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Unicam Evo/ Twin Firmware Troja 3.13


27. Februar 2013
Fixed with Troja 3.13

* Added Smartcard voltage control 3,3V/5V into Cam Menu

* Added reset function into Cam Menu!

* Viaccess cards 2.6/3.0/4.0 works except of paired versions!

* MTD 4-channels add service fixed!

Pending issues, statement
1.Kathrein, there is no possibility from our side to fix bugs by software, therefore we get in touch with them and ask, whether they could
do software update for their STB´s, which seems to be in progress now.

* Kathrein UFS913 / UFS923 / UFS925 -sometimes hangs up randomly with cold start-
* Kathrein UFS910 HD+ descrambling bug
* Kathrein UFS924 Red Bull limited Edition -cold start sometimes blocks booting-

2. TechniSat TechniStar and Technivision, also here we need software upgrade for their boxes, already got contact and waiting for their help.

* TechniStar S1/1+/2/2+ -always booting, no init at all-
* Technivision TV sets -always booting, no init at all-

3. DreamBoX DM7020, we are trying to get in touch with Dream, as also here we have no option to handle by software update.

* DM7020 init okay, but descrambling problem will be handled by cam manufacturer update these days.

* All other combination intolerances will be handled one by one with original sources, we are following all comments and do actions needed!

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AW: Unicam Evo/ Twin Firmware Troja 3.13

Thread von oben gelöst! Troja 3.15 ist dafür erschienen!
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