 verbunden.
Alle ECM's der HD Karte sind leider 100% NOK
EMM's werden geschrieben und die meisten skipped.
Die HD Karte is Valid to: 2015-03-21
Caid: 1843 / Provid: 008011 / Expire Date: 2015-01-25
Ich habe jetzt stundenlang gesucht aber nichts gefunden. Bitte um Hilfe!
Der Eintrag im Logfile:
Anbei meine Konfiguration:
und noch das logfile nach dem oscam start:
ich habe ein Problem mit meiner HD+ (HD02) Karte. Ich habe zwar nichts verändert - glaube ich - aber aus irgend einem Grund bleibt HD+ schwarz.
Ich verwende einen vu+ Receiver mit zwei Karten (V14 und HD02) im internen Reader. Darauf läuft Oscam 1.20 rev: 9986. Der Receiver selbst ist mit dvbapi verbunden. Die anderen, nicht im gleichen Subnetz, sind mit CCcam 2.3.0 verbunden.
Alle ECM's der HD Karte sind leider 100% NOK
EMM's werden geschrieben und die meisten skipped.
Die HD Karte is Valid to: 2015-03-21
Caid: 1843 / Provid: 008011 / Expire Date: 2015-01-25
Ich habe jetzt stundenlang gesucht aber nichts gefunden. Bitte um Hilfe!
Der Eintrag im Logfile:
2015/01/18 17:50:57 56B290 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 (re)starting decodingrequests on all 6 ecmpids!
2015/01/18 17:50:57 56B290 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 trying to descramble PID #4 CAID 09C4 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1BCC ANY CHID PMTPID 0060 VPID 00FF
2015/01/18 17:50:57 777107B8 c cisz (09C4&000000/00DF/001A/B3:B6ED64612CFC70F0BF28C095CC56E586): found (128 ms) by sky - Disney Junior
2015/01/18 17:50:58 56B290 c lwwz_dvbapi (09C4&000000/0641/EF10/B3:B2600D0B3179489847B5E645034F4354): rejected group (12 ms) - RTL HD (no matching reader)
2015/01/18 17:50:57 56B290 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 trying to descramble PID #4 CAID 09C4 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1BCC ANY CHID PMTPID 0060 VPID 00FF
2015/01/18 17:50:57 777107B8 c cisz (09C4&000000/00DF/001A/B3:B6ED64612CFC70F0BF28C095CC56E586): found (128 ms) by sky - Disney Junior
2015/01/18 17:50:58 56B290 c lwwz_dvbapi (09C4&000000/0641/EF10/B3:B2600D0B3179489847B5E645034F4354): rejected group (12 ms) - RTL HD (no matching reader)
# oscam.server 2015-01-18 1341
label = sky
device = /dev/sci0
enable = 1
protocol = internal
caid = 09C4
boxid = 12345678
detect = CD
mhz = 357
cardmhz = 357
#ident = 09C4:000000
group = 1
emmcache = 1,3,2
#cool_timeout_after_init = 50
#cool_timeout_init = 150
ins7e11 = 15
blockemm-unknown = 1
label = hdplus
#label = HDplusHD02
enable = 1
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci1
caid = 1843
rsakey = entfernt
boxkey = entfern
detect = CD
#ecmwhitelist = 1843:89
#ecmwhitelist = 1843:89
mhz = 369
cardmhz = 368
ident = 1843:000000,003411,008011
group = 2
EMMCache = 1,1,2
###auprovid = 003411
blockemm-unknown = 1
label = sky
device = /dev/sci0
enable = 1
protocol = internal
caid = 09C4
boxid = 12345678
detect = CD
mhz = 357
cardmhz = 357
#ident = 09C4:000000
group = 1
emmcache = 1,3,2
#cool_timeout_after_init = 50
#cool_timeout_init = 150
ins7e11 = 15
blockemm-unknown = 1
label = hdplus
#label = HDplusHD02
enable = 1
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci1
caid = 1843
rsakey = entfernt
boxkey = entfern
detect = CD
#ecmwhitelist = 1843:89
#ecmwhitelist = 1843:89
mhz = 369
cardmhz = 368
ident = 1843:000000,003411,008011
group = 2
EMMCache = 1,1,2
###auprovid = 003411
blockemm-unknown = 1
# oscam.conf 2015-01-18 13:34
usrfile = /tmp/oscamuser.log
logfile = /tmp/oscam.log;stdout
maxlogsize = 512
nice = -1
saveinithistory = 1
WaitForCards = 1
preferlocalcards = 1
lb_mode = 1
lb_save = 150
lb_autobetatunnel = 0
#fallbacktimeout = 2000
#failbantime = 5
#cachedelay = 120
#nice = -1
#maxlogsize = 512
#WaitForCards = 1
#preferlocalcards = 1
#saveinithistory = 1
#lb_mode = 1
#lb_save = 150
#lb_autobetatunnel = 0
#logfile = /tmp/oscam.log;stdout
#clienttimeout = 90000
#xxxPort = 50001@1843:000000,003411,008011;50000@09C4:000000;51000@09C4:000000;51001@1843:000000,003411,008011
Port = 34001@1843:000000,003411,008011;34000@09C4:000000;
#xxxport = 34000@09C4:000000;34001@1843:000000,003411,008011;
key = 5a24........efc5
Keepalive = 1
httpport = 3500
httphelplang = de
httpuser = admin
httppwd = password
httptpl = /var/tuxbox/config/
#httpcss = /var/tuxbox/config/coolstream-to.css
HttpRefresh = 30
HttpAllowed =,
HttpReadOnly = 1
httphideidleclients = 1
enabled = 1
boxtype = dreambox
user = lz_dvbapi
AU = 1
#PMT Mode: 0 = PMT und camd.socket wird verwendet
# 1 = PMT wird deaktiviert
# 2 = camd.socket wird deaktiviert
# 3 = PMT wird nur beim Start eingelesen
# 4 = Die Signalsteuerung wird nicht zum Überwachen (monitoring) benutzt /tmp
# 5 = Die Signalsteuerung wird nicht zum Überwachen (monitoring) benutzt und camd.socket ist deaktiviert /tmp
request_mode = 0
reopenonzap = 1
decodeforever = 1
usrfile = /tmp/oscamuser.log
