Digital Eliteboard - Das Digitale Technik Forum

Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

I12 UM Cccam mit Oscam

AW: I12 UM Cccam mit Oscam

kein rsa oder box keys für I12 Karten,
nur bei UM01/02/03
AW: I12 UM Cccam mit Oscam

Debian Server mit Digi, KD und UM ???

da kann ich nicht weiter helfen
AW: I12 UM Cccam mit Oscam

sorry für das leichen hochhole aber meine Frage passt zum Thema hier...

kann mir jemand sagen was ich an meiner OScam Konfiguration ändern muss damit anstatt meine UM02 Karte die heute eingetroffene I12 Karte + HD Erkannt wird und an mein Test Client weitergegeben wird!?

Hier meine Konfig:

logfile = 0
fallbacktimeout = 2600
clientmaxidle = 200
cachedelay = 120
netprio = 1
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 0
preferlocalcards = 1
saveinithistory = 1
lb_save = 100

port = 988
serverip =
nocrypt =,
hideclient_to = 15
appendchaninfo = 1

port = 26000@1838:000000
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
allowed = 
keepalive = 0

httpport = 83
httphelplang = de
httpcss = /var/media/ftp/uStor01//cs/oscam//proflinux_ddcstyle.css
httprefresh = 10
httpallowed =,

user = fritzbox
pwd = fritte
disabled = 0
group = 1
uniq = 1
sleep = 0
monlevel = 0
caid = 1838
ident = 1838:000000

label = smargo
enable = 1
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
smargopatch = 1
caid = 1838
rsakey = B55...
boxkey = A76...
detect = cd
mhz = 357
cardmhz = 357
group = 1
emmcache = 1,3,2
lb_weight = 100

N: 26000 fritzbox fritte 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256

ich dank euch schonmal für die Hilfe :good:
AW: I12 UM Cccam mit Oscam

Probiers mal so

logfile = 0
fallbacktimeout = 2600
clientmaxidle = 200
cachedelay = 120
netprio = 1
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 0
preferlocalcards = 1
saveinithistory = 1
lb_save = 100

port = 988
serverip =
nocrypt =,
hideclient_to = 15
appendchaninfo = 1

port = 34001@1722:000000;34002@1801:001102
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
keepalive = 0

httpport = 83
httphelplang = de
httpcss = /var/media/ftp/uStor01/cs/oscam/proflinux_ddcstyle.css
httprefresh = 10
httpallowed =,
user = fritzbox_i12
pwd = fritteSD
disabled = 0
group = 2
uniq = 1
sleep = 0
monlevel = 0
caid = 1722
ident = 1722:000000

user = fritzbox_i12HD
pwd = fritteHD
disabled = 0
group = 2
uniq = 1
sleep = 0
monlevel = 0
caid = 1801
ident = 1801:001102
betatunnel = 1801.FFFF:1722
label = i12
enable = 1
group = 2
protocol = mouse
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
smargopatch = 1
caid = 1722,1801
ident = 1722:000000;1801:001102

detect = cd
mhz = 600
cardmhz = 600

emmcache = 1,3,2
lb_weight = 100
N-Line in CCcam.cfg
N: 34001 fritzbox_i12 fritteSD 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256

N: 34002 fritzbox_i12HD fritteHD 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 256
Am besten den Smargo fest auf 6Mhz einstellen.
Um i12

hallo leute bin schon seit tagen dran meine dreambox 800c auf cccam 2.1.4 mit oscam 2.10 zu stellen aber meie hd sender werden nicht hell

logfile = /var/log/oscam.log
cachedelay = 120
nice = -1
maxlogsize = 1000
preferlocalcards = 1
saveinithistory = 1

hideclient_to = 15
appendchaninfo = 0

port = 34000@1722:000000;34001@1835:000000
serverip =
key = 0102030405060708091011121314
keepalive = 0

enabled = 1
au = 1
boxtype = dreambox
user = DVBapi

httpport = 8080
httpuser =
httppwd =
httprefresh = 10
httpallowed =,,,
user = mgcamd
pwd = mgcamd
group = 2
au = 1
caid = 1722,1835
betatunnel = 1835.797d:1722
ident = 1722:000000;1835:000000

user = DVBapi
pwd = DVBapi
description = DVB-API
group = 2
au = 1
caid = 1835,1722
betatunnel = 1835.797d:1722
ident = 1722:000000;1835:000000
cccignorereshare = 0
label = i12
protocol = internal
device = /dev/sci0
showcls = 0
caid = 1722,1801
force_irdeto = 1
detect = cd
mhz = 600
cardmhz = 600
group = 2
N: 34000 mgcamd mgcamd 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

