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Support ich brauche hilfe beim komponentenschutz für einen porsche


27. Februar 2024
hello, I hope this is the right forum to ask this, but I need to do component protection on a Cayenne 2019 and I'm using a cloned version of Piwis, which I suspect is the Adonis disk image created last year by a former Colleagues were installed. I'm not really sure how he did it, but he was able to do component protection. If anyone can help me, please send me a PM
look, I need to install a component protector on the airbag module gateway and front BCM. Can you do that for me?
(sorry for the bad german i dont know how to speak it and i am using translators for this)
I don't quite understand the point at the moment, why do you need the component protection for the components mentioned
Take a look under F7 additional menu and or for the control devices mentioned under the menu item Coding


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the porsche on my shop has randomly decided to throw around component protection codes one week after i programmed power steering i programmed the cars module because the car had a hard steering so yeah long story short i need to do component protection on the modules mentioned above
As I already wrote take a look at F7 additional menu and or for the control devices mentioned under the menu item Coding
PPN access is chargeable, I don't have any access data, but you don't normally need it for what you want to do
i dont care about the charge i am willing to pay as mich as need but i cant find support for this version for shit