logfile = /tmp/oscam.log;stdout
maxlogsize = 512
nice = -1
saveinithistory = 1
WaitForCards = 1
preferlocalcards = 1
lb_mode = 1
lb_save = 150
lb_autobetatunnel = 0
#fallbacktimeout = 2000
#failbantime = 5
#cachedelay = 120
#nice = -1
#maxlogsize = 512
#WaitForCards = 1
#preferlocalcards = 1
#saveinithistory = 1
#lb_mode = 1
#lb_save = 150
#lb_autobetatunnel = 0
#logfile = /tmp/oscam.log;stdout
#clienttimeout = 90000
#xxxPort = 50001@1843:000000,003411,008011;50000@09C4:000000;51000@09C4:000000;51001@1843:000000,003411,008011
Port = 34001@1843:000000,003411,008011;34000@09C4:000000;
#xxxport = 34000@09C4:000000;34001@1843:000000,003411,008011;
key = 5a24........efc5
Keepalive = 1
httpport = 3500
httphelplang = de
httpuser = admin
httppwd = password
httptpl = /var/tuxbox/config/
#httpcss = /var/tuxbox/config/coolstream-to.css
HttpRefresh = 30
HttpAllowed =,
HttpReadOnly = 1
httphideidleclients = 1
enabled = 1
boxtype = dreambox
user = lz_dvbapi
AU = 1
#PMT Mode: 0 = PMT und camd.socket wird verwendet
# 1 = PMT wird deaktiviert
# 2 = camd.socket wird deaktiviert
# 3 = PMT wird nur beim Start eingelesen
# 4 = Die Signalsteuerung wird nicht zum Überwachen (monitoring) benutzt /tmp
# 5 = Die Signalsteuerung wird nicht zum Überwachen (monitoring) benutzt und camd.socket ist deaktiviert /tmp
request_mode = 0
reopenonzap = 1
decodeforever = 1
# oscam.user 09-12-2014 13:11
user = lw
pwd = password
#disabled = 0
allowedprotocols = newcamd
#uniq = 3
group = 1,2
au = sky,hdplus
caid = 09C4,1843
user = zi
pwd = password
#disabled = 0
allowedprotocols = newcamd
#uniq = 3
group = 1,2
au = sky
caid = 09C4,1843
user = di
pwd = password
#disabled = 0
#hostname =
allowedprotocols = newcamd
#uniq = 3
group = 1,2
au = sky
caid = 09C4,1843
user = lz_dvbapi
group = 1,2
au = hdplus,sky
user = ultimo
pwd = password
group = 1,2
au = sky, hdplus
caid = 09C4,1843
user = lw
pwd = password
#disabled = 0
allowedprotocols = newcamd
#uniq = 3
group = 1,2
au = sky,hdplus
caid = 09C4,1843
user = zi
pwd = password
#disabled = 0
allowedprotocols = newcamd
#uniq = 3
group = 1,2
au = sky
caid = 09C4,1843
user = di
pwd = password
#disabled = 0
#hostname =
allowedprotocols = newcamd
#uniq = 3
group = 1,2
au = sky
caid = 09C4,1843
user = lz_dvbapi
group = 1,2
au = hdplus,sky
user = ultimo
pwd = password
group = 1,2
au = sky, hdplus
caid = 09C4,1843
############ oscam.dvbapi 20150118 1526 ##############
# Sky
P: 09C4
# HDplus HD02
P: 1843
I: 1830
I: 0
# Sky
P: 09C4
# HDplus HD02
P: 1843
I: 1830
I: 0
und noch das logfile nach dem oscam start:
>> OSCam << cardserver started at Sun Jan 18 19:10:59 2015
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r9986 (mipsel-oe-linux-ssl)
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 26448
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 5 services loaded, rejected 0
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s [Emu] OSEmu (built-in) version 706
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s userdb reloaded: 11 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s signal handling initialized
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s 170 service-id's loaded in 7 ms
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=6, port=34001)
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s -> CAID: 1843 PROVID: 000000, 003411, 008011
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=7, port=34000)
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s -> CAID: 09C4 PROVID: 000000
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s sky [internal] creating thread for device /dev/sci0
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s hdplus [internal] creating thread for device /dev/sci1
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s emulator [emu] creating thread for device emulator
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s waiting for local card init
2015/01/18 19:10:59 5614E0 r emulator [emu] Reader initialized (device=emulator, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2015/01/18 19:10:59 548788 r sky [internal] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sci0, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2015/01/18 19:10:59 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sci1, detect=cd, mhz=369, cardmhz=368)
2015/01/18 19:10:59 5614E0 r emulator [emu] card detected
2015/01/18 19:10:59 548788 r sky [internal] card detected
2015/01/18 19:10:59 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] card detected
2015/01/18 19:10:59 564310 h webif: decompressed 157215 bytes back into 372672 bytes
2015/01/18 19:10:59 564310 h HTTP Server running. ip= port=3500
2015/01/18 19:10:59 548788 r sky [internal] using sh4 or old reset
2015/01/18 19:10:59 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] using sh4 or old reset
