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"How to" Qbox HD Updater



We will use the software Duolabs Qbox HD 1.0.2 Updater

Actualizacion QBox HD

Define connection parameters, so the IP of your Qbox-Hd and password to connect:

Login = root
Pass = qboxhd

To test whether there can be communication:
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So far this list ready to send the update, press the Update icon Qbox-HD, for the rest sobran comments:
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The second and equally simple step, you need a USB key formatted (FAT, FAT32), or will put the files l 'image, an outstanding attention qboxhd_update d directory' there put the two files as shown below.
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Now remove your USB key and puts it over the Qbox-HD as shown in the photograph (the terminal is turned off)

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Turning the Qbox-HD and see the small LCD on the update done, wait a minute (3 to 5 minutes), then the terminal will return to put in place to make completely solo.Volver feed Qbox-Hd ( do not forget to remove the wash USB)

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Perfect Upgrade went well.

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speciale thx to my friend elgeneral
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