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Problem mit Oscam und CCcamd 2.0.11 brauche Hilfe!!!???


Ist oft hier
10. Januar 2008
wollte mal zu Testzwecken oscam laufen lassen um meine S*y (S02) Karte im MC (AHAB Rev.2) auszulesen und meine HD+ karte im Master CRD 2.
Ich habe ein S*y Vollabo mit HD und eine HD+ Karte, eine D Box2 mit MD 5.41 Image aber irgendwie bekomme ich das nicht gebacken,dass es hell auf der S02 wird usw.
Welche dateien sollten eigendlich nur in /var/emu Ordner sein?

Folgender Stand mit den Configs usw.:
Bootkonsole ist auf- NULL
Multicam/Cardreader ist auf- EIN
MasterCRD2 auf- 1
und natürlich immer erst den oscam eingeschaltet und dann den CCcamd 2.0.11!!!

Oscam Log:
MD-Image - Nokia D-BOX2 - Kernel (15:03:45)...
dbox login: root

BusyBox v1.14.4 (2009-12-06 11:20:59 CET) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.

/var # oscam
Warning: keyword 'level' in global section not recognized
2010/05/24 15:03:57 1980 s >> OSCam << cardserver started version 0.99.4svn
, build #2046 (powerpc-tuxbox-linux)
2010/05/24 15:03:57 1980 s version=0.99.4svn, build #2046, system=powerpc-db
ox2-linux, nice=-1
2010/05/24 15:03:57 1980 s max. clients=29, client max. idle=120 sec
2010/05/24 15:03:57 1980 s max. logsize=102400 Kb
2010/05/24 15:03:57 1980 s client timeout=5000 ms, fallback timeout=2000 ms,
cache delay=120 ms
2010/05/24 15:03:57 1980 s shared memory initialized (size=554600, fd=3)
2010/05/24 15:03:57 1980 s auth size=4752
2010/05/24 15:03:57 1980 s Cannot open file "/var/tuxbox/config/oscam.servic
es" (errno=2)
Warning: keyword 'au' in reader section not recognized
Warning: keyword 'au' in reader section not recognized
2010/05/24 15:03:57 1980 s userdb reloaded: 0 accounts freed, 1 accounts loa
ded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2010/05/24 15:03:57 1980 s signal handling initialized (type=sysv)
2010/05/24 15:03:57 1980 s can't open file "/var/tuxbox/config/oscam.srvid"
(err=2), no service-id's loaded
2010/05/24 15:03:57 1980 s monitor: initialized (fd=6, port=988)
2010/05/24 15:03:57 1980 s camd 3.3x: disabled
2010/05/24 15:03:57 1980 s camd 3.5x: disabled
2010/05/24 15:03:57 1980 s cs378x: disabled
2010/05/24 15:03:57 1980 s newcamd: Bind request failed, waiting another 119
2010/05/24 15:03:58 1980 s newcamd: Bind request failed, waiting another 118
010/05/24 15:04:26 1980 s newcamd: Bind request failed, waiting another 90
2010/05/24 15:04:27 1980 s PANIC: master deadlock! last location: init
PANIC: master deadlock! last location: init2010/05/24 15:04:27 1980 s cardse
rver down
/var #


N: 25030 server passwort 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
N: 25031 server passwort 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

nice = -1
WaitForCards = 1

# logging

#pidfile = /tmp/oscam.pid
#logfile = /tmp/oscam.log
#usrfile = /dev/null

ClientTimeout = 5
LogFile = stdout
Level = 15
CacheDelay = 120

PreferLocalCards = 1
FallbackTimeout = 2
Sleep = 0
MaxLogSize = 102400

# monitor

port = 988
aulow = 120
monlevel = 2

# protocols

Key = 0102030405060708091011121314
Port = 25031@1830:000000;25030@1702:000000

label = HD+
protocol = mouse
detect = CD
device = /dev/tts/0
group = 1
emmcache = 1,3,2
mhz = 368
caid = 1830
Fallback = 0
n3_rsakey = BFxxxxxxD5
n3_boxkey = A7xxxxxxxxx7C
AU = 1

label = SkyDE
protocol = mouse
detect = CD
device = /dev/tts/1
group = 2
emmcache = 1,3,2
mhz = 600
caid = 1702
Fallback = 0
AU = 1

Group = 1,2
User = server
Pwd = passwort
CAID = 1702,1830