2015/01/18 19:11:00 548788 r sky [internal] ATR: 3F FF 15 25 03 10 80 41 B0 07 69 FF 4A 50 70 00 00 50 31 01 00 15
2015/01/18 19:11:00 548788 r sky [internal] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=16, N=3
2015/01/18 19:11:00 548788 r sky [internal] Calculated work ETU is 4.65 us reader mhz = 500
2015/01/18 19:11:00 5614E0 r emulator [emu] found card system emu
2015/01/18 19:11:00 5614E0 r emulator [emu] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/01/18 19:11:00 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2015/01/18 19:11:00 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2015/01/18 19:11:00 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] Calculated work ETU is 8.67 us reader mhz = 369
2015/01/18 19:11:05 548788 r sky [internal] Sended reader settings T=0 fs=372 ETU=23 WWT=153600 CWT=0 BWT=0 EGT=3 clock=0 check=0 P=5 I=50 U=0
2015/01/18 19:11:05 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] Sended reader settings T=1 fs=512 ETU=32 WWT=0 CWT=139 BWT=178571 EGT=0 clock=0 check=0 P=5 I=25 U=0
2015/01/18 19:11:05 548788 r sky [internal] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 5.00 (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/01/18 19:11:05 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 3.69 (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/01/18 19:11:05 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] Card responded ok for ifsd request of 160
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] Card type: P1TV
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] Rom version: 10A7
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] Unable to get smartcard credit
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] FuseByte: 25
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] Region Code: 00BO0101
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] Country Code: DEU
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] Pincode read: 1234
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] PCB settings: FF FF FF FF
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (09C4) FastMode, caid: 09C4
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: 2004
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] ready for requests
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] found card system videoguard2
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [videoguard2] card detected
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (09C4) FastMode
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 2712, expiry date: 2012/12/25-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 2710, expiry date: 2012/10/19-01:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:06 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] detect native nagra card
2015/01/18 19:11:07 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0056, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:07 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0057, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:07 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0058, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:07 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0065, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:07 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0066, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:07 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0067, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0068, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0069, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 006b, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 006c, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 006d, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 006e, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 006f, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 007b, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 007d, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 008e, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00bc, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00bd, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00be, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c0, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c7, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c8, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c9, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00ca, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00cb, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00f3, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00fa, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:11 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] ready for requests