N: 34000 DVBapi DVBapi 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:

warum die Kombination OScam/CCCam?
Der Abschnitt [dvbapi] in der oscam.conf in Verbindung mit dem passendem User in der oscam.user ist dafür zuständig, dass es lokal auf einem Receiver hell werden kann. Dieser User sollte/darf nicht für die Verbindung zu anderen Clients verwendet werden.
Wenn du schon OScam mit CCCam zusammen verwenden willst, mußt du dafür Sorge tragen, dass CCCam keinen Zugriff auf die Reader erhält ansonsten krallt sich diese ganz automatisch und nichts geht mehr mit OScam.
Poste bitte mal das Logfile von OScam und nehme die ident Einträge raus. Letztere machen oft mehr Ärger als Nutzen.
Thema Betatunnel. Wenn dann mach gleich 1835.FFFF:1722. Ist einfacher und spart auch Arbeit.



Der boxkey fehlt bei dem Reader:

boxkey = 1122334455667788
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Da du ja an die CC weitergeben willst, solltest du die dvbapi deaktivieren.

enabled                       = [B][COLOR=#ff0000]0[/COLOR][/B]

Die CAID des Readers ist auch falsch, 1801 ist schon länge abgeschaltet... da muss die 1835 rein:

caid                          = 1722,[B][COLOR=#ff0000]1835[/COLOR][/B]

Bei den Usern sind die Betatunnel nicht vollständig(UM schaltet ja nun weitere SkyHD-Sender auf, bisher ist nur 90F0 => Sky Atlantic HD aktiv)

betatunnel                    = 1835.797D:1722,1835.90F0:1722

Die Ident-Einträge bei den Usern würde ich auch rausnehmen, ist nicht erforderlich.

Die beiden N-Lines, die du in CC einbinden möchtest, sind auch nicht korrekt, da beide auf den Port 34000 verbinden, und damit nur CAID 1722 übertragen.

Also so(auch wenn mir die Namensgebung der User nicht erschließt... haste dir alles wild zusammenkopiert ohne drüber nachzudenken, oder?):

N: 34000 mgcamd mgcamd 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
N: 34001 DVBapi DVBapi 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
>> OSCam << cardserver started at Tue May 22 09:48:57 2012
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build #5882 (mipsel-oe-linux)
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s version=1.20-unstable_svn, build #5882, system=mipsel-oe-linux, nice=-1
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s client max. idle=120 sec, debug level=0
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s max. logsize=256 Kb, loghistorysize=4096 bytes
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s client timeout=5000 ms, fallback timeout=2500 ms, cache delay=0 ms
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 8 services loaded, rejected 0
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s userdb reloaded: 2 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s signal handling initialized (type=sysv)
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s 7574 service-id's loaded in 317ms
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s WARNING: You risk high CPU load and high ECM times with more than 2000 service-id´s!
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s HINT: --> use optimized lists from
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s can't open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.tiers" (err=2 No such file or directory), no tier-id's loaded
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s can't open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.provid" (err=2 No such file or directory), no provids's loaded
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s can't open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.ird" (errno=2 No such file or directory) irdeto guessing not loaded
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s monitor: disabled
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s camd35: disabled
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s cs378x: disabled
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=6, port=50000, ip=, crypted)
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s -> CAID: 1722 PROVID: 000000
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=7, port=50001, ip=, crypted)
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s -> CAID: 1835 PROVID: 000000
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s radegast: disabled
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s http thread started
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s reader check thread started
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s check thread started
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s creating thread for device /dev/sci0
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2012/05/22 9:48:57 5E69F8 h HTTP Server listening on port 8080
2012/05/22 9:48:57 5E5290 r reader i12 initialized (device=/dev/sci0, detect=cd, mhz=600, cardmhz=600)
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s waiting for local card init
2012/05/22 9:48:58 0 i12 card detected
2012/05/22 9:49:01 5E5290 r ATR: 3B 9F 21 0E 49 52 44 45 54 4F 20 41 43 53 03 84 55 FF 80 6D
2012/05/22 9:49:02 5E5290 r Maximum frequency for this card is formally 6 Mhz, clocking it to 6.00 Mhz
2012/05/22 9:49:03 5E5290 r detect irdeto tunneled nagra card
2012/05/22 9:49:03 5E5290 r no rsa key configured -> using irdeto mode
2012/05/22 9:49:03 5E5290 r detect irdeto card
2012/05/22 9:49:03 5E5290 r caid: 1722, acs: 3.84, country code: TEL
2012/05/22 9:49:03 5E5290 r providers: 4, ascii serial: xxxxxxx, hex serial: xxxxxxx, hex base: 1A
2012/05/22 9:49:06 5E5290 r active providers: 2 (000000,000000)
2012/05/22 9:49:06 5E5290 r found cardsystem irdeto
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r entitlements for provider: 2, id: 000000
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 05DD, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 05DF, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 05E7, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 0605, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 05E8, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 00F0, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 05F1, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 000F, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 05FB, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 7D27, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 05DE, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 7D23, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 04CE, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:

