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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

093b interna al DM800?


Ist gelegentlich hier
20. Juni 2009
in der nähe von Köln
Salve ragazzi,
prima di fare un barbecue alla carta del mio amico, non riuscendola a leggere via smargo vorrei sapere se si puo´ mettere nello slot interno.

Con gli smargo, (ho provato il mio e uno nuovo purtroppo con FW 1.4) mi dice sempre carta non attivata. Su skifobox pero´ tutto OK.

Con CCcam 213 dovrebbe leggerla direttamente mettendo
SERIAL READER : /dev/usb/tts/0 smartreader+
SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY : /dev/usb/tts/0 3570000
ma si accende solo il Verde sullo SKIN ma niente luce, provato vari sfila e infila.
grazie in anticipo.
AW: 093b interna al DM800?

che immagine usa perché con le immagine che sono basato su OE1.6 fanno caprici con i smargo.
Se è un immagine basato su i OE1.6 fai cosi:
-lo smargo deve essere settato Normal invece che Dreambox
e nella CCcam:
#SERIAL READER : /dev/usb/tts/1 smartreader+

Altrimenti fai come è descrito qua:

:kez_03:e non mettere mai una 93b in una dm800 altrimenti :337:
AW: 093b interna al DM800?

Salve , ho integrato gli script con l´aggiunta di TIVUSAT interna al DM 800.
IL tutto funziona e ho pure agginto gli script per aggiornare i diritti di Tivusat con Oscam.
Qui sotto le mie config:

logfile = stdout
disablelog = 0
disableuserfile = 0
usrfileflag = 0
clienttimeout = 5000
fallbacktimeout = 2000
clientmaxidle = 120
cachedelay = 120
bindwait = 120
netprio = 0
resolvedelay = 30
unlockparental = 0
nice = -1
serialreadertimeout = 1500
maxlogsize = 2000
waitforcards = 1
preferlocalcards = 0
#aggiornamento TVSAT#
enabled = 1
boxtype = dreambox
au = 1
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
port = 34000@093b:000000
port = 35000@183d:005411


label = SkyItalia
protocol = mouse
detect = CD
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
group = 1
CAID = 093b
EMMCache = 1,3,2
Label = tivusat
Protocol = internal
Device = /dev/sci0
Detect = CD
Group = 2
Caid = 183d
Fallback = 0
tiger_rsakey = A92...............B5
fallback = 0
mhz = 357
cardmhz = 368
emmcache = 1,1,2


user = SkyItalia
pwd = pass
group = 1
uniq = 1
caid = 093b
AU = SkyItalia
ident = 093B:000000

User = TVsat
Pwd = RAI
Group = 2
IDENT = 183D:005411
CAID = 183D
AU = Tivusat
uniq = 0
monlevel = 4

e x ultimo cccam.cfg

N: 34000 SkyItalia pass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256
N: 35000 TVsat RAI 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256

PS: l´aggiornamento non e´ testato poiche´ non ho carte inattive di TVSAT, ma faccio fede al post di Alberto.

SAluti a tutto il Forum :good:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: 093b interna al DM800?

Salve ragazzi,
nella mania di avere sempre di piu´ sono tornato indietro ai problemi che avevo con la 4.7 e due smargo.
Nuova costellazione:
smargo 1 = Sky 0919
smargo 2 = TVsat
Interno = HD+

Sky e Tivusat OFF:emoticon-0121-angry

Come di dovuto le mie config + log

# logging
pidfile = /var/run/oscam.pid
logfile = /var/log/oscam/oscam.log
usrfile = /var/log/oscam/oscamuser.log
cwlogdir = /var/log/oscam/cw

disablelog = 0
disableuserfile = 0
usrfileflag = 0
clienttimeout = 5000
fallbacktimeout = 2000
clientmaxidle = 120
cachedelay = 120
bindwait = 120
netprio = 0
resolvedelay = 30
unlockparental = 0
nice = -1
serialreadertimeout = 1500
maxlogsize = 2000
waitforcards = 1
preferlocalcards = 0

#aggiornamento TVSAT#
enabled = 1
boxtype = dreambox
au = 1

key = 0102030405060708091011121314
port = 34000@0919:000000
port = 35000@183d:005411
port = 36000@1830:003411


label = SkyItalia
protocol = mouse
detect = CD
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
group = 1
CAID = 0919
BoxID = xxxxxxx
EMMCache = 1,3,2

Label = tivusat
Protocol = mouse
Device = /dev/ttyUSB1
Detect = CD
Group = 2
Caid = 183d
Fallback = 0
tiger_rsakey = A9.....................B5
fallback = 0
mhz = 357
cardmhz = 368
emmcache = 1,1,2
disableserverfilter = 0

label = HDplus
Protocol = internal
detect = CD
device = /dev/sci0
group = 3
emmcache = 1,3,2
n3_rsakey = BF.............D5
n3_boxkey = A7...........7C
mhz = 368


user = SkyItalia
pwd = pass
group = 1
uniq = 1
caid = 0919
AU = SkyItalia
ident = 0919:000000

User = TVsat
Pwd = RAI
Group = 2
IDENT = 183D:005411
CAID = 183D
AU = Tivusat
uniq = 0
monlevel = 4

user = HDPLUS
pwd = RTL
group = 3
au = HDplus
CAID = 1830


N: 34000 SkyItalia pass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256
N: 35000 TVsat RAI 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256
N: 36000 HDPLUS RTL 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256