2015/01/18 19:11:11 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] found card system nagra
2015/01/18 19:11:11 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/01/18 19:11:11 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] ROM: D N A S P 1 8 0
2015/01/18 19:11:11 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] REV: M e r 0 0 0
2015/01/18 19:11:11 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] SER: ############
2015/01/18 19:11:11 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] CAID: 1843
2015/01/18 19:11:11 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2015/01/18 19:11:11 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2015/01/18 19:11:12 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] IRD ID: ############
2015/01/18 19:11:12 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] active to: 2015/03/21 02:00
2015/01/18 19:11:12 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2015/01/18 19:11:12 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2015/01/18 19:11:12 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] +----+--------+------------+------------+
2015/01/18 19:11:12 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] |8011|0066 |2012/12/20 |2013/12/21 |
2015/01/18 19:11:12 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] |8011|0067 |2010/01/19 |2010/01/20 |
2015/01/18 19:11:12 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] |8011|0BEA |2013/12/20 |2015/01/25 |
2015/01/18 19:11:12 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2015/01/18 19:11:13 0 s init for all local cards done
2015/01/18 19:11:13 0 s anti cascading disabled
2015/01/18 19:11:13 56A560 c plain dvbapi-client granted (lwwz_dvbapi, au=on (2 reader))
2015/01/18 19:11:13 572488 c client connected to 34000 port
2015/01/18 19:11:13 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
2015/01/18 19:11:13 56E818 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 572488 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 56C9E0 c client connected to 34001 port
2015/01/18 19:11:13 57A578 c client connected to 34000 port
2015/01/18 19:11:13 56C9E0 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 578740 c client connected to 34001 port
2015/01/18 19:11:13 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
2015/01/18 19:11:13 76905AD0 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 57C3B0 c client connected to 34001 port
2015/01/18 19:11:13 57C3B0 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 576908 c client connected to 34000 port
2015/01/18 19:11:13 576908 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 76907908 c client connected to 34000 port
2015/01/18 19:11:13 76907908 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 76903890 c client connected to 34000 port
2015/01/18 19:11:13 5742C0 c client connected to 34001 port
2015/01/18 19:11:13 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
2015/01/18 19:11:13 570650 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 57A578 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 578740 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 56A560 c [DVBAPI] Detected /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 Api: 0, userconfig boxtype: 1
2015/01/18 19:11:13 76901A58 c client connected to 34001 port
2015/01/18 19:11:13 5742C0 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 57E1E8 c client connected to 34000 port
2015/01/18 19:11:13 57E1E8 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 76901A58 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:14 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
2015/01/18 19:11:14 56A560 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1833 ECM_PID: 18B6 PROVID: 000000
2015/01/18 19:11:14 56A560 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C4 ECM_PID: 1BB6 PROVID: 000000
2015/01/18 19:11:14 56A560 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 09AF ECM_PID: 1FB6 PROVID: 000000
2015/01/18 19:11:14 56A560 c [ADD PID 3] CAID: 098C ECM_PID: 1AB6 PROVID: 000000
2015/01/18 19:11:14 56A560 c Found 4 ECMpids and 3 STREAMpids in PMT
2015/01/18 19:11:14 56A560 c [DVBAPI] Receiver wants to demux srvid 0083 on adapter 0000 camask 0001 index 0000 pmtpid 0064
2015/01/18 19:11:14 56A560 c New program number: 0083 (Sky Cinema HD) [pmt_list_management 3]
2015/01/18 19:11:14 56A560 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 trying to descramble PID #1 CAID 09C4 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1BB6 ANY CHID PMTPID 0064 VPID 04FF
2015/01/18 19:11:15 56A560 c lz_dvbapi (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:55BFD16986EEC19B305FE22D7F87BA12): found (151 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/01/18 19:11:15 56A560 c lz_dvbapi (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:A9849FA0AC9356FA13F3C60BFDAAF7D1): found (141 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76909740 c client connected to 34000 port
