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Soziale Netzwerke TinyVox Pro


DEB König
26. Januar 2010
TinyVox Pro | Brainstorm better™.

Kompatibel mit iPhone, iPod touch und iPad. Erfordert iOS 5.0 oder neuer. Diese App ist für iPhone 5 optimiert.


You will use this when you have an idea because
1) you want to email it to yourself so you can listen to it and type it up later,
2) you want to email it to your friend as a private MP3, or
3) tweet it out to your followers or
4) put it on your tumblr or
5) get a URL by touching the gray speaker icon which you can then paste anywhere you like.

Only way to do any of the above. Our competition is so primitive, it's hysterical - see for yourself, then use this, because it's the best there is, and always will be.

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