>> OSCam << cardserver started at Sat May 8 13:52:51 2010
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s version=0.99.4svn, build #2046, system=mips-dreambox-linux, nice=-1
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s max. clients=29, client max. idle=120 sec
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s max. logsize=2000 Kb
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s client timeout=5000 ms, fallback timeout=2000 ms, cache delay=120 ms
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s shared memory initialized (size=554856, fd=5)
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s auth size=4752
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 0 services loaded
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s userdb reloaded: 0 accounts freed, 3 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s signal handling initialized (type=sysv)
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s oscam.srvid loading failed, old format
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s 0 lengths for caid guessing loaded
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s monitor: disabled
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s camd 3.3x: disabled
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s camd 3.5x: disabled
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s cs378x: disabled
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s newcamd: initialized (fd=10, port=34000, crypted)
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s CAID: 0919
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s provid #0: 000000
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s newcamd: initialized (fd=11, port=35000, crypted)
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s CAID: 183D
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s provid #0: 005411
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s newcamd: initialized (fd=12, port=36000, crypted)
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s CAID: 1830
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s provid #0: 003411
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s cccam: disabled
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s radegast: disabled
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s client resolver thread started
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s logger started (pid=1712)
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s resolver thread started
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s http started (pid=1714)
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s reader started (pid=1715, device=/dev/ttyUSB0, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1714 h HTTP Server listening on port 0
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s reader started (pid=1716, device=/dev/ttyUSB1, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=368)
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s reader started (pid=1717, device=/dev/sci0)
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s waiting for local card init
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1717 r04 card detected
2010/05/08 13:52:52 1717 r04 ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FE 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 34 32 20 52 65 76 47 43 34 63
2010/05/08 13:52:53 1716 r03 card detected
2010/05/08 13:52:53 1715 r02 card detected
2010/05/08 13:52:53 1717 r04 Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 3.68 Mhz
2010/05/08 13:52:54 1717 r04 detect native NAGRA card T1 protocol
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 -----------------------------------------
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 +----+--------+------------+------------+
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 |8011|0065 |1992/01/01 |1993/01/01 |
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 |8011|0064 |2010/05/07 |2011/05/08 |
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 -----------------------------------------
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 WARNING: For NAGRA2 cards you will have to set 'cardmhz = 368' in oscam.server
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 ROM: D N A S P 1 4 2
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 REV: R e v G C 4
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 SER: 48 C6 29 89
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 CAID: 1830
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 Prv.ID: 00 00 80 11
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 [nagra-reader] ready for requests
2010/05/08 13:53:00 1716 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 13:53:01 1715 r02 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 13:53:11 1715 r02 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 13:53:11 1716 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 13:53:20 1715 r02 ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FF 47 00 54 49 47 45 52 30 30 33 20 52 65 76 32 35 30 64
2010/05/08 13:53:22 1716 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 13:53:23 1715 r02 Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 3.57 Mhz
2010/05/08 13:53:24 1715 r02 detect NAGRA tiger card
2010/05/08 13:53:30 1715 r02 card system not supported
2010/05/08 13:53:30 1715 r02 Normal mode failed, reverting to Deprecated Mode
2010/05/08 13:53:30 1716 r03 ATR: 3F FF 13 25 03 10 80 33 B0 0E 69 FF 4A 50 70 00 00 49 54 02 00 00
2010/05/08 13:53:32 1716 r03 Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 3.57 Mhz
2010/05/08 13:53:33 1716 r03 [videoguard2-reader] type: VideoGuard Sky Italia
2010/05/08 13:53:34 1716 r03 card system not supported
2010/05/08 13:53:34 1716 r03 Normal mode failed, reverting to Deprecated Mode
2010/05/08 13:53:38 1715 r02 ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FF 47 00 54 49 47 45 52 30 30 33 FB B5 59 91 B3 53 F3 D9
2010/05/08 13:53:39 1716 r03 ATR: 3F 00
2010/05/08 13:53:39 1715 r02 Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 3.57 Mhz
2010/05/08 13:53:40 1716 r03 Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 3.57 Mhz
2010/05/08 13:53:40 1715 r02 detect NAGRA tiger card
2010/05/08 13:53:41 1716 r03 card system not supported
2010/05/08 13:53:41 1716 r03 card initializing error
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1715 r02 card system not supported
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1715 r02 card initializing error
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s init for all local cards done
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s anti cascading disabled
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s dvbapi: initialized (pid=1792)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s client(2) connect from (pid=1793, pipfd=20)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1792 c01 plain dvbapi-client granted (anonymous, au=0)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s client(3) connect from (pid=1794, pipfd=21)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s client(4) connect from (pid=1795, pipfd=22)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s client(5) connect from (pid=1796, pipfd=23)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s client(6) connect from (pid=1797, pipfd=24)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s client(7) connect from (pid=1798, pipfd=25)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s client(8) connect from (pid=1799, pipfd=26)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1793 c02 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1794 c03 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1795 c04 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1796 c05 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1797 c06 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1798 c07 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s client(9) connect from (pid=1801, pipfd=27)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s client(2) connect from (pid=1802, pipfd=20)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1802 c02 encrypted newcamd:36000-client granted (HDPLUS, au=hdplus)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1802 c02 user HDPLUS authenticated successfully (using client 4343)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1802 c02 AU flag 2 for user HDPLUS
2010/05/08 13:53:48 1799 c08 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 13:53:48 1801 c09 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 13:53:51 1709 s client(3) connect from (pid=1806, pipfd=21)
2010/05/08 13:53:51 1806 c03 encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (SkyItalia, au=skyitalia)
2010/05/08 13:53:51 1806 c03 user SkyItalia authenticated successfully (using client 4343)
2010/05/08 13:53:51 1806 c03 AU wont be used on this port -> disable AU
2010/05/08 13:53:55 1709 s client(4) connect from (pid=1811, pipfd=22)
2010/05/08 13:53:55 1811 c04 encrypted newcamd:35000-client granted (TVsat, au=tivusat)
2010/05/08 13:53:55 1811 c04 user TVsat authenticated successfully (using client 4343)
2010/05/08 13:53:55 1811 c04 AU wont be used on this port -> disable AU
2010/05/08 13:53:57 1811 c04 TVsat (183D&005411/213F/8C:F0A2): not found (3 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:10 1811 c04 TVsat (183D&005411/213F/8C:9851): not found (2 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:18 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 2140 (0100:2140 unknown)
2010/05/08 13:54:18 1792 c01 anonymous (0100&000030/2140/31:1BAA): rejected caid (7 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:19 1792 c01 anonymous (0100&000030/2140/64:1D55): not found (3 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:19 1792 c01 anonymous (183D&000000/2140/8C:7A89): not found (51 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:21 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 2141 (0100:2141 unknown)
2010/05/08 13:54:21 1792 c01 anonymous (0100&000030/2141/31:63A8): not found (2 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:21 1792 c01 anonymous (0100&000030/2141/64:C713): not found (3 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:21 1792 c01 anonymous (183D&000000/2141/8C:9405): not found (48 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:24 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 0003
2010/05/08 13:54:25 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 0002 (183D:0002 unknown)
2010/05/08 13:54:25 1792 c01 anonymous (183D&000000/0002/8C:8E60): not found (49 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:25 1792 c01 anonymous (0100&0000B1/0002/64:B534): not found (2 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:25 1792 c01 anonymous (0100&0000B1/0002/64:1881): not found (2 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:27 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 0001
2010/05/08 13:54:30 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 36B3 (0500:36B3 unknown)
2010/05/08 13:54:30 1792 c01 anonymous (0500&023800/36B3/2A:B448): rejected caid (4 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:30 1792 c01 anonymous (0500&040810/36B3/30:C7B5): not found (2 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:32 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 2142 (0100:2142 unknown)
2010/05/08 13:54:32 1792 c01 anonymous (0100&000030/2142/31:261A): not found (3 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:32 1792 c01 anonymous (0100&000030/2142/64:912A): not found (2 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:32 1792 c01 anonymous (183D&000000/2142/8C:B85B): not found (48 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:36 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 106A (0919:106A unknown)
2010/05/08 13:54:36 1792 c01 anonymous (0919&000000/106A/99:B639): not found (8 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:36 1792 c01 anonymous (093B&000000/106A/9B:D843): not found (5 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:47 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 106E (0919:106E unknown)
2010/05/08 13:54:47 1792 c01 anonymous (0919&000000/106E/99:E2B1): not found (3 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:47 1792 c01 anonymous (093B&000000/106E/9B:B20D): not found (3 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:49 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 2CBB (0919:2CBB unknown)
2010/05/08 13:54:49 1792 c01 anonymous (0919&000000/2CBB/99:B6E9): not found (5 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:49 1792 c01 anonymous (093B&000000/2CBB/9B:EF9F): not found (2 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:51 1792 c01 anonymous (093B&000000/2CBB/9B:8338): not found (3 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:55 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 38C1 (0919:38C1 unknown)
2010/05/08 13:54:55 1792 c01 anonymous (0919&000000/38C1/99:8906): not found (8 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:54 1792 c01 anonymous (093B&000000/38C1/9B:4348): rejected caid (13 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:55 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 379E (0919:379E unknown)
2010/05/08 13:54:55 1792 c01 anonymous (0919&000000/379E/99:E9FA): not found (3 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:55 1792 c01 anonymous (093B&000000/379E/9B:31CE): not found (2 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:56 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 0E04 (0919:0E04 unknown)
2010/05/08 13:54:56 1792 c01 anonymous (0919&000000/0E04/99:D993): not found (4 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:56 1792 c01 anonymous (093B&000000/0E04/9B:6A76): not found (2 ms)
2010/05/08 13:55:01 1792 c01 anonymous (093B&000000/0E04/9B:D2F8): not found (2 ms