2015/01/18 19:11:16 0 --- Skipped 2 duplicated log lines ---
2015/01/18 19:11:16 7690B578 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (ziwz, au=on (1 reader))
2015/01/18 19:11:16 7690B578 c user zi authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2015/01/18 19:11:16 7690B578 c AU enabled for user zi on reader sky
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76909740 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (cisz, au=on (1 reader))
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76909740 c user ci authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76909740 c AU enabled for user ci on reader sky
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76912E58 c client connected to 34000 port
2015/01/18 19:11:16 0 --- Skipped 3 duplicated log lines ---
2015/01/18 19:11:16 7690D3B0 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (cisz, au=on (1 reader))
2015/01/18 19:11:16 7690D3B0 c user ci authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2015/01/18 19:11:16 7690D3B0 c AU enabled for user ci on reader sky
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76914C90 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (mj01, au=on (1 reader))
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76914C90 c user mj authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76914C90 c AU enabled for user mj on reader sky
2015/01/18 19:11:16 7690F1E8 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (hpsz, au=on (1 reader))
2015/01/18 19:11:16 7690F1E8 c user hp authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2015/01/18 19:11:16 7690F1E8 c AU enabled for user hp on reader sky
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76912E58 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (mj02, au=on (1 reader))
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76912E58 c user mj authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76912E58 c AU enabled for user mj on reader sky
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76911020 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (hpwz, au=on (1 reader))
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76911020 c user hp authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76911020 c AU enabled for user hpwz on reader sky
2015/01/18 19:11:18 7690D3B0 c ci (09C4&000000/00DF/001A/B3:24B0A5D6B61E8876A17BA8C019D97E3F): found (127 ms) by sky - Disney Junior
2015/01/18 19:11:20 76916AC8 c client connected to 34001 port
2015/01/18 19:11:20 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
2015/01/18 19:11:20 76916AC8 c encrypted newcamd:34001-client granted (zi, au=on (1 reader))
2015/01/18 19:11:20 76916AC8 c user zi authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2015/01/18 19:11:20 76916AC8 c AU disabled for user ziwz
2015/01/18 19:11:20 76918900 c encrypted newcamd:34001-client granted (cisz, au=on (1 reader))
2015/01/18 19:11:23 7690D3B0 c ci (09C4&000000/00DF/001A/B3:1ABFCB7ABDFEC6185253ACC6AFBC2207): found (127 ms) by sky - Disney Junior
2015/01/18 19:11:26 76909740 c ci (09C4&000000/00CA/001C/B3:0DB0EA088D9B50E1DFDF45DCB61C02F1): found (129 ms) by sky - Disney XD
2015/01/18 19:11:29 56A560 c lz_dvbapi (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:1503436092B23CEF75BF987FF704CC14): found (141 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
>> OSCam << cardserver started at Sun Jan 18 19:10:59 2015
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r9986 (mipsel-oe-linux-ssl)
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s creating pidfile /tmp/.oscam/oscam.pid with pid 26448
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 5 services loaded, rejected 0
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s [Emu] OSEmu (built-in) version 706
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s userdb reloaded: 11 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s signal handling initialized
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s 170 service-id's loaded in 7 ms
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=6, port=34001)
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s -> CAID: 1843 PROVID: 000000, 003411, 008011
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=7, port=34000)
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s -> CAID: 09C4 PROVID: 000000
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s sky [internal] creating thread for device /dev/sci0
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s hdplus [internal] creating thread for device /dev/sci1
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s emulator [emu] creating thread for device emulator