mehr kommt im Logfile nicht? Keine Verbindungsversuche vom Client?



P.S.: Verwende bitte zum posten von Logfiles und Konfigs die Funktion Spoiler. Ich mache das nicht aus Langeweile für dich.
Naja, die Karte wird ordentlich eingelesen. Aber das war ja auch nicht das Problem... funktioniert es denn nun?!
>> OSCam << cardserver started at Tue May 22 09:48:57 2012
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build #5882 (mipsel-oe-linux)
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s version=1.20-unstable_svn, build #5882, system=mipsel-oe-linux, nice=-1
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s client max. idle=120 sec, debug level=0
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s max. logsize=256 Kb, loghistorysize=4096 bytes
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s client timeout=5000 ms, fallback timeout=2500 ms, cache delay=0 ms
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 8 services loaded, rejected 0
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s userdb reloaded: 2 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s signal handling initialized (type=sysv)
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s 7574 service-id's loaded in 317ms
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s WARNING: You risk high CPU load and high ECM times with more than 2000 service-id´s!
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s HINT: --> use optimized lists from
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s can't open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.tiers" (err=2 No such file or directory), no tier-id's loaded
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s can't open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.provid" (err=2 No such file or directory), no provids's loaded
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s can't open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.ird" (errno=2 No such file or directory) irdeto guessing not loaded
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s monitor: disabled
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s camd35: disabled
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s cs378x: disabled
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=6, port=50000, ip=, crypted)
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s -> CAID: 1722 PROVID: 000000
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=7, port=50001, ip=, crypted)
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s -> CAID: 1835 PROVID: 000000
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s radegast: disabled
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s http thread started
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s reader check thread started
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s check thread started
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s creating thread for device /dev/sci0
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2012/05/22 9:48:57 5E69F8 h HTTP Server listening on port 8080
2012/05/22 9:48:57 5E5290 r reader i12 initialized (device=/dev/sci0, detect=cd, mhz=600, cardmhz=600)
2012/05/22 9:48:57 0 s waiting for local card init
2012/05/22 9:48:58 0 i12 card detected
2012/05/22 9:49:01 5E5290 r ATR: 3B 9F 21 0E 49 52 44 45 54 4F 20 41 43 53 03 84 55 FF 80 6D
2012/05/22 9:49:02 5E5290 r Maximum frequency for this card is formally 6 Mhz, clocking it to 6.00 Mhz
2012/05/22 9:49:03 5E5290 r detect irdeto tunneled nagra card
