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Dashcam über Zigarettenanzünder oder Dauerstrom


I recently changed my car.
I had a 2018 vw sportsvan with 2 dashcams (one on the windscreen, the other one on the back) and they switched on/off when i turned the ignition key.
Now, i have a 2023 VW caddy, 2.0 TDI dsg and the cigarettes lighters are always on even when my car is parked and the engine switched off, i couldn't let my dashcams plugged.

I found a solution for the front:
I fit an usb adapter with a on/off switch and fix my garmin mini 2 .

But, on the rear it's a little bit tricky to switch on the adapter each time i start my car...

I tried to find a usb adapter with a remote but i haven't find it....does anyone have the same issue and found a solution?

Kind regards from France.

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