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Spiele auf NTSC Platte archivieren


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28. November 2009

Wenn ich die ISO Dateien der Spiele auf das WBFS Laufwerk kopiere werden ja nur die nötigsten Dateien kopiert.

Gibt es ein Programm um diese kleineren Dateien auf ein NTFS Laufwerk zu kopieren um Sie dann zu archivieren?

AW: Spiele auf NTSC Platte archivieren

Soweit mir bekannt ist gibt es dafür ein Programm Namens Wii Backup Manager. Schmeiß mal Google an und mach dich auf die Suche.

Bin mir aber nicht hundertprozentig sicher ob das das Richtige für deine Zwecke ist. Aber testen schadet ja nichts!!!

Habe auch mal den Freund des Inetusers - Meister Google - bemüht und folgendes gefunden:

Features in 0.3.3

Title database
Support for Multi-language WiiTDB titles.txt.
Use CustomTitles.txt to store manual entry edits.

Different colours for each title source.
Original = Titles taken from the file because they already match, or don't exist in the databases.
WiiTDB = Title renamed on the fly from WiiTDB database.
Custom = Title renamed on the fly from Custom database.

Enable WiiTDB/Custom titles in the settings dialog.
Double click to manually edit entries.

WBFS Drives
Convert WBFS to CISO, ISO, WBFS File.
Direct drive to drive transfers.

Simulated WBFS drives
Mount any drive with a WBFS folder and use it just like the WBFS drives.
Use any Filesystem for backup of WBFS files. eg. Mount an NTFS drive with WBFS folder.
Use the old or new .wbfs storage conventions. ie.A single WBFS folder, or multiple sub-folders. Switch between them in the settings dialog, with the option to auto convert when a drive is mounted.
Use sparse ISO on NTFS drives, instead of WBFS files.

Backup DVDs
Direct rip to ISO, CISO, WBFS file, WBFS.
Support for Multiboot discs, convert each game partition back to full ISO or transfer to WBFS etc. recovering the game's original disc title and ID.

Import/Export Files
Write ISO, CISO, WBFS Files.
Direct conversion from any of the readable formats, to any of the writable formats.
Transfer any readable format to WBFS or simulated WBFS drives.
Multiboot ISO support. An entry is added to the file list for each game partition.

Format drives to WBFS or FAT32.
Extract RAR files when adding to the files list, or automatically when needed for transfer/conversion.
Add folders recursively.
Automatic WBFS file split size. Unlimited on NTFS, otherwise 4GB.
Select Wii disc partitions to keep. (Game, remove update or keep all)
Select Display unit size (auto, MB, GB).
Hide any drive you don't want to see in the drive menus, format dialog etc.
Set friendly display names for drives.
Multi-thread. Start more than 1 operation at a time. eg. It's possible to rip a DVD to one drive, while transferring files to another.
Rollup progress panels are shown on the relevent pages for current operations.
Progress panels show ETA/Total expected time, transfer speed, current transferred size, percentage complete.
Any operation can be paused or stopped at any time. Safely stop drive transfers etc. without damaging the file system.
Buffered transfers for maximum speed, but the speed and ETA etc. can be erratic because of it. Speed is more important IMO.
An MD5 Hash is calculated and stored in each disc transferred to a drive, so it's possible to verify the data integrity at a later date. The hash isn't calculated for ISO yet.
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AW: Spiele auf NTSC Platte archivieren


Danke das wars was ich gesucht habe.

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