2012/05/22 9:49:03 5E5290 r no rsa key configured -> using irdeto mode
2012/05/22 9:49:03 5E5290 r detect irdeto card
2012/05/22 9:49:03 5E5290 r caid: 1722, acs: 3.84, country code: TEL
2012/05/22 9:49:03 5E5290 r providers: 4, ascii serial: xxxxxxx, hex serial: xxxxxxx, hex base: 1A
2012/05/22 9:49:06 5E5290 r active providers: 2 (000000,000000)
2012/05/22 9:49:06 5E5290 r found cardsystem irdeto
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r entitlements for provider: 2, id: 000000
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 05DD, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 05DF, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 05E7, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 0605, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 05E8, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 00F0, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 05F1, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 000F, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 05FB, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 7D27, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 05DE, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 7D23, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r chid: 04CE, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/22 9:49:07 5E5290 r [irdeto-reader] ready for requests
2012/05/22 9:49:08 0 s init for all local cards done
2012/05/22 9:49:08 0 s anti cascading disabled
2012/05/22 9:49:08 5E8E00 c plain dvbapi-client granted (DVBapi, au=on (1 reader))
2012/05/22 9:49:08 5E8E00 c dvbapi: 3 entries read from oscam.dvbapi
2012/05/22 9:49:08 5EA568 c client connected to 50000 port
2012/05/22 9:49:08 5EA568 c WARNING: invalid client tcp_conn_close()
2012/05/22 9:49:08 5EA568 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/05/22 9:49:08 5EA568 c thread 2DEC54B0 ended!
2012/05/22 9:49:08 5EBCD0 c client connected to 50000 port
2012/05/22 9:49:08 5EBCD0 c WARNING: invalid client tcp_conn_close()
2012/05/22 9:49:08 5EBCD0 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/05/22 9:49:08 5EBCD0 c thread 2E6C54B0 ended!
2012/05/22 9:49:08 5ED438 c client connected to 50000 port
2012/05/22 9:49:08 5ED438 c WARNING: invalid client tcp_conn_close()
2012/05/22 9:49:08 5ED438 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/05/22 9:49:08 5ED438 c thread 2EEC54B0 ended!
2012/05/22 9:49:08 5EEBA0 c client connected to 50000 port
2012/05/22 9:49:08 5EEBA0 c WARNING: invalid client tcp_conn_close()
2012/05/22 9:49:08 5EEBA0 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/05/22 9:49:08 5EEBA0 c thread 2F6C54B0 ended!
2012/05/22 9:49:08 5E8E00 c dvbapi: [ADD PID 0] CAID: 1722 ECM_PID: 175E PROVID: 000000
2012/05/22 9:49:08 5E8E00 c dvbapi: [ADD PID 1] CAID: 1831 ECM_PID: 1A5E PROVID: 000000
2012/05/22 9:49:08 5E8E00 c dvbapi: [ADD PID 2] CAID: 1835 ECM_PID: 1C46 PROVID: 000000
2012/05/22 9:49:08 5E8E00 c dvbapi: [ADD PID 3] CAID: 1838 ECM_PID: 1E46 PROVID: 000000
2012/05/22 9:49:08 5E8E00 c dvbapi: new program number: 002A (13th Street)
2012/05/22 9:49:09 5E8E00 c housekeeping lb stats thread started
2012/05/22 9:49:09 5E8E00 c dvbapi: Start descrambling PID #0 (CAID: 1722) 1
2012/05/22 9:49:09 5E8E00 c DVBapi (1722&000000/002A/93:5DD6): found (671 ms) by i12 (of 1 avail 1)
2012/05/22 9:49:12 5F3390 c client connected to 50000 port
2012/05/22 9:49:12 5F3390 c encrypted newcamd:50000-client xxxxxxxxxxxx granted (mgcamd, au=on (1 reader))