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2015/01/18 19:10:59 0 s waiting for local card init
2015/01/18 19:10:59 5614E0 r emulator [emu] Reader initialized (device=emulator, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2015/01/18 19:10:59 548788 r sky [internal] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sci0, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2015/01/18 19:10:59 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sci1, detect=cd, mhz=369, cardmhz=368)
2015/01/18 19:10:59 5614E0 r emulator [emu] card detected
2015/01/18 19:10:59 548788 r sky [internal] card detected
2015/01/18 19:10:59 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] card detected
2015/01/18 19:10:59 564310 h webif: decompressed 157215 bytes back into 372672 bytes
2015/01/18 19:10:59 564310 h HTTP Server running. ip= port=3500
2015/01/18 19:10:59 548788 r sky [internal] using sh4 or old reset
2015/01/18 19:10:59 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] using sh4 or old reset
2015/01/18 19:11:00 548788 r sky [internal] ATR: 3F FF 15 25 03 10 80 41 B0 07 69 FF 4A 50 70 00 00 50 31 01 00 15
2015/01/18 19:11:00 548788 r sky [internal] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=16, N=3
2015/01/18 19:11:00 548788 r sky [internal] Calculated work ETU is 4.65 us reader mhz = 500
2015/01/18 19:11:00 5614E0 r emulator [emu] found card system emu
2015/01/18 19:11:00 5614E0 r emulator [emu] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/01/18 19:11:00 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2015/01/18 19:11:00 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] Init card protocol T1, FI=9, F=512, D=16, N=255
2015/01/18 19:11:00 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] Calculated work ETU is 8.67 us reader mhz = 369
2015/01/18 19:11:05 548788 r sky [internal] Sended reader settings T=0 fs=372 ETU=23 WWT=153600 CWT=0 BWT=0 EGT=3 clock=0 check=0 P=5 I=50 U=0
2015/01/18 19:11:05 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] Sended reader settings T=1 fs=512 ETU=32 WWT=0 CWT=139 BWT=178571 EGT=0 clock=0 check=0 P=5 I=25 U=0
2015/01/18 19:11:05 548788 r sky [internal] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 5.00 (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/01/18 19:11:05 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] ATR Fsmax is 5 MHz, clocking card to 3.69 (specified in reader->mhz)
2015/01/18 19:11:05 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] Card responded ok for ifsd request of 160
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] Card type: P1TV
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] Rom version: 10A7
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] Unable to get smartcard credit
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] FuseByte: 25
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] Region Code: 00BO0101
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] Country Code: DEU
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] Pincode read: 1234
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] PCB settings: FF FF FF FF
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (09C4) FastMode, caid: 09C4
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] serial: ########, BoxID: ########, baseyear: 2004
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] ready for requests
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [internal] found card system videoguard2
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [videoguard2] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [videoguard2] card detected
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [videoguard2] type: VideoGuard Sky Austria/Germany (09C4) FastMode
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 2712, expiry date: 2012/12/25-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:06 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 2710, expiry date: 2012/10/19-01:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:06 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] detect native nagra card