Gli smargo sono settati fix 6 mhz, kernel Normal

un´aiutino per favore:emoticon-0106-cryin

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: 093b interna al DM800?

Salve ragazzi,
nella mania di avere sempre di piu´ sono tornato indietro ai problemi che avevo con la 4.7 e due smargo.
Nuova costellazione:
smargo 1 = Sky 0919
smargo 2 = TVsat
Interno = HD+

Sky e Tivusat OFF:emoticon-0121-angry

Come di dovuto le mie config + log

# logging
pidfile = /var/run/oscam.pid
logfile = /var/log/oscam/oscam.log
usrfile = /var/log/oscam/oscamuser.log
cwlogdir = /var/log/oscam/cw

disablelog = 0
disableuserfile = 0
usrfileflag = 0
clienttimeout = 5000
fallbacktimeout = 2000
clientmaxidle = 120
cachedelay = 120
bindwait = 120
netprio = 0
resolvedelay = 30
unlockparental = 0
nice = -1
serialreadertimeout = 1500
maxlogsize = 2000
waitforcards = 1
preferlocalcards = 0

#aggiornamento TVSAT#
enabled = 1
boxtype = dreambox
au = 1

key = 0102030405060708091011121314
port = 34000@0919:000000
port = 35000@183d:005411
port = 36000@1830:003411


label = SkyItalia
protocol = mouse
detect = CD
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
group = 1
CAID = 0919
BoxID = xxxxxxx
EMMCache = 1,3,2

Label = tivusat
Protocol = mouse
Device = /dev/ttyUSB1
Detect = CD
Group = 2
Caid = 183d
Fallback = 0
tiger_rsakey = A9.....................B5
fallback = 0
mhz = 357
cardmhz = 368
emmcache = 1,1,2
disableserverfilter = 0

label = HDplus
Protocol = internal
detect = CD
device = /dev/sci0
group = 3
emmcache = 1,3,2
n3_rsakey = BF.............D5
n3_boxkey = A7...........7C
mhz = 368


user = SkyItalia
pwd = pass
group = 1
uniq = 1
caid = 0919
AU = SkyItalia
ident = 0919:000000

User = TVsat
Pwd = RAI
Group = 2
IDENT = 183D:005411
CAID = 183D
AU = Tivusat
uniq = 0
monlevel = 4

user = HDPLUS
pwd = RTL
group = 3
au = HDplus
CAID = 1830


N: 34000 SkyItalia pass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256
N: 35000 TVsat RAI 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256
N: 36000 HDPLUS RTL 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256

