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Solo2 Lonrisun V.4 Tuner Problem


7. Mai 2015
Hello and congratulations for the forum.
I hope someone can help me.
I have a SOLO2 Vu Lonrisun v2.
Since I upgraded from v2 to v4 I started to have problems tuner.
I tried lots of images but always the same problems tuner.
I found a solution around which advised to proceed with updating the secure chip, and then through Hyper Terminal will send a new bootloader "SOLO2_BOOTLOADER Lonrisun (new).dat" optimized for this problem.
Unfortunately, the serial decoder being updated started to give problems and not have succeeded in.
I bought JTAG cypress and reloaded BOOTLOADER Lonrisun v4, but I still have the same problem with the tuner.
I have a new bootloader for Lonrisum but a .dat (is to come out with a fix for the tuner to be sent via HyperTerminal serial).
I have to load it using JTAG but having .dat extension decoder does not boot and I had to put the bootloader v4.

How can I convert the bootloader .dat to .bin?

Any of you have the same problem with the tuner after updating to V4?

AW: Solo2 Lonrisun V.4 Tuner Problem

You don´t need a Jtag board and no Hyperterminal. Hyperterminal can be used only for Solo2 SE.
Tuner problems are caused by a incorrect V4 update.
Try to re-update to V4.
  • Hi walze,

    my problem is the serial.

    Before changing the max232 when I tried to reinstall the v4 I linked to computers was heading update.exe and nothing happened, the decoder was in booting.

    Now with the new max232 I turn the decoder start the reinstallation of v4 and this happens:
    the decoder does not receive the update starts booting image.

    I tried to use also 2 serial cables original vu, but no dice.
    I connected putty in serial and gives me strange symbols.
    It's normal?
    Any solutions ?

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AW: Solo2 Lonrisun V.4 Tuner Problem

You need the cable which came along with the clone. No other cable will work. Or you´ll make a cable.
Pin connection:
Du musst angemeldet sein, um Bilder zu sehen.

Left side is for the connection to PC, right side is for the connection to the clone.
thanks d2z
The cables I used are the same as your design.
The fact is that the first time I loaded the V4 without problems but later he started to give me the problem with the tuner, I tried to recharge the v4 but now this is the result.
thanks d2z
The cables I used are the same as your design.
The fact is that the first time I loaded the V4 without problems but later he started to give me the problem with the tuner, I tried to recharge the v4 but now this is the result.

good day. did you solve problem with tuner? i have the same.
Re: AW: Solo2 Lonrisun V.4 Tuner Problem

You don´t need a Jtag board and no Hyperterminal. Hyperterminal can be used only for Solo2 SE.
Tuner problems are caused by a incorrect V4 update.
Try to re-update to V4.
v4 was reupdated many times, but without result (tuner - no signal, all scales)