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VIP with 1 USB - 2 USB


1. Juni 2010
I have VIP with only 1 USB, I see model VIP with 2 USB. Can you tell me pls whats diffrent - is model with 2 USB newer ?
And next :
I have problem with cccam as client... When I try to connect with server VIP is still restarting (BOOT)...
Can I try to change firmware ILTV(5.5) from this site ?

I have firmware version 1.2.47 - is it ILTV ? because the newest original firmware is 1.2.46
I bought VIP with 1.2.47 firmware....
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AW: VIP with 1 USB - 2 USB

new hardware revision vip has only usb port, so this is the new one. your second one asks I do not understand completely. if you look new iltv for vip, you find this in ours datenbase: Link ist nicht mehr aktiv.

sorry for my English
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