>> OSCam << cardserver started at Sat May 8 13:52:51 2010
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s version=0.99.4svn, build #2046, system=mips-dreambox-linux, nice=-1
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s max. clients=29, client max. idle=120 sec
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s max. logsize=2000 Kb
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s client timeout=5000 ms, fallback timeout=2000 ms, cache delay=120 ms
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s shared memory initialized (size=554856, fd=5)
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s auth size=4752
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 0 services loaded
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s userdb reloaded: 0 accounts freed, 3 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s signal handling initialized (type=sysv)
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s oscam.srvid loading failed, old format
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s 0 lengths for caid guessing loaded
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s monitor: disabled
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s camd 3.3x: disabled
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s camd 3.5x: disabled
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s cs378x: disabled
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s newcamd: initialized (fd=10, port=34000, crypted)
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s CAID: 0919
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s provid #0: 000000
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s newcamd: initialized (fd=11, port=35000, crypted)
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s CAID: 183D
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s provid #0: 005411
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s newcamd: initialized (fd=12, port=36000, crypted)
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s CAID: 1830
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s provid #0: 003411
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s cccam: disabled
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s radegast: disabled
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s client resolver thread started
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s logger started (pid=1712)
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s resolver thread started
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s http started (pid=1714)
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s reader started (pid=1715, device=/dev/ttyUSB0, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1714 h HTTP Server listening on port 0
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s reader started (pid=1716, device=/dev/ttyUSB1, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=368)
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s reader started (pid=1717, device=/dev/sci0)
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1709 s waiting for local card init
2010/05/08 13:52:51 1717 r04 card detected
2010/05/08 13:52:52 1717 r04 ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FE 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 34 32 20 52 65 76 47 43 34 63
2010/05/08 13:52:53 1716 r03 card detected
2010/05/08 13:52:53 1715 r02 card detected
2010/05/08 13:52:53 1717 r04 Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 3.68 Mhz
2010/05/08 13:52:54 1717 r04 detect native NAGRA card T1 protocol
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 -----------------------------------------
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 +----+--------+------------+------------+
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 |8011|0065 |1992/01/01 |1993/01/01 |
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 |8011|0064 |2010/05/07 |2011/05/08 |
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 -----------------------------------------
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 WARNING: For NAGRA2 cards you will have to set 'cardmhz = 368' in oscam.server
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 ROM: D N A S P 1 4 2
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 REV: R e v G C 4
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 SER: 48 C6 29 89
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 CAID: 1830
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 Prv.ID: 00 00 80 11
2010/05/08 13:52:55 1717 r04 [nagra-reader] ready for requests
2010/05/08 13:53:00 1716 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 13:53:01 1715 r02 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 13:53:11 1715 r02 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 13:53:11 1716 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 13:53:20 1715 r02 ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FF 47 00 54 49 47 45 52 30 30 33 20 52 65 76 32 35 30 64
2010/05/08 13:53:22 1716 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 13:53:23 1715 r02 Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 3.57 Mhz
2010/05/08 13:53:24 1715 r02 detect NAGRA tiger card
2010/05/08 13:53:30 1715 r02 card system not supported
2010/05/08 13:53:30 1715 r02 Normal mode failed, reverting to Deprecated Mode
2010/05/08 13:53:30 1716 r03 ATR: 3F FF 13 25 03 10 80 33 B0 0E 69 FF 4A 50 70 00 00 49 54 02 00 00
2010/05/08 13:53:32 1716 r03 Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 3.57 Mhz
2010/05/08 13:53:33 1716 r03 [videoguard2-reader] type: VideoGuard Sky Italia
2010/05/08 13:53:34 1716 r03 card system not supported
2010/05/08 13:53:34 1716 r03 Normal mode failed, reverting to Deprecated Mode
2010/05/08 13:53:38 1715 r02 ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FF 47 00 54 49 47 45 52 30 30 33 FB B5 59 91 B3 53 F3 D9
2010/05/08 13:53:39 1716 r03 ATR: 3F 00
2010/05/08 13:53:39 1715 r02 Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 3.57 Mhz
2010/05/08 13:53:40 1716 r03 Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 3.57 Mhz
2010/05/08 13:53:40 1715 r02 detect NAGRA tiger card
2010/05/08 13:53:41 1716 r03 card system not supported
2010/05/08 13:53:41 1716 r03 card initializing error
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1715 r02 card system not supported
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1715 r02 card initializing error
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s init for all local cards done
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s anti cascading disabled
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s dvbapi: initialized (pid=1792)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s client(2) connect from (pid=1793, pipfd=20)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1792 c01 plain dvbapi-client granted (anonymous, au=0)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s client(3) connect from (pid=1794, pipfd=21)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s client(4) connect from (pid=1795, pipfd=22)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s client(5) connect from (pid=1796, pipfd=23)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s client(6) connect from (pid=1797, pipfd=24)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s client(7) connect from (pid=1798, pipfd=25)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s client(8) connect from (pid=1799, pipfd=26)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1793 c02 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1794 c03 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1795 c04 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1796 c05 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1797 c06 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1798 c07 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s client(9) connect from (pid=1801, pipfd=27)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1709 s client(2) connect from (pid=1802, pipfd=20)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1802 c02 encrypted newcamd:36000-client granted (HDPLUS, au=hdplus)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1802 c02 user HDPLUS authenticated successfully (using client 4343)
2010/05/08 13:53:47 1802 c02 AU flag 2 for user HDPLUS
2010/05/08 13:53:48 1799 c08 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 13:53:48 1801 c09 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 13:53:51 1709 s client(3) connect from (pid=1806, pipfd=21)
2010/05/08 13:53:51 1806 c03 encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (SkyItalia, au=skyitalia)
2010/05/08 13:53:51 1806 c03 user SkyItalia authenticated successfully (using client 4343)
2010/05/08 13:53:51 1806 c03 AU wont be used on this port -> disable AU
2010/05/08 13:53:55 1709 s client(4) connect from (pid=1811, pipfd=22)
2010/05/08 13:53:55 1811 c04 encrypted newcamd:35000-client granted (TVsat, au=tivusat)
2010/05/08 13:53:55 1811 c04 user TVsat authenticated successfully (using client 4343)
2010/05/08 13:53:55 1811 c04 AU wont be used on this port -> disable AU
2010/05/08 13:53:57 1811 c04 TVsat (183D&005411/213F/8C:F0A2): not found (3 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:10 1811 c04 TVsat (183D&005411/213F/8C:9851): not found (2 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:18 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 2140 (0100:2140 unknown)
2010/05/08 13:54:18 1792 c01 anonymous (0100&000030/2140/31:1BAA): rejected caid (7 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:19 1792 c01 anonymous (0100&000030/2140/64:1D55): not found (3 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:19 1792 c01 anonymous (183D&000000/2140/8C:7A89): not found (51 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:21 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 2141 (0100:2141 unknown)
2010/05/08 13:54:21 1792 c01 anonymous (0100&000030/2141/31:63A8): not found (2 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:21 1792 c01 anonymous (0100&000030/2141/64:C713): not found (3 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:21 1792 c01 anonymous (183D&000000/2141/8C:9405): not found (48 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:24 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 0003
2010/05/08 13:54:25 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 0002 (183D:0002 unknown)
2010/05/08 13:54:25 1792 c01 anonymous (183D&000000/0002/8C:8E60): not found (49 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:25 1792 c01 anonymous (0100&0000B1/0002/64:B534): not found (2 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:25 1792 c01 anonymous (0100&0000B1/0002/64:1881): not found (2 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:27 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 0001
2010/05/08 13:54:30 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 36B3 (0500:36B3 unknown)
2010/05/08 13:54:30 1792 c01 anonymous (0500&023800/36B3/2A:B448): rejected caid (4 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:30 1792 c01 anonymous (0500&040810/36B3/30:C7B5): not found (2 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:32 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 2142 (0100:2142 unknown)
2010/05/08 13:54:32 1792 c01 anonymous (0100&000030/2142/31:261A): not found (3 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:32 1792 c01 anonymous (0100&000030/2142/64:912A): not found (2 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:32 1792 c01 anonymous (183D&000000/2142/8C:B85B): not found (48 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:36 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 106A (0919:106A unknown)
2010/05/08 13:54:36 1792 c01 anonymous (0919&000000/106A/99:B639): not found (8 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:36 1792 c01 anonymous (093B&000000/106A/9B:D843): not found (5 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:47 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 106E (0919:106E unknown)
2010/05/08 13:54:47 1792 c01 anonymous (0919&000000/106E/99:E2B1): not found (3 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:47 1792 c01 anonymous (093B&000000/106E/9B:B20D): not found (3 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:49 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 2CBB (0919:2CBB unknown)
2010/05/08 13:54:49 1792 c01 anonymous (0919&000000/2CBB/99:B6E9): not found (5 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:49 1792 c01 anonymous (093B&000000/2CBB/9B:EF9F): not found (2 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:51 1792 c01 anonymous (093B&000000/2CBB/9B:8338): not found (3 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:55 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 38C1 (0919:38C1 unknown)
2010/05/08 13:54:55 1792 c01 anonymous (0919&000000/38C1/99:8906): not found (8 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:54 1792 c01 anonymous (093B&000000/38C1/9B:4348): rejected caid (13 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:55 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 379E (0919:379E unknown)
2010/05/08 13:54:55 1792 c01 anonymous (0919&000000/379E/99:E9FA): not found (3 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:55 1792 c01 anonymous (093B&000000/379E/9B:31CE): not found (2 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:56 1792 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 0E04 (0919:0E04 unknown)
2010/05/08 13:54:56 1792 c01 anonymous (0919&000000/0E04/99:D993): not found (4 ms)
2010/05/08 13:54:56 1792 c01 anonymous (093B&000000/0E04/9B:6A76): not found (2 ms)
2010/05/08 13:55:01 1792 c01 anonymous (093B&000000/0E04/9B:D2F8): not found (2 ms