2012/05/22 9:49:12 5F3390 c user mgcamd authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2012/05/22 9:49:12 5F3390 c AU enabled for user mgcamd on reader i12
2012/05/22 9:49:15 5E8E00 c DVBapi (1722&000000/002A/93:8BAE): found (635 ms) by i12 (of 1 avail 1)
2012/05/22 9:49:15 5EA868 c client connected to 50000 port
2012/05/22 9:49:15 5EA868 c user Server1 is trying to connect but doesnt exist ! (CCcam)
2012/05/22 9:49:15 5EA868 c plain newcamd-client xxxxxxxxxxxx rejected (no such user)
2012/05/22 9:49:15 5EA868 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/05/22 9:49:15 5EA868 c thread 2EEC54B0 ended
2012/05/22 9:49:17 5EBFD0 c client connected to 50000 port
2012/05/22 9:49:17 5EBFD0 c user Server3 is trying to connect but doesnt exist ! (CCcam)
2012/05/22 9:49:17 5EBFD0 c plain newcamd-client xxxxxxxxxxxx rejected (no such user)
2012/05/22 9:49:17 5EBFD0 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/05/22 9:49:17 5EBFD0 c thread 2EEC54B0 ended!
2012/05/22 9:49:18 5ED738 c client connected to 50000 port
2012/05/22 9:49:18 5ED738 c user dreambox600 is trying to connect but doesnt exist ! (CCcam)
2012/05/22 9:49:18 5ED738 c plain newcamd-client xxxxxxxxxxxx rejected (no such user)
2012/05/22 9:49:18 5ED738 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/05/22 9:49:18 5ED738 c thread 2F6C54B0 ended!
2012/05/22 9:49:18 5F4AF8 c client connected to 50000 port
2012/05/22 9:49:18 5F4AF8 c user Server2 is trying to connect but doesnt exist ! (CCcam)
2012/05/22 9:49:18 5F4AF8 c plain newcamd-client xxxxxxxxxxxx rejected (no such user)
2012/05/22 9:49:18 5F4AF8 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/05/22 9:49:18 5F4AF8 c thread 2E6C54B0 ended!
2012/05/22 9:49:24 5E5290 r Error processing ecm for caid 1722, srvid 000A (servicename: Sky Cinema) on reader i12.
2012/05/22 9:49:24 5F3390 c mgcamd (1722&000000/000A/93:9CD2): not found (578 ms) by i12 (of 1 avail 1) (i12 irdeto_do_cmd [2] 90 00)
2012/05/22 9:49:26 5F4AF8 c client connected to 50000 port
2012/05/22 9:49:26 5F4AF8 c user Server1 is trying to connect but doesnt exist ! (CCcam)
2012/05/22 9:49:27 5F4AF8 c plain newcamd-client xxxxxxxxxxxx rejected (no such user)
2012/05/22 9:49:27 5F4AF8 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/05/22 9:49:27 5F4AF8 c thread 2E6C54B0 ended!
2012/05/22 9:49:29 5EA808 c client connected to 50000 port
2012/05/22 9:49:29 5EA808 c user Server2 is trying to connect but doesnt exist ! (CCcam)
2012/05/22 9:49:29 5EA808 c plain newcamd-client xxxxxxxxxxxx rejected (no such user)
2012/05/22 9:49:29 5EA808 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/05/22 9:49:29 5EA808 c thread 2E6C54B0 ended!
2012/05/22 9:49:30 5EBF70 c client connected to 50000 port
2012/05/22 9:49:30 5EBF70 c user Server3 is trying to connect but doesnt exist ! (CCcam)
2012/05/22 9:49:30 5EBF70 c plain newcamd-client xxxxxxxxxxxx rejected (no such user)
2012/05/22 9:49:30 5EBF70 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/05/22 9:49:30 5EBF70 c thread 2E6C54B0 ended!
2012/05/22 9:49:31 5F3390 c mgcamd (1722&000000/001A/93:69BB): found (645 ms) by i12 (of 1 avail 1)
2012/05/22 9:49:31 5ED6D8 c client connected to 50000 port
2012/05/22 9:49:31 5ED6D8 c user dreambox600 is trying to connect but doesnt exist ! (CCcam)
2012/05/22 9:49:31 5ED6D8 c plain newcamd-client xxxxxxxxxxxx rejected (no such user)
2012/05/22 9:49:31 5ED6D8 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxxx
2012/05/22 9:49:31 5ED6D8 c thread 2E6C54B0 ended!