2015/01/18 19:11:07 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0056, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:07 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0057, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:07 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0058, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:07 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0065, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:07 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0066, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:07 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0067, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0068, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 0069, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 006b, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 006c, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 006d, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 006e, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 006f, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 007b, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 007d, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 008e, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00bc, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00bd, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00be, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c0, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c7, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c8, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00c9, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00ca, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00cb, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00f3, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:08 548788 r sky [videoguard2] tier: 00fa, expiry date: 2015/03/02-00:01:00
2015/01/18 19:11:11 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] ready for requests
2015/01/18 19:11:11 54A5C0 r hdplus [internal] found card system nagra
2015/01/18 19:11:11 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] THIS WAS A SUCCESSFUL START ATTEMPT No 1 out of max alloted of 1
2015/01/18 19:11:11 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] ROM: D N A S P 1 8 0
2015/01/18 19:11:11 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] REV: M e r 0 0 0
2015/01/18 19:11:11 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] SER: ############
2015/01/18 19:11:11 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] CAID: 1843
2015/01/18 19:11:11 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2015/01/18 19:11:11 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2015/01/18 19:11:12 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] IRD ID: ############
2015/01/18 19:11:12 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] active to: 2015/03/21 02:00
2015/01/18 19:11:12 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2015/01/18 19:11:12 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2015/01/18 19:11:12 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] +----+--------+------------+------------+
2015/01/18 19:11:12 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] |8011|0066 |2012/12/20 |2013/12/21 |
2015/01/18 19:11:12 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] |8011|0067 |2010/01/19 |2010/01/20 |
2015/01/18 19:11:12 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] |8011|0BEA |2013/12/20 |2015/01/25 |
2015/01/18 19:11:12 54A5C0 r hdplus [nagra] -----------------------------------------
2015/01/18 19:11:13 0 s init for all local cards done
2015/01/18 19:11:13 0 s anti cascading disabled
2015/01/18 19:11:13 56A560 c plain dvbapi-client granted (lwwz_dvbapi, au=on (2 reader))
2015/01/18 19:11:13 572488 c client connected to 34000 port
2015/01/18 19:11:13 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
2015/01/18 19:11:13 56E818 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 572488 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 56C9E0 c client connected to 34001 port
2015/01/18 19:11:13 57A578 c client connected to 34000 port
2015/01/18 19:11:13 56C9E0 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 578740 c client connected to 34001 port
2015/01/18 19:11:13 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
2015/01/18 19:11:13 76905AD0 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 57C3B0 c client connected to 34001 port
2015/01/18 19:11:13 57C3B0 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 576908 c client connected to 34000 port
2015/01/18 19:11:13 576908 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 76907908 c client connected to 34000 port
2015/01/18 19:11:13 76907908 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 76903890 c client connected to 34000 port
2015/01/18 19:11:13 5742C0 c client connected to 34001 port
2015/01/18 19:11:13 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
2015/01/18 19:11:13 570650 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 57A578 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 578740 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 56A560 c [DVBAPI] Detected /dev/dvb/adapter0/demux0 Api: 0, userconfig boxtype: 1
2015/01/18 19:11:13 76901A58 c client connected to 34001 port
2015/01/18 19:11:13 5742C0 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 57E1E8 c client connected to 34000 port