Gli smargo sono settati fix 6 mhz, kernel Normal

un´aiutino per favore:emoticon-0106-cryin


Prova Cosi E se ai qusto nella CCcam.cfg devi Toglierlo Altrimenti la Oscam non diriconosce lo Smargo perche lo prende prima la CCcam
SERIAL READER : /dev/ttyUSB0 smartreader+
TRY ALL CHIDS : /dev/ttyUSB0


logfile = stdout
disablelog = 0
disableuserfile = 0
usrfileflag = 0
clienttimeout = 5000
fallbacktimeout = 2000
clientmaxidle = 120
cachedelay = 120
bindwait = 120
netprio = 0
resolvedelay = 30
unlockparental = 0
nice = -1
serialreadertimeout = 1500
maxlogsize = 2000
waitforcards = 1
preferlocalcards = 0

#aggiornamento TVSAT#
enabled = 1
boxtype = dreambox
au = 1

key = 0102030405060708091011121314
port = 34000@0919:000000
port = 35000@183d:005411
port = 36000@1830:003411


label = HDplus
Protocol = internal
detect = CD
Device = /dev/sci0
group = 1
CAID = 1830
EMMCache = 1,3,2
n3_rsakey = BF.............D5
n3_boxkey = A7...........7C
mhz = 368

label = Sky 0919
protocol = mouse
detect = CD
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
group = 2
CAID = 0919
EMMCache = 1,3,2

Label = tivusat
Protocol = mouse
Device = /dev/ttyUSB1
Detect = CD
Group = 3
Caid = 183d
Fallback = 0
tiger_rsakey = A92...............B5
fallback = 0
mhz = 357
cardmhz = 368
emmcache = 1,1,2


user = SkyItalia
pwd = pass
group = 2
uniq = 1
caid = 093b
AU = tivusat
ident = 093B:000000

User = TVsat
Pwd = RAI
Group = 3
IDENT = 183D:005411
CAID = 183D
AU = Tivusat
uniq = 0
monlevel = 4

user = HDPLUS
pwd = RTL
group = 3
au = HDplus
CAID = 1830
IDENT = 1830:003411
uniq = 0
monlevel = 4

e x ultimo cccam.cfg


N: 34000 SkyItalia pass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256
N: 35000 TVsat RAI 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256
N: 36000 HDPLUS RTL 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256

AW: 093b interna al DM800?

Ciao Alberto, meno male che ci sei tu:ja
Mi spieghi perche´ dovrei mettere 093b sul oscam.user quando io ho una carta 0919??

LA mia CCcam.cfg ha solo le 3 N-line.

avevo provato anche la nuova dicitura che tu mi hai detto di togliere, ma non mi aveva portato avanti e l´ho tolta
SERIAL READER : /dev/ttyUSB0 smartreader+
TRY ALL CHIDS : /dev/ttyUSB0

fatte le modifiche da te proposte il log:
>> OSCam << cardserver started at Sat May 8 17:46:47 2010
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s version=0.99.4svn, build #2214, system=mips-tuxbox-linux, nice=-1
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s max. clients=29, client max. idle=120 sec
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s max. logsize=2000 Kb
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s client timeout=5000 ms, fallback timeout=2000 ms, cache delay=120 ms
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s shared memory initialized (size=492634, fd=5)
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s auth size=4756
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 0 services loaded
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s userdb reloaded: 0 accounts freed, 3 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s signal handling initialized (type=sysv)
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s oscam.srvid loading failed, old format
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s can't open file "/var/tuxbox/config/oscam.provid" (err=2), no provids's loaded
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s 0 lengths for caid guessing loaded
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s monitor: disabled
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s camd 3.3x: disabled
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s camd 3.5x: disabled
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s cs378x: disabled
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s newcamd: initialized (fd=10, port=34000, crypted)
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s CAID: 0919
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s provid #0: 000000
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s newcamd: initialized (fd=11, port=35000, crypted)
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s CAID: 183D
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s provid #0: 005411
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s newcamd: initialized (fd=12, port=36000, crypted)
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s CAID: 1830
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s provid #0: 003411
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s cccam: disabled
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s radegast: disabled
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s logger started (pid=1147)
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s resolver thread started
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s http started (pid=1149)
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s reader started (pid=1150, device=/dev/ttyUSB0, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s reader started (pid=1151, device=/dev/ttyUSB1, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=368)
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s reader started (pid=1152, device=/dev/sci0)
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1145 s waiting for local card init
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1149 h HTTP Server listening on port 0
2010/05/08 17:46:47 1152 r04 card detected
2010/05/08 17:46:49 1152 r04 ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FE 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 34 32 20 52 65 76 47 43 34 63
2010/05/08 17:46:50 1151 r03 card detected
2010/05/08 17:46:50 1150 r02 card detected
2010/05/08 17:46:50 1152 r04 Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 3.68 Mhz
2010/05/08 17:46:51 1152 r04 detect native NAGRA card T1 protocol
2010/05/08 17:46:51 1152 r04 -----------------------------------------