nein es funzt immer noch net
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Newcamd-Ports sind laut Log 50000 für CAID 1722 und 50001 für CAID 1835... also anders als vor 2 Posts...
dvb-api ist noch immer aktiv..

Poste am besten nochmal deine aktuelle oscam.* Dateien in Spoilern... so wird das nichts...

hast du dir durchgelesen, was dir dein Logfile so alles sagt?
Da versuchen sich diverse Clients (Server1-Server3) an dem System anzumelden und der jeweilige Account existiert gar nicht.
Der Fehler mit anonymouse kommt daher, dass du dvbapi in der oscam.conf aktiviert hast und der passende User nicht vorhanden ist.


>> OSCam << cardserver started at Wed May 30 18:06:19 2012
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build #5882 (mipsel-oe-linux)
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s version=1.20-unstable_svn, build #5882, system=mipsel-oe-linux, nice=-1
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s client max. idle=120 sec, debug level=0
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s max. logsize=1000 Kb, loghistorysize=4096 bytes
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s client timeout=5000 ms, fallback timeout=2500 ms, cache delay=120 ms
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s services reloaded: 0 services freed, 0 services loaded, rejected 0
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s userdb reloaded: 6 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s signal handling initialized (type=sysv)
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s oscam.srvid loading failed, old format
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s 79 tier-id's loaded
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s 827 provid's loaded
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s can't open file "/etc/tuxbox/config/oscam.ird" (errno=2 No such file or directory) irdeto guessing not loaded
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s monitor: disabled
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s camd35: disabled
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s cs378x: disabled
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=5, port=34000, crypted)
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s -> CAID: 1722 PROVID: 000000
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s newcamd: initialized (fd=6, port=34001, crypted)
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s -> CAID: 1835 PROVID: 000000
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s radegast: disabled
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s http thread started
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s reader check thread started
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s check thread started
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s creating thread for device /dev/sci0
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2012/05/30 18:06:19 0 s waiting for local card init
2012/05/30 18:06:19 568D50 h HTTP Server listening on port 8080
2012/05/30 18:06:19 567558 r reader i12 initialized (device=/dev/sci0, detect=cd, mhz=600, cardmhz=600)
2012/05/30 18:06:20 0 i12 card detected
2012/05/30 18:06:23 567558 r ATR: 3B 9F 21 0E 49 52 44 45 54 4F 20 41 43 53 03 84 55 FF 80 6D
2012/05/30 18:06:24 567558 r Maximum frequency for this card is formally 6 Mhz, clocking it to 6.00 Mhz
2012/05/30 18:06:25 567558 r detect irdeto tunneled nagra card
2012/05/30 18:06:25 567558 r no rsa key configured -> using irdeto mode
2012/05/30 18:06:25 567558 r detect irdeto card
2012/05/30 18:06:25 567558 r caid: 1722, acs: 3.84, country code: TEL
2012/05/30 18:06:25 567558 r providers: 4, ascii serial: xxxxxxx, hex serial: xxxxx, hex base: 1A
2012/05/30 18:06:28 567558 r active providers: 2 (000000,000000)
2012/05/30 18:06:28 567558 r found cardsystem irdeto
2012/05/30 18:06:29 567558 r entitlements for provider: 2, id: 000000
2012/05/30 18:06:29 567558 r chid: 05DD, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/30 18:06:29 567558 r chid: 05DF, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/30 18:06:29 567558 r chid: 05E7, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/30 18:06:29 567558 r chid: 0605, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/30 18:06:29 567558 r chid: 05E8, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/30 18:06:29 567558 r chid: 00F0, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/30 18:06:29 567558 r chid: 05F1, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/30 18:06:29 567558 r chid: 000F, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/30 18:06:29 567558 r chid: 05FB, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/30 18:06:29 567558 r chid: 7D27, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/30 18:06:29 567558 r chid: 05DE, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/30 18:06:29 567558 r chid: 7D23, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/30 18:06:29 567558 r chid: 04CE, date: 2011/02/27 - 2011/11/08
2012/05/30 18:06:29 567558 r [irdeto-reader] ready for requests
2012/05/30 18:06:30 0 s init for all local cards done
2012/05/30 18:06:30 0 s anti cascading disabled
2012/05/30 18:06:30 56B798 c plain dvbapi-client granted (DVBapi, au=auto (1 reader))
2012/05/30 18:06:30 56B798 c dvbapi: 3 entries read from oscam.dvbapi
2012/05/30 18:06:30 56CF00 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:06:30 56CF00 c WARNING: invalid client tcp_conn_close()
