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BIS Ready Neotion CI+ 1.3 CAM and dump


26. November 2021

I don't know German, but I have been reverse engineering Viaccess lately (targeting Fransat and TNTSAT) with some moderate success.
I wanted to share my CAM files since you have such a nice section here (which I've never seen in any other forum board!).
I also have photos but I don't know how to upload them since the forum says they're too big ??

Here are the photos.

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Active RAM DUMP kannst du hier posten, und jetzt denk darüber nach wie du das machst

Cau Adas
I.'m still working on exploiting the CAM to get access to RAM. The progress I made is with STB Firmware. Some implement a portion of the CAM in pure software, but some interesting details are missing that are present in the CAM, which is why I bought a couple to see how to break them.
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