2010/05/08 17:46:51 1152 r04 |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2010/05/08 17:46:51 1152 r04 +----+--------+------------+------------+
2010/05/08 17:46:51 1152 r04 |8011|0065 |1992/01/01 |1993/01/01 |
2010/05/08 17:46:51 1152 r04 |8011|0064 |2010/05/07 |2011/05/08 |
2010/05/08 17:46:51 1152 r04 -----------------------------------------
2010/05/08 17:46:52 1152 r04 ROM: D N A S P 1 4 2
2010/05/08 17:46:52 1152 r04 REV: R e v G C 4
2010/05/08 17:46:52 1152 r04 SER: 48 C6 29 89
2010/05/08 17:46:52 1152 r04 CAID: 1830
2010/05/08 17:46:52 1152 r04 Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2010/05/08 17:46:52 1152 r04 Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2010/05/08 17:46:52 1152 r04 Prv.ID: 00 00 80 11
2010/05/08 17:46:52 1152 r04 [nagra-reader] ready for requests
2010/05/08 17:46:57 1150 r02 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 17:47:00 1151 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 17:47:05 1150 r02 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 17:47:11 1151 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 17:47:13 1150 r02 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 17:47:21 1150 r02 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 17:47:22 1151 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 17:47:29 1150 r02 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 17:47:30 1150 r02 card initializing error
2010/05/08 17:47:32 1151 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 17:47:43 1151 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 17:47:44 1151 r03 card initializing error
2010/05/08 17:47:44 1145 s init for all local cards done
2010/05/08 17:47:44 1145 s anti cascading disabled
2010/05/08 17:47:44 1145 s dvbapi: initialized (pid=1227)
2010/05/08 17:47:44 1145 s client(2) connect from (pid=1228, pipfd=21)
2010/05/08 17:47:44 1145 s client(3) connect from (pid=1229, pipfd=22)
2010/05/08 17:47:44 1227 c01 plain dvbapi-client granted (anonymous, au=0)
2010/05/08 17:47:44 1228 c02 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 17:47:44 1145 s client(4) connect from (pid=1230, pipfd=23)
2010/05/08 17:47:44 1145 s client(2) connect from (pid=1231, pipfd=21)
2010/05/08 17:47:44 1145 s client(5) connect from (pid=1232, pipfd=24)
2010/05/08 17:47:44 1145 s client(6) connect from (pid=1233, pipfd=25)
2010/05/08 17:47:44 1145 s client(7) connect from (pid=1234, pipfd=26)
2010/05/08 17:47:44 1145 s client(8) connect from (pid=1235, pipfd=27)
2010/05/08 17:47:44 1145 s client(9) connect from (pid=1236, pipfd=28)
2010/05/08 17:47:44 1229 c03 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 17:47:44 1230 c04 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 17:47:44 1231 c02 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 17:47:44 1232 c05 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 17:47:44 1233 c06 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 17:47:44 1234 c07 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 17:47:44 1235 c08 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 17:47:44 1236 c09 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 17:47:47 1145 s client(2) connect from (pid=1239, pipfd=21)
2010/05/08 17:47:47 1227 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 0002 (183D:0002 unknown)
2010/05/08 17:47:47 1239 c02 encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (SkyItalia, au=0)
2010/05/08 17:47:47 1239 c02 user SkyItalia authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2010/05/08 17:47:47 1239 c02 AU disabled for user SkyItalia
2010/05/08 17:47:47 1227 c01 anonymous (183D&000000/0002/8C:3031): not found (55 ms)
2010/05/08 17:47:47 1239 c02 no valid CAID found in CAID for user 'SkyItalia'
2010/05/08 17:47:47 1227 c01 anonymous (0100&0000B1/0002/64:F160): rejected caid (5 ms)
2010/05/08 17:47:48 1239 c02 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 17:47:48 1239 c02 SkyItalia disconnected from
2010/05/08 17:47:50 1145 s client(2) connect from (pid=1243, pipfd=21)
2010/05/08 17:47:50 1243 c02 encrypted newcamd:35000-client granted (TVsat, au=tivusat)
2010/05/08 17:47:50 1243 c02 user TVsat authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2010/05/08 17:47:50 1243 c02 AU wont be used on this port -> disable AU
2010/05/08 17:47:53 1227 c01 anonymous (183D&000000/0002/8C:69CA): not found (47 ms)
2010/05/08 17:47:53 1227 c01 anonymous (0100&0000B1/0002/64:4E43): not found (3 ms)
2010/05/08 17:47:54 1145 s client(3) connect from (pid=1248, pipfd=22)
2010/05/08 17:47:54 1248 c03 encrypted newcamd:36000-client granted (HDPLUS, au=hdplus)
2010/05/08 17:47:54 1248 c03 user HDPLUS authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2010/05/08 17:47:54 1248 c03 AU enabled for user HDPLUS on reader hdplus
2010/05/08 17:47:57 1145 s client(4) connect from (pid=1252, pipfd=23)
2010/05/08 17:47:57 1252 c04 encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (SkyItalia, au=0)
2010/05/08 17:47:57 1252 c04 user SkyItalia authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2010/05/08 17:47:57 1252 c04 AU disabled for user SkyItalia
2010/05/08 17:47:57 1252 c04 no valid CAID found in CAID for user 'SkyItalia'
2010/05/08 17:47:58 1252 c04 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 17:47:58 1252 c04 SkyItalia disconnected from
2010/05/08 17:48:06 1227 c01 anonymous (183D&000000/0002/8C:9A5B): not found (47 ms)
2010/05/08 17:48:06 1227 c01 anonymous (0100&0000B1/0002/64:7F21): not found (6 ms)
2010/05/08 17:48:06 1227 c01 dvbapi: can't decode channel
2010/05/08 17:48:07 1145 s client(4) connect from (pid=1263, pipfd=23)
2010/05/08 17:48:07 1263 c04 encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (SkyItalia, au=0)
2010/05/08 17:48:07 1263 c04 user SkyItalia authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2010/05/08 17:48:07 1263 c04 AU disabled for user SkyItalia
2010/05/08 17:48:07 1263 c04 no valid CAID found in CAID for user 'SkyItalia'
2010/05/08 17:48:08 1263 c04 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 17:48:08 1263 c04 SkyItalia disconnected from