2012/05/30 18:06:30 56CF00 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:06:30 56CF00 c thread 2DEB54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:06:30 56E668 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:06:30 56E668 c WARNING: invalid client tcp_conn_close()
2012/05/30 18:06:30 56E668 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:06:30 56E668 c thread 2E6B54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:06:34 5700D8 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:06:36 5700D8 c Connection closed to client
2012/05/30 18:06:36 5700D8 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:06:36 5700D8 c thread 2E6B54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:06:37 56CF00 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:06:42 56CF00 c WARNING: invalid client tcp_conn_close()
2012/05/30 18:06:42 56CF00 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:06:42 56CF00 c thread 2E6B54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:06:43 56E668 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:06:43 56E668 c encrypted newcamd:34000-client xxxxxxxxxx granted (mgcamd, au=auto (1 reader))
2012/05/30 18:06:43 56E668 c user mgcamd authenticated successfully (CCcam)
2012/05/30 18:06:43 56E668 c AU enabled for user mgcamd on reader i12
2012/05/30 18:06:48 5700D8 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:06:51 5700D8 c Connection closed to client
2012/05/30 18:06:51 5700D8 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:06:51 5700D8 c thread 2E6B54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:06:52 56CF00 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:06:56 567558 r Error processing ecm for caid 1722, srvid 0019 (servicename: 1722:0019 unknown) on reader i12.
2012/05/30 18:06:56 56E668 c mgcamd (1722&000000/0019/93:4B50): not found (568 ms) by i12 (of 1 avail 1) (i12 irdeto_do_cmd [2] 90 00)
2012/05/30 18:06:57 56CF00 c WARNING: invalid client tcp_conn_close()
2012/05/30 18:06:57 56CF00 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:06:57 56CF00 c thread 2E6B54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:07:02 5700D8 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:07:04 5700D8 c Connection closed to client
2012/05/30 18:07:04 5700D8 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:07:04 5700D8 c thread 2E6B54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:07:06 56CF00 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:07:11 567558 r Error processing ecm for caid 1722, srvid 0019 (servicename: 1722:0019 unknown) on reader i12.
2012/05/30 18:07:11 56E668 c mgcamd (1722&000000/0019/93:818E): not found (567 ms) by i12 (of 1 avail 1) (i12 irdeto_do_cmd [2] 90 00)
2012/05/30 18:07:12 56CF00 c WARNING: invalid client tcp_conn_close()
2012/05/30 18:07:12 56CF00 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:07:12 56CF00 c thread 2E6B54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:07:15 570058 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:07:17 570058 c Connection closed to client
2012/05/30 18:07:17 570058 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:07:17 570058 c thread 2E6B54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:07:21 56CF00 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:07:26 56CF00 c WARNING: invalid client tcp_conn_close()
2012/05/30 18:07:26 56CF00 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:07:26 56CF00 c thread 2E6B54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:07:29 570058 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:07:31 570058 c Connection closed to client
2012/05/30 18:07:31 570058 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:07:31 570058 c thread 2E6B54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:07:35 56CF00 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:07:42 570058 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:07:42 56E668 c mgcamd (1722&000000/001A/93:9E37): found (633 ms) by i12 (of 1 avail 1)
2012/05/30 18:07:42 56CF00 c WARNING: invalid client tcp_conn_close()
2012/05/30 18:07:42 56CF00 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:07:42 56CF00 c thread 2E6B54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:07:44 570058 c Connection closed to client
2012/05/30 18:07:44 570058 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:07:44 570058 c thread 2EEB54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:07:43 567558 r Error processing ecm for caid 1722, srvid 0019 (servicename: 1722:0019 unknown) on reader i12.
2012/05/30 18:07:43 56E668 c mgcamd (1722&000000/0019/93:9B10): not found (-3242 ms) by i12 (of 1 avail 1) (i12 irdeto_do_cmd [2] 90 00)
2012/05/30 18:07:46 575428 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:07:51 56CF00 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:07:51 575428 c WARNING: invalid client tcp_conn_close()
2012/05/30 18:07:51 575428 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:07:51 575428 c thread 2EEB54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:07:53 56CF00 c Connection closed to client
2012/05/30 18:07:53 56CF00 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:07:53 56CF00 c thread 2E6B54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:08:03 570058 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:08:04 56CF00 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:08:07 56CF00 c Connection closed to client
2012/05/30 18:08:07 56CF00 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:08:07 56CF00 c thread 2EEB54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:08:08 567558 r Error processing ecm for caid 1722, srvid 0019 (servicename: 1722:0019 unknown) on reader i12.
