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9. Oktober 2008
Fake omnia cards

Warning Omnia scam

Watch out guys! There are some Omnia cards in the market that are Fake!!
Those cards were meant to be sample cards given out for testing and now are mass produced but not genuine cards.
Those cards are working with the public Omnia loader: OminaLoader12.exe of 53248 Kb and ArtBisMct20.omn of 58.868 Kb but NO MORE UPDATES!
Those cards are spread in these days and are ONLY working with ART, BIS and MCT until the fist update from providers.
The seller same as COCO is promising Al Jazeera Sport and other providers but those cards will never be supported and will be working only with ART, BIS and MCT and cannot be updated.
At the first key change no more updates card is DEAD!!
So don’t buy this Fake cards original Omnia and Omnia Plus will be in the market very very soon with new loader and more providers!!!
AW: Achtung

already posted in omnia chat!
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