AW: 093b interna al DM800?

ora ho rimesso 0919 su oscam.user, dal log penso che sia un problema di smargo: la loro FW e´ quella sfigata 1.04 i settaggi come detto prima sono come suggeriti da Mister85.
Reboot non porta a nulla.
Fino a ieri (senza HD+) tutto funzionava, e ai smargo non´e´ stato cambiato niente.
Provo a rimettere TVSAT intern e vedere se HD+ gira su smargo e piu´ tardi mi faccio sentire.
qui l´ultimo log:
>> OSCam << cardserver started at Sat May 8 18:00:19 2010
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s version=0.99.4svn, build #2214, system=mips-tuxbox-linux, nice=-1
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s max. clients=29, client max. idle=120 sec
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s max. logsize=2000 Kb
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s client timeout=5000 ms, fallback timeout=2000 ms, cache delay=120 ms
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s shared memory initialized (size=492634, fd=5)
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s auth size=4756
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 0 services loaded
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s userdb reloaded: 0 accounts freed, 3 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s signal handling initialized (type=sysv)
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s oscam.srvid loading failed, old format
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s can't open file "/var/tuxbox/config/oscam.provid" (err=2), no provids's loaded
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s 0 lengths for caid guessing loaded
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s monitor: disabled
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s camd 3.3x: disabled
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s camd 3.5x: disabled
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s cs378x: disabled
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s newcamd: initialized (fd=10, port=34000, crypted)
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s CAID: 0919
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s provid #0: 000000
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s newcamd: initialized (fd=11, port=35000, crypted)
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s CAID: 183D
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s provid #0: 005411
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s newcamd: initialized (fd=12, port=36000, crypted)
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s CAID: 1830
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s provid #0: 003411
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s cccam: disabled
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s radegast: disabled
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s logger started (pid=1140)
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s resolver thread started
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s http started (pid=1142)
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s reader started (pid=1143, device=/dev/ttyUSB0, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s reader started (pid=1144, device=/dev/ttyUSB1, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=368)
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s reader started (pid=1145, device=/dev/sci0)
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s waiting for local card init
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1142 h HTTP Server listening on port 0
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1145 r04 card detected
2010/05/08 18:00:21 1145 r04 ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FE 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 34 32 20 52 65 76 47 43 34 63
2010/05/08 18:00:22 1145 r04 Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 3.68 Mhz
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 detect native NAGRA card T1 protocol
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 -----------------------------------------
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 +----+--------+------------+------------+
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 |8011|0065 |1992/01/01 |1993/01/01 |
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 |8011|0064 |2010/05/07 |2011/05/08 |
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 -----------------------------------------
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 ROM: D N A S P 1 4 2
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 REV: R e v G C 4
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 SER: 48 C6 29 89
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 CAID: 1830
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 Prv.ID: 00 00 80 11
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 [nagra-reader] ready for requests
2010/05/08 18:00:24 1138 s init for all local cards done
2010/05/08 18:00:24 1138 s anti cascading disabled
2010/05/08 18:00:24 1138 s dvbapi: initialized (pid=1151)
2010/05/08 18:00:24 1151 c01 plain dvbapi-client granted (anonymous, au=0)
2010/05/08 18:00:26 1151 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 106E (0919:106E unknown)
2010/05/08 18:00:31 1151 c01 anonymous (0919&000000/106E/99:5C6D): timeout (5064 ms)
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1138 s client(2) connect from (pid=1178, pipfd=21)
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1178 c02 encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (SkyItalia, au=0)
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1178 c02 user SkyItalia authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1178 c02 AU disabled for user SkyItalia
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1138 s client(3) connect from (pid=1179, pipfd=22)
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1179 c03 encrypted newcamd:35000-client granted (TVsat, au=tivusat)
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1179 c03 user TVsat authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1179 c03 AU wont be used on this port -> disable AU
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1138 s client(4) connect from (pid=1180, pipfd=23)
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1180 c04 encrypted newcamd:36000-client granted (HDPLUS, au=hdplus)
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1180 c04 user HDPLUS authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1180 c04 AU enabled for user HDPLUS on reader hdplus
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1151 c01 anonymous (0919&000000/106E/99:213D): timeout (5067 ms)
2010/05/08 18:00:37 1151 c01 anonymous (093B&000000/106E/9B:0100): timeout (5034 ms)
2010/05/08 18:00:43 1143 r02 card detected
2010/05/08 18:00:44 1144 r03 card detected
2010/05/08 18:00:45 1151 c01 anonymous (093B&000000/106E/9B:88FA): rejected caid (5276 ms)
2010/05/08 18:00:51 1143 r02 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 18:00:54 1144 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 18:00:57 1179 c03 TVsat (183D&005411/0002/8C:1EF9): timeout (5005 ms)
2010/05/08 18:00:57 1138 s client(5) connect from (pid=1206, pipfd=24)
2010/05/08 18:00:57 1179 c03 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 18:00:57 1179 c03 TVsat disconnected from
2010/05/08 18:00:57 1206 c05 encrypted newcamd:35000-client granted (TVsat, au=tivusat)
2010/05/08 18:00:57 1206 c05 user TVsat authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2010/05/08 18:00:57 1206 c05 AU wont be used on this port -> disable AU
2010/05/08 18:00:59 1143 r02 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 18:01:05 1144 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 18:01:07 1143 r02 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 18:01:12 1178 c02 SkyItalia (0919&000000/379D/99:7EAD): timeout (5006 ms)
2010/05/08 18:01:12 1178 c02 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 18:01:12 1178 c02 SkyItalia disconnected from
2010/05/08 18:01:12 1138 s client(2) connect from (pid=1221, pipfd=21)
2010/05/08 18:01:12 1221 c02 encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (SkyItalia, au=0)
2010/05/08 18:01:12 1221 c02 user SkyItalia authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2010/05/08 18:01:12 1221 c02 AU disabled for user SkyItalia
2010/05/08 18:01:15 1143 r02 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 18:01:16 1144 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 18:01:22 1221 c02 SkyItalia (0919&000000/0E33/99:672A): timeout (5006 ms)
2010/05/08 18:01:22 1221 c02 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 18:01:22 1221 c02 SkyItalia disconnected from
2010/05/08 18:01:22 1138 s client(2) connect from (pid=1232, pipfd=21)
2010/05/08 18:01:22 1232 c02 encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (SkyItalia, au=0)
2010/05/08 18:01:22 1232 c02 user SkyItalia authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2010/05/08 18:01:22 1232 c02 AU disabled for user SkyItalia
2010/05/08 18:01:23 1143 r02 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 18:01:23 1143 r02 card initializing error
2010/05/08 18:01:23 1232 c02 exit with signal 11
2010/05/08 18:01:23 1138 s client(2) connect from (pid=1235, pipfd=21)
2010/05/08 18:01:23 1235 c02 exit with signal 11
2010/05/08 18:01:26 1144 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 18:01:33 1138 s client(2) connect from (pid=1246, pipfd=21)
2010/05/08 18:01:33 1246 c02 encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (SkyItalia, au=0)
2010/05/08 18:01:33 1246 c02 user SkyItalia authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2010/05/08 18:01:33 1246 c02 AU disabled for user SkyItalia

A dopo................:emoticon-0105-wink:
AW: 093b interna al DM800?

