Board Guru
Ich habe mal das StreamWebPage Plugin für uns angepasst. Das "alte" läuft ja NUR mit dem Dreambox Webinterface. Aber wir haben ja das OpenWebIf!
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Hier mal die originale Beschreibung:
I wrote a simple plugin to create links to DB channel streams and show them as a matrix of picons. This is mainly useful with devices like Popcorn Hour.
What the plugin does:
- Creates a new directory under the WebInterface plugin's webdata
- Creates symlinks to all detected picon images (if the corresponding channels are in some bouquets)
- Builds an html page for each bouquet and links the pages together, channels shown as a picon matrix
- If there are channels without a picon text-links will be added below the picon matrix
- After installation open the plugin via plugin menu, hit Generate (takes about 1 min for ~100 channels)
- OpenSie müssen registriert sein, um Links zu your browser or Popcorn Hour
- Direct mode pages are for devices like the PH
- m3u mode work better in a PC browser
Added a background image from a fellow Finnish DB user.. Feel free to post here new backgrounds and modified template.html files. I could actually add an selection option so that the user could select from several background / layout options.
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