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IPTV Report: The New Fire TV OS Will Block Apps Like Kodi

Report: The New Fire TV OS Will Block Apps Like Kodi

Cord Cutters News has received reports from sources close to the new Fire TV OS that say the new OS will block 3rd party apps, including Kodi.

Our sources have told us that this new OS update coming out this fall will block all 3rd party apps not in the Fire TV App Store with the main focus of blocking Kodi and the 3rd party add-ons that pirate content. We cannot confirm this, but we do believe the information is creditable.

This would not be the first time Amazon has targeted Kodi as last year they removed Kodi from their app store after they claimed Kodi was “facilitating piracy”.

This move seems to be an effort to appease their content partners in Hollywood. The question is- will they upset their millions of device owners when they find their device has been automatically updated and Kodi no longer works.

The real victim here may be the Kodi Team who have struggled to separate their legal application from all the add-ons that promote piracy. Kodi add-ons have become the new focus of piracy recently and with that rise in popularity, has drawn the scrutiny of content owners.

Sadly, the fight over piracy may result in many legal apps being blocked just because they’re not in the official Amazon app store.

Amazon wants to keep content owners happy so they agree to stream their content on Amazon. To keep them happy, Amazon seems poised to block 3rd party apps in an effort to block Kodi in a update Amazon says will be applied to all versions of the Fire TV.

Update: Amazon PR contacted Cord Cutters News today with the following statement on this story. “There is no change planned for 3P app/dev support currently available on Fire TV.”

Quelle: cordcuttersnews

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