ora ho rimesso 0919 su oscam.user, dal log penso che sia un problema di smargo: la loro FW e´ quella sfigata 1.04 i settaggi come detto prima sono come suggeriti da Mister85.
Reboot non porta a nulla.
Fino a ieri (senza HD+) tutto funzionava, e ai smargo non´e´ stato cambiato niente.
Provo a rimettere TVSAT intern e vedere se HD+ gira su smargo e piu´ tardi mi faccio sentire.
qui l´ultimo log:
>> OSCam << cardserver started at Sat May 8 18:00:19 2010
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s version=0.99.4svn, build #2214, system=mips-tuxbox-linux, nice=-1
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s max. clients=29, client max. idle=120 sec
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s max. logsize=2000 Kb
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s client timeout=5000 ms, fallback timeout=2000 ms, cache delay=120 ms
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s shared memory initialized (size=492634, fd=5)
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s auth size=4756
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 0 services loaded
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s userdb reloaded: 0 accounts freed, 3 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s signal handling initialized (type=sysv)
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s oscam.srvid loading failed, old format
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s can't open file "/var/tuxbox/config/oscam.provid" (err=2), no provids's loaded
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s 0 lengths for caid guessing loaded
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s monitor: disabled
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s camd 3.3x: disabled
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s camd 3.5x: disabled
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s cs378x: disabled
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s newcamd: initialized (fd=10, port=34000, crypted)
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s CAID: 0919
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s provid #0: 000000
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s newcamd: initialized (fd=11, port=35000, crypted)
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s CAID: 183D
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s provid #0: 005411
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s newcamd: initialized (fd=12, port=36000, crypted)
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s CAID: 1830
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s provid #0: 003411
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s cccam: disabled
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s radegast: disabled
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s logger started (pid=1140)
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s resolver thread started
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s http started (pid=1142)
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s reader started (pid=1143, device=/dev/ttyUSB0, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=357)
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s reader started (pid=1144, device=/dev/ttyUSB1, detect=cd, mhz=357, cardmhz=368)
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s reader started (pid=1145, device=/dev/sci0)
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1138 s waiting for local card init
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1142 h HTTP Server listening on port 0
2010/05/08 18:00:19 1145 r04 card detected
2010/05/08 18:00:21 1145 r04 ATR: 3F FF 95 00 FF 91 81 71 FE 47 00 44 4E 41 53 50 31 34 32 20 52 65 76 47 43 34 63
2010/05/08 18:00:22 1145 r04 Maximum frequency for this card is formally 5 Mhz, clocking it to 3.68 Mhz
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 detect native NAGRA card T1 protocol
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 -----------------------------------------
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 |id |tier |valid from |valid to |
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 +----+--------+------------+------------+
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 |8011|0065 |1992/01/01 |1993/01/01 |
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 |8011|0064 |2010/05/07 |2011/05/08 |
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 -----------------------------------------
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 ROM: D N A S P 1 4 2
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 REV: R e v G C 4
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 SER: 48 C6 29 89
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 CAID: 1830
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 Prv.ID: 00 00 34 11 (sysid)
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 Prv.ID: 00 00 00 00
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 Prv.ID: 00 00 80 11
2010/05/08 18:00:23 1145 r04 [nagra-reader] ready for requests
2010/05/08 18:00:24 1138 s init for all local cards done
2010/05/08 18:00:24 1138 s anti cascading disabled
2010/05/08 18:00:24 1138 s dvbapi: initialized (pid=1151)
2010/05/08 18:00:24 1151 c01 plain dvbapi-client granted (anonymous, au=0)
2010/05/08 18:00:26 1151 c01 dvbapi: new program number: 106E (0919:106E unknown)
2010/05/08 18:00:31 1151 c01 anonymous (0919&000000/106E/99:5C6D): timeout (5064 ms)
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1138 s client(2) connect from (pid=1178, pipfd=21)
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1178 c02 encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (SkyItalia, au=0)
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1178 c02 user SkyItalia authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1178 c02 AU disabled for user SkyItalia
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1138 s client(3) connect from (pid=1179, pipfd=22)
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1179 c03 encrypted newcamd:35000-client granted (TVsat, au=tivusat)
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1179 c03 user TVsat authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1179 c03 AU wont be used on this port -> disable AU
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1138 s client(4) connect from (pid=1180, pipfd=23)
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1180 c04 encrypted newcamd:36000-client granted (HDPLUS, au=hdplus)
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1180 c04 user HDPLUS authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1180 c04 AU enabled for user HDPLUS on reader hdplus
2010/05/08 18:00:35 1151 c01 anonymous (0919&000000/106E/99:213D): timeout (5067 ms)
2010/05/08 18:00:37 1151 c01 anonymous (093B&000000/106E/9B:0100): timeout (5034 ms)
2010/05/08 18:00:43 1143 r02 card detected
2010/05/08 18:00:44 1144 r03 card detected
2010/05/08 18:00:45 1151 c01 anonymous (093B&000000/106E/9B:88FA): rejected caid (5276 ms)
2010/05/08 18:00:51 1143 r02 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 18:00:54 1144 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 18:00:57 1179 c03 TVsat (183D&005411/0002/8C:1EF9): timeout (5005 ms)
2010/05/08 18:00:57 1138 s client(5) connect from (pid=1206, pipfd=24)
2010/05/08 18:00:57 1179 c03 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 18:00:57 1179 c03 TVsat disconnected from
2010/05/08 18:00:57 1206 c05 encrypted newcamd:35000-client granted (TVsat, au=tivusat)
2010/05/08 18:00:57 1206 c05 user TVsat authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2010/05/08 18:00:57 1206 c05 AU wont be used on this port -> disable AU
2010/05/08 18:00:59 1143 r02 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 18:01:05 1144 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 18:01:07 1143 r02 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 18:01:12 1178 c02 SkyItalia (0919&000000/379D/99:7EAD): timeout (5006 ms)
2010/05/08 18:01:12 1178 c02 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 18:01:12 1178 c02 SkyItalia disconnected from
2010/05/08 18:01:12 1138 s client(2) connect from (pid=1221, pipfd=21)
2010/05/08 18:01:12 1221 c02 encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (SkyItalia, au=0)
2010/05/08 18:01:12 1221 c02 user SkyItalia authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2010/05/08 18:01:12 1221 c02 AU disabled for user SkyItalia
2010/05/08 18:01:15 1143 r02 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 18:01:16 1144 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 18:01:22 1221 c02 SkyItalia (0919&000000/0E33/99:672A): timeout (5006 ms)
2010/05/08 18:01:22 1221 c02 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 18:01:22 1221 c02 SkyItalia disconnected from
2010/05/08 18:01:22 1138 s client(2) connect from (pid=1232, pipfd=21)
2010/05/08 18:01:22 1232 c02 encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (SkyItalia, au=0)
2010/05/08 18:01:22 1232 c02 user SkyItalia authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2010/05/08 18:01:22 1232 c02 AU disabled for user SkyItalia
2010/05/08 18:01:23 1143 r02 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 18:01:23 1143 r02 card initializing error
2010/05/08 18:01:23 1232 c02 exit with signal 11
2010/05/08 18:01:23 1138 s client(2) connect from (pid=1235, pipfd=21)
2010/05/08 18:01:23 1235 c02 exit with signal 11
2010/05/08 18:01:26 1144 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 18:01:33 1138 s client(2) connect from (pid=1246, pipfd=21)
2010/05/08 18:01:33 1246 c02 encrypted newcamd:34000-client granted (SkyItalia, au=0)
2010/05/08 18:01:33 1246 c02 user SkyItalia authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2010/05/08 18:01:33 1246 c02 AU disabled for user SkyItalia

A dopo................:emoticon-0105-wink:

HI comunque se veto bene il tuo Log la Oscam si disconet da sola non so se e il Proplema dello Smargo perche dice anche che la Carda non e ativata
2010/05/08 18:01:12 1221 c02 AU disabled for user SkyItalia

2010/05/08 18:01:15 1143 r02 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 18:01:16 1144 r03 Error activating card.

2010/05/08 18:01:22 1221 c02 SkyItalia (0919&000000/0E33/99:672A): timeout (5006 ms)
2010/05/08 18:01:22 1221 c02 Connection closed to client
2010/05/08 18:01:22 1221 c02 SkyItalia disconnected from
2010/05/08 18:00:59 1143 r02 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 18:01:05 1144 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/08 18:01:07 1143 r02 Error activating card.

Senza Garazia con Questo Programma puoi Portare il tuo Smargo dinuovo sulla Versione 1.3 funziona solo su Gli Smargo Originali

Smargo downgrade da 1.4 a 1.3 Oppure da 1.5 a 1.3

Qua puoi controlare se il tuo Smargo e Originale oppure un FAKE SMARGO
[FONT=&quot]Link veralten (gelöscht)[/FONT]
AW: 093b interna al DM800?


Come annunciato prima ho invertito le due carte e editato di conseguenza gli script ----> HD+ su smargo e Tivusat interno e vedi un po......:hell
ora funziona tutto!
Mi piacerebbe capire perche´ tivusat non ne vuole sapere di Smargo........

Approposito di Smargo, il soft che mi hai messo non funziona, e mi sembrava strano che potesse funzionare poiche´ in tutti i Forum si dice che il processo non e´ retroattivo.Una volta fatto Upgrade non si puo´ fare Downgrade.

:dance3::dance3: Saluti Giorgio:dance3::dance3:

PS: Se a qualcuno interessa posto le config, altrimenti chiudo qui! Rinnovando i miei ringraziamenti
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