2015/01/18 19:11:13 57E1E8 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:13 76901A58 c anonymous disconnected from
2015/01/18 19:11:14 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
2015/01/18 19:11:14 56A560 c [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1833 ECM_PID: 18B6 PROVID: 000000
2015/01/18 19:11:14 56A560 c [ADD PID 1] CAID: 09C4 ECM_PID: 1BB6 PROVID: 000000
2015/01/18 19:11:14 56A560 c [ADD PID 2] CAID: 09AF ECM_PID: 1FB6 PROVID: 000000
2015/01/18 19:11:14 56A560 c [ADD PID 3] CAID: 098C ECM_PID: 1AB6 PROVID: 000000
2015/01/18 19:11:14 56A560 c Found 4 ECMpids and 3 STREAMpids in PMT
2015/01/18 19:11:14 56A560 c [DVBAPI] Receiver wants to demux srvid 0083 on adapter 0000 camask 0001 index 0000 pmtpid 0064
2015/01/18 19:11:14 56A560 c New program number: 0083 (Sky Cinema HD) [pmt_list_management 3]
2015/01/18 19:11:14 56A560 c [DVBAPI] Demuxer #0 trying to descramble PID #1 CAID 09C4 PROVID 000000 ECMPID 1BB6 ANY CHID PMTPID 0064 VPID 04FF
2015/01/18 19:11:15 56A560 c lz_dvbapi (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:55BFD16986EEC19B305FE22D7F87BA12): found (151 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/01/18 19:11:15 56A560 c lz_dvbapi (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:A9849FA0AC9356FA13F3C60BFDAAF7D1): found (141 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76909740 c client connected to 34000 port
2015/01/18 19:11:16 0 --- Skipped 2 duplicated log lines ---
2015/01/18 19:11:16 7690B578 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (ziwz, au=on (1 reader))
2015/01/18 19:11:16 7690B578 c user zi authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2015/01/18 19:11:16 7690B578 c AU enabled for user zi on reader sky
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76909740 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (cisz, au=on (1 reader))
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76909740 c user ci authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76909740 c AU enabled for user ci on reader sky
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76912E58 c client connected to 34000 port
2015/01/18 19:11:16 0 --- Skipped 3 duplicated log lines ---
2015/01/18 19:11:16 7690D3B0 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (cisz, au=on (1 reader))
2015/01/18 19:11:16 7690D3B0 c user ci authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2015/01/18 19:11:16 7690D3B0 c AU enabled for user ci on reader sky
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76914C90 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (mj01, au=on (1 reader))
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76914C90 c user mj authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76914C90 c AU enabled for user mj on reader sky
2015/01/18 19:11:16 7690F1E8 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (hpsz, au=on (1 reader))
2015/01/18 19:11:16 7690F1E8 c user hp authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2015/01/18 19:11:16 7690F1E8 c AU enabled for user hp on reader sky
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76912E58 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (mj02, au=on (1 reader))
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76912E58 c user mj authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76912E58 c AU enabled for user mj on reader sky
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76911020 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (hpwz, au=on (1 reader))
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76911020 c user hp authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2015/01/18 19:11:16 76911020 c AU enabled for user hpwz on reader sky
2015/01/18 19:11:18 7690D3B0 c ci (09C4&000000/00DF/001A/B3:24B0A5D6B61E8876A17BA8C019D97E3F): found (127 ms) by sky - Disney Junior
2015/01/18 19:11:20 76916AC8 c client connected to 34001 port
2015/01/18 19:11:20 0 --- Skipped 1 duplicated log lines ---
2015/01/18 19:11:20 76916AC8 c encrypted newcamd:34001-client granted (zi, au=on (1 reader))
2015/01/18 19:11:20 76916AC8 c user zi authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2015/01/18 19:11:20 76916AC8 c AU disabled for user ziwz
2015/01/18 19:11:20 76918900 c encrypted newcamd:34001-client granted (cisz, au=on (1 reader))
2015/01/18 19:11:23 7690D3B0 c ci (09C4&000000/00DF/001A/B3:1ABFCB7ABDFEC6185253ACC6AFBC2207): found (127 ms) by sky - Disney Junior
2015/01/18 19:11:26 76909740 c ci (09C4&000000/00CA/001C/B3:0DB0EA088D9B50E1DFDF45DCB61C02F1): found (129 ms) by sky - Disney XD
2015/01/18 19:11:29 56A560 c lz_dvbapi (09C4&000000/025B/0083/B3:1503436092B23CEF75BF987FF704CC14): found (141 ms) by sky - Sky Cinema HD
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