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Diablo Wifi2.6 Underworld 2.2 mit newcs server verbinden


6. März 2010

habe Probleme mich mit nem newcs server zu verbinden. Benutze die n-line im newcamd aber irgendwie gehts nicht.
Sollte das überhaupt so funktionieren?
HAbe einmal gesehen unter server status das es sich verbunden hat, aber beim nächsten mal schon wieder nicht....und das Gerät stürzt auch ab manchmal wenn ich
versuche de server status zu sehen!

Hat jemand mal nen paar Infos oder Tipps?
Wait for new UW version, v2.20 sucks, v2.21 beta works only cccam client with small amount of cards. If you have server with many cards of hop1 then for diablo cam best is sharing only local cards and f line looks like that: F: user password 0 1 0 { 0:0:1 } no
AW: Diablo Wifi2.6 Underworld 2.2 mit newcs server verbinden

In between I tried already the beta 2.21.
For clarifying, the diablo should work as a cs-client and should connect to a newcs server on old dbox.
I tried it on beta 2.21beta with the cccam client and in the config file with the N-line:
N: server port user passw deskey
But with no succes. Also when I try to look at server status, nothing happens.
My question is should it work like this with the cccam client? When yes maybe I have other configs wrong?
Or have I to wait for a newer firmware with newcamd support?

For the dbox newcs server, this is a small one for home use without any forwarding (hops) of cards, just using dynamic dns instead of ip adress!
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