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Uppgraded 7210 to 7310, Bluetooth/Countrylist not working


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7. März 2011

I have searched for the upgrade files from 7210 to 7310 but cant find anything.
I found a lot of links but all are old and dead links.
I have searched in Digital-Eliteboard, google and so on without luck.
Can somebody please give me a working link for the SD-ready files for 7210 to upgrade to 7310

I have now got it worked out, but there is stil a problem.
The internal memory of my navigon 7210 is dead and not working, therefor i have a microSD card with maps and MN software.
The MN i use is 7.7.5 Build 447 platform PL20_UPG
And it seems to be working but Bluetooth doesnt work.
When i press the telephone button, notthing happens :/
Any tips on what i can do?
And why is the plattform PL20 and not Navigon 7310 ?

I have after many hours of searching found an software that works on my 7310.
And thats MN 7.7.5 Build 447 platform PL20_UPG

And it gets sattelit connection and i can se city3D, very nice,.

BUT bluetooth is not working,
And second problem is that i cannot use the gps becouse when i want to write in an adress, i have to first choose country, then city, then adress.
But already in country list, there is no country in the list:/ its empty, so i cannot go anywhere with this gps now.

IN the settings it says that i have 2012 Q4 and when i "open" map i can se my home adress and 3D builings but if i want to go somewhere else, that doesnt work becouse first option to choise is country and that list is empty.
Can please somebody help med, please

Problem solved regarding country list, i got countryprofile.nfs and now it works fine.
But bluetooth problem stil i have
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