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Xtream Codes 1.x / 2.x [BETA] XtreamUI Reborn ...........

How do I install?​

update your ubuntu first, then install panel

  • sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y;
  • sudo apt-get install libxslt1-dev libcurl3 libgeoip-dev python -y ;
  • rm install.py; wget
  • sudo python install.py
If you want a whole NEW installation, choose MAIN.

If you want to install load balance on additional servers, add a server to panel in manage servers page, then run script and proceed with LB option.

If you want to update admin panel, select UPDATE, then paste download link of release_xyz.zip file.

tutorials are here;​

Files Hashes​

  • main_xtreamcodes_reborn.tar
  • sha1: "532B63EA0FEA4E6433FC47C3B8E65D8A90D5A4E9"
  • sub_xtreamcodes_reborn.tar
  • sha1: "5F8A7643A9E7692108E8B40D0297A7A5E4423870"
  • release_22f.zip
  • sha-1: "95471A7EFEB49D7A1F52BAB683EA2BF849F79983"


i forked this install.py is from
btw, developer removed admin part from original install.py at begining of this year.
you can compare my install.py with original one.


edit pytools/balancer.py to use "auto lb installer" from this mirror. auto lb installer added to panel with update
sed -i 's|" "|" "|g' /home/xtreamcodes/iptv_xtream_codes/pytools/balancer.py


developer made update releases open to public after r22c release, you can download them from .
i added an "UPDATE" part to install.py, it will ask link of update zip file.
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