2012/05/30 18:08:08 56E668 c mgcamd (1722&000000/0019/93:405C): not found (776 ms) by i12 (of 1 avail 1) (i12 irdeto_do_cmd [2] 90 00)
2012/05/30 18:08:08 570058 c WARNING: invalid client tcp_conn_close()
2012/05/30 18:08:08 570058 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:08:08 570058 c thread 2E6B54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:08:18 570058 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:08:19 56CF00 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:08:21 56CF00 c Connection closed to client
2012/05/30 18:08:21 56CF00 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:08:21 56CF00 c thread 2EEB54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:08:24 570058 c WARNING: invalid client tcp_conn_close()
2012/05/30 18:08:24 570058 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:08:22 570058 c thread 2E6B54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:08:28 567558 r Error processing ecm for caid 1722, srvid 0019 (servicename: 1722:0019 unknown) on reader i12.
2012/05/30 18:08:28 56E668 c mgcamd (1722&000000/0019/93:5217): not found (783 ms) by i12 (of 1 avail 1) (i12 irdeto_do_cmd [2] 90 00)
2012/05/30 18:08:28 56E668 c mgcamd (1722&000000/00DF/93:FF14): found (656 ms) by i12 (of 1 avail 1)
2012/05/30 18:08:30 56E668 c mgcamd (1722&000000/00DF/93:B0FC): found (638 ms) by i12 (of 1 avail 1)
2012/05/30 18:08:30 570058 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:08:33 570058 c Connection closed to client
2012/05/30 18:08:33 570058 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:08:33 570058 c thread 2E6B54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:08:34 575428 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:08:34 575428 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:08:34 575428 c thread 2E6B54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:08:39 570058 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:08:40 56E668 c mgcamd (1722&000000/00DF/93:3E39): found (912 ms) by i12 (of 1 avail 1)
2012/05/30 18:08:42 567558 r Error processing ecm for caid 1722, srvid 000A (servicename: 1722:000A unknown) on reader i12.
2012/05/30 18:08:42 56E668 c mgcamd (1722&000000/000A/93:9326): not found (569 ms) by i12 (of 1 avail 1) (i12 irdeto_do_cmd [2] 90 00)
2012/05/30 18:08:44 570058 c WARNING: invalid client tcp_conn_close()
2012/05/30 18:08:44 570058 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:08:44 570058 c thread 2E6B54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:08:44 575428 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:08:46 575428 c Connection closed to client
2012/05/30 18:08:46 575428 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:08:46 575428 c thread 2EEB54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:08:50 56E668 c mgcamd (1722&000000/00DF/93:BECA): found (637 ms) by i12 (of 1 avail 1)
2012/05/30 18:08:53 570058 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:08:59 575428 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:09:00 570058 c WARNING: invalid client tcp_conn_close()
2012/05/30 18:09:00 570058 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:09:00 570058 c thread 2EEB54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:09:02 575428 c Connection closed to client
2012/05/30 18:09:02 575428 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:09:02 575428 c thread 2E6B54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:09:09 570058 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:09:13 575428 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:09:15 56E668 c mgcamd (1722&000000/00DD/93:2F4F): found (663 ms) by i12 (of 1 avail 1)
2012/05/30 18:09:15 575428 c Connection closed to client
2012/05/30 18:09:15 575428 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:09:15 575428 c thread 2E6B54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:09:15 570058 c WARNING: invalid client tcp_conn_close()
2012/05/30 18:09:15 570058 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:09:15 570058 c thread 2F6C54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:09:17 567558 r Error processing ecm for caid 1722, srvid 334E (servicename: 1722:334E unknown) on reader i12.
2012/05/30 18:09:17 56E668 c mgcamd (1722&000000/334E/93:F350): not found (1260 ms) by i12 (of 1 avail 1) (i12 irdeto_do_cmd [2] 90 00)
2012/05/30 18:09:19 567558 r Error processing ecm for caid 1722, srvid 0019 (servicename: 1722:0019 unknown) on reader i12.
2012/05/30 18:09:19 56E668 c mgcamd (1722&000000/0019/93:761D): not found (576 ms) by i12 (of 1 avail 1) (i12 irdeto_do_cmd [2] 90 00)
2012/05/30 18:09:24 570058 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:09:26 575428 c client connected to 34000 port
2012/05/30 18:09:27 56E668 c mgcamd (1722&000000/000D/93:AC21): found (684 ms) by i12 (of 1 avail 1)
2012/05/30 18:09:29 575428 c Connection closed to client
2012/05/30 18:09:29 575428 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:09:29 575428 c thread 2E6B54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:09:30 570058 c WARNING: invalid client tcp_conn_close()
2012/05/30 18:09:30 570058 c anonymous disconnected from xxxxxxxxxx
2012/05/30 18:09:30 570058 c thread 2F6C54B0 ended!
2012/05/30 18:09:30 567558 r Error processing ecm for caid 1722, srvid 0019 (servicename: 1722:0019 unknown) on reader i12.
2012/05/30 18:09:30 56E668 c mgcamd (1722&000000/0019/93:0752): not found (567 ms) by i12 (of 1 avail 1) (i12 irdeto_do_cmd [2] 90 0
Zuletzt bearbeitet: