Gurjon legt schon die erste Branding für Primo 2.0 vor
GJ mini branding for Primo 2.0 Version GjAk branding v07
Requirements: Primo 2.0 GPS system with 480x272 u. 800x480 device resolution
Operating System: WM, WinCE
Overview: GJ (gurjon & arkoko) mini branding (skin) for Primo 2.0
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GJ mini branding for Primo 2.0 Version GjAk branding v07
Requirements: Primo 2.0 GPS system with 480x272 u. 800x480 device resolution
Operating System: WM, WinCE
Overview: GJ (gurjon & arkoko) mini branding (skin) for Primo 2.0
IMG Removed
GjAk (gurjon & arkoko) test-skin
v01 -----------------------------------
1. speed on the menu button.
2. changed by arrows (480x272).
3. constant mapping the second turn.
4. bottom menu with a choice of buttons.
5. lower infobara.
6. kartomenyatelya (set again! Read the instructions. Reason: TeleAtlas (map_ta) -> TomTom (map_tt)).
7. maintain its position.
8. time-to-date status on the button and "cockpit quik menu".
9. long press on any button in the "cockpit quik menu" - Edit menu.
10. reworked favorites.
v02 -----------------------------------
1. Fixed display of road signs.
2. added "panic", a long tap on the button "cockpit quik menu".
v03 -----------------------------------
1. Added resolution 800x480.
2. redrawn some bmp.
3. night filter.
4. made some adjustment.
5. added to adjust the transparency of certain objects in the cabin.
6. Selecting a survey: only motorway / always.
7. regulation of street names.
8. buttons are added manually configure the TMC and signal strength indicator.
v04 -----------------------------------
1. to drag the menu button is added to edit the camera.
2. added to the external program's.
3. added extended camera.
4. Fixed display of road signs (800x480).
v05 -----------------------------------
1. added auto-complete the route.
2. fixes.
v06 -----------------------------------
1. add house numbers.
2. added lighting setup.
3. fixes.
v07 -----------------------------------
1. added 3 to 1 (all trip information on one folded the button).
2. Added a choice of (% / fix) tolerantsii speeding.
3. Added setting voice-camera (in sys.txt for each category separately.)
An example of sys.txt:
skin_speedcam_audio_path = "speedcam_lt"; (specify if the files are located in a separate folder, for example: "audio / speedcam_lt")
; S P E E D C A M - C A T: 0
[Speedcam_category: 0]
overspeed_spoken_type = sound
overspeed_sound = "speedcam_over_speed"
skin_first_sound = "speedcam_fix"; (sound with the appearance of the camera, a quoted name of the wav file)
skin_speed_sound_delay = 120; (If a figure greater than "0" it means that such a pause will proigravatsya file with the name matches the speed cameras, for example, 50 = "50.wav")
skin_repeat_sound = "speedcam_rep"; (sound re-operation, the name in quotes wav file)
skin_repeat_distance = 100; (distance hitting again in meters)
skin_off_sound = "speedcam_off"; (sound when passing the camera, a quoted name of the wav file, if not specified, then the sound will not)
4. Added voice band (playing file "lane.wav").
5. fixes.
v01 -----------------------------------
1. speed on the menu button.
2. changed by arrows (480x272).
3. constant mapping the second turn.
4. bottom menu with a choice of buttons.
5. lower infobara.
6. kartomenyatelya (set again! Read the instructions. Reason: TeleAtlas (map_ta) -> TomTom (map_tt)).
7. maintain its position.
8. time-to-date status on the button and "cockpit quik menu".
9. long press on any button in the "cockpit quik menu" - Edit menu.
10. reworked favorites.
v02 -----------------------------------
1. Fixed display of road signs.
2. added "panic", a long tap on the button "cockpit quik menu".
v03 -----------------------------------
1. Added resolution 800x480.
2. redrawn some bmp.
3. night filter.
4. made some adjustment.
5. added to adjust the transparency of certain objects in the cabin.
6. Selecting a survey: only motorway / always.
7. regulation of street names.
8. buttons are added manually configure the TMC and signal strength indicator.
v04 -----------------------------------
1. to drag the menu button is added to edit the camera.
2. added to the external program's.
3. added extended camera.
4. Fixed display of road signs (800x480).
v05 -----------------------------------
1. added auto-complete the route.
2. fixes.
v06 -----------------------------------
1. add house numbers.
2. added lighting setup.
3. fixes.
v07 -----------------------------------
1. added 3 to 1 (all trip information on one folded the button).
2. Added a choice of (% / fix) tolerantsii speeding.
3. Added setting voice-camera (in sys.txt for each category separately.)
An example of sys.txt:
skin_speedcam_audio_path = "speedcam_lt"; (specify if the files are located in a separate folder, for example: "audio / speedcam_lt")
; S P E E D C A M - C A T: 0
[Speedcam_category: 0]
overspeed_spoken_type = sound
overspeed_sound = "speedcam_over_speed"
skin_first_sound = "speedcam_fix"; (sound with the appearance of the camera, a quoted name of the wav file)
skin_speed_sound_delay = 120; (If a figure greater than "0" it means that such a pause will proigravatsya file with the name matches the speed cameras, for example, 50 = "50.wav")
skin_repeat_sound = "speedcam_rep"; (sound re-operation, the name in quotes wav file)
skin_repeat_distance = 100; (distance hitting again in meters)
skin_off_sound = "speedcam_off"; (sound when passing the camera, a quoted name of the wav file, if not specified, then the sound will not)
4. Added voice band (playing file "lane.wav").
5. fixes.
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deutsch Lang
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