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Dreambox 800HD SE Oscam Schwarze Karte

AW: Dreambox 800HD SE Oscam Schwarze Karte

/etc/tuxbox/configs : da kommt die oscam.conf, oscam.server und oscam.user rein

und die N-Line kommt in die CCcam.cfg --> findest du im etc ordner!
AW: Dreambox 800HD SE Oscam Schwarze Karte

sci1 ist bei mir unterer Slot. Die Karte hat die Cam jetzt auch, NUR leider immer noch kein Bild.

Kann mir jemand die OScam.services posten?

>> OSCam << cardserver started at Mon Aug 29 17:04:58 2011
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s >> OSCam << cardserver started version 1.00-unstable_svn, build #4842 (mipsel-oe-linux)
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s version=1.00-unstable_svn, build #4842, system=mipsel-oe-linux, nice=-1
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s client max. idle=120 sec, debug level=0
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s max. logsize=256 Kb
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s client timeout=5000 ms, fallback timeout=2500 ms, cache delay=0 ms
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s auth size=4976
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s Cannot open file "/usr/keys/oscam.services" (errno=2)
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s userdb reloaded: 0 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s signal handling initialized (type=sysv)
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s can't open file "/usr/keys/oscam.srvid" (err=2), no service-id's loaded
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s can't open file "/usr/keys/oscam.tiers" (err=2), no tier-id's loaded
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s can't open file "/usr/keys/oscam.provid" (err=2), no provids's loaded
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s can't open file "/usr/keys/oscam.ird" (errno=2) irdeto guessing not loaded
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s monitor: disabled
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s camd33: disabled
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s camd35: disabled
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s cs378x: disabled
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s newcamd: disabled
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s cccam: disabled
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s radegast: disabled
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s http thread started
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s creating thread for device /dev/sci1
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2AAC6C10 s waiting for local card init
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2C6264B0 r reader thread started (thread=2C6264B0, label=hdplus, device=/dev/sci1, detect=cd, mhz=368, cardmhz=368)
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2BE264B0 h HTTP Server listening on port 3001
2011/08/29 17:04:58 2C6264B0 r hdplus card detected
2011/08/29 17:04:59 2C6264B0 r ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2011/08/29 17:05:00 2C6264B0 r Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 3.68 Mhz
2011/08/29 17:05:01 2C6264B0 r detect native nagra card
2011/08/29 17:05:02 2C6264B0 r -----------------------------------------
2011/08/29 17:05:02 2C6264B0 r |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2011/08/29 17:05:02 2C6264B0 r +----+--------+------------+------------+
2011/08/29 17:05:02 2C6264B0 r |8011|0066 |2010/12/18 |2011/12/20 |
2011/08/29 17:05:02 2C6264B0 r |8011|0067 |2010/01/19 |2010/01/20 |
2011/08/29 17:05:02 2C6264B0 r -----------------------------------------
2011/08/29 17:05:03 2C6264B0 r found cardsystem nagra
2011/08/29 17:05:03 2C6264B0 r ROM: D N A S P 1 8 0
2011/08/29 17:05:03 2C6264B0 r REV: M e r 0 0 0
2011/08/29 17:05:03 2C6264B0 r SER:
2011/08/29 17:05:03 2C6264B0 r CAID: 1843
2011/08/29 17:05:03 2C6264B0 r Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2011/08/29 17:05:03 2C6264B0 r Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2011/08/29 17:05:03 2C6264B0 r Prv.ID: 00 00 80 11
2011/08/29 17:05:03 2C6264B0 r [nagra-reader] ready for requests
2011/08/29 17:05:03 2AAC6C10 s init for all local cards done
2011/08/29 17:05:03 2AAC6C10 s anti cascading disabled
2011/08/29 17:05:03 2CE264B0 c plain dvbapi-client granted (anonymous, au=off)
2011/08/29 17:05:03 2CE264B0 c dvbapi: can't open priority file /usr/keys/oscam.dvbapi
2011/08/29 17:05:07 2CE264B0 c dvbapi: [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1830 ECM_PID: 1AEA PROVID: 000000
2011/08/29 17:05:07 2CE264B0 c dvbapi: [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1843 ECM_PID: 19EA PROVID: 000000
2011/08/29 17:05:07 2CE264B0 c dvbapi: [ADD PID 2] CAID: 09C4 ECM_PID: 1BEA PROVID: 000000
2011/08/29 17:05:07 2CE264B0 c dvbapi: new program number: EF74 (1830:EF74 unknown)
2011/08/29 17:05:07 2CE264B0 c anonymous (1830&000000/EF74/92:5D8B): rejected group (1 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/08/29 17:05:07 2CE264B0 c anonymous (1843&000000/EF74/89:3410): rejected group (1 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/08/29 17:05:07 2CE264B0 c dvbapi: try pids again #1
2011/08/29 17:05:07 2CE264B0 c anonymous (09C4&000000/EF74/581CB): rejected group (1 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/08/29 17:05:07 2CE264B0 c anonymous (1830&000000/EF74/92:5D8B): rejected group (1 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/08/29 17:05:07 2CE264B0 c anonymous (1843&000000/EF74/89:3410): rejected group (1 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/08/29 17:05:08 2CE264B0 c dvbapi: try pids again #2
2011/08/29 17:05:08 2CE264B0 c anonymous (09C4&000000/EF74/581CB): rejected group (0 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/08/29 17:05:08 2CE264B0 c anonymous (1830&000000/EF74/92:4163): rejected group (1 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/08/29 17:05:08 2CE264B0 c anonymous (1843&000000/EF74/8920C): rejected group (1 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
2011/08/29 17:05:08 2CE264B0 c dvbapi: try pids again #3
2011/08/29 17:05:08 2CE264B0 c dvbapi: can't decode channel
2011/08/29 17:05:08 2CE264B0 c anonymous (09C4&000000/EF74/581CB): rejected group (0 ms) (of 0 avail 0) (no matching reader)
AW: Dreambox 800HD SE Oscam Schwarze Karte

ich werde irgenwie das gefühl nicht los, dass du meine configs nicht 1 zu 1 übernimmst und der log bestätigt mir mein gefühl!

wie möchtest du denn jetzt genau machen, dvbapi oder nline an die cccam?
AW: Dreambox 800HD SE Oscam Schwarze Karte

Also hier noch Mal meine configs wie die in etc/tuxbox/config stehen.

logfile = stdout
fallbacktimeout = 2000
failbantime = 5
cachedelay = 120
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 512
preferlocalcards = 1
saveinithistory = 1

port = 34000@1843:003411
key = 0102030405060708091011121314

httpport = 34001
httpuser = user
httppwd = pass
httpallowed =
httphideidleclients = 1

label = hdplus
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci1
caid = 1843
rsakey = BF358B5461863130686FC933FB541FFCED682F3680F09DBC1A23829FB3B2F766B9DD1BF3B3ECC9AD6661B753DCC3A9624156F9EB64E8168EF09E4D9C5CCA4DD5
boxkey = A7642F57BC96D37C
detect = cd
mhz = 368
cardmhz = 368
ident = 1843:003411
group = 1
emmcache = 1,3,2

user = user
pwd = pass
group = 1
au = hdplus
caid = 1843

Und nun noch meine Cccam.cfg aus dem key ordner:

C: dyndns 2...7 user pass
N: 34000 user pass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
AW: Dreambox 800HD SE Oscam Schwarze Karte

Das Logfile:

2011/08/29 18:15:01 2AAC6C10 s http thread started
2011/08/29 18:15:01 2AAC6C10 s creating thread for device /dev/sci1
2011/08/29 18:15:01 2AAC6C10 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2011/08/29 18:15:01 2AAC6C10 s waiting for local card init
2011/08/29 18:15:01 2BE334B0 h HTTP Server listening on port 34001
2011/08/29 18:15:01 2C6334B0 r reader thread started (thread=2C6334B0, label=hdplus, device=/dev/sci1, detect=cd, mhz=368, cardmhz=368)
2011/08/29 18:15:02 2C6334B0 r hdplus card detected
2011/08/29 18:15:03 2C6334B0 r ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 A0 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 38 30 20 4D 65 72 30 30 30 28
2011/08/29 18:15:04 2C6334B0 r Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 3.68 Mhz
2011/08/29 18:15:05 2C6334B0 r detect native nagra card
2011/08/29 18:15:06 2C6334B0 r -----------------------------------------
2011/08/29 18:15:06 2C6334B0 r |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2011/08/29 18:15:06 2C6334B0 r +----+--------+------------+------------+
2011/08/29 18:15:06 2C6334B0 r |8011|0066 |2010/12/18 |2011/12/20 |
2011/08/29 18:15:06 2C6334B0 r |8011|0067 |2010/01/19 |2010/01/20 |
2011/08/29 18:15:06 2C6334B0 r -----------------------------------------
2011/08/29 18:15:06 2C6334B0 r found cardsystem nagra
2011/08/29 18:15:06 2C6334B0 r ROM: D N A S P 1 8 0
2011/08/29 18:15:06 2C6334B0 r REV: M e r 0 0 0
2011/08/29 18:15:06 2C6334B0 r SER:
2011/08/29 18:15:06 2C6334B0 r CAID: 1843
2011/08/29 18:15:06 2C6334B0 r Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2011/08/29 18:15:06 2C6334B0 r Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2011/08/29 18:15:06 2C6334B0 r Prv.ID: 00 00 80 11
2011/08/29 18:15:06 2C6334B0 r [nagra-reader] ready for requests
2011/08/29 18:15:07 2AAC6C10 s init for all local cards done
2011/08/29 18:15:07 2AAC6C10 s anti cascading disabled
AW: Dreambox 800HD SE Oscam Schwarze Karte

sieht soweit alles perfekt aus! verstehe nicht warum es dunkel bleibt! hast du mal ein reboot gemacht? oder mal ne andere oscam version ausprobiert?
AW: Dreambox 800HD SE Oscam Schwarze Karte

resettet hab ich schon mehrmals. im webif, auf das ich jetzt komm, steht:
LB Value/ Reader: no Data

Ganz aussen cardok - Was hat das zu bedeuten?
AW: Dreambox 800HD SE Oscam Schwarze Karte

das die karte gelesen wird! so muss das aussehen!
AW: Dreambox 800HD SE Oscam Schwarze Karte

Aber No Data?
AW: Dreambox 800HD SE Oscam Schwarze Karte

Das ist auch normal, weil du kein Loadbalancer nutzt!
AW: Dreambox 800HD SE Oscam Schwarze Karte

Mit einer anderen Version der Oscam gehts auch nicht.

Gibt es eine alternative: Cccam sharen, HD+ Karte lesen und Ösis?
AW: Dreambox 800HD SE Oscam Schwarze Karte

alternativ könnten wir oscam only benutzen und darin das cccam protokoll aktivieren!
AW: Dreambox 800HD SE Oscam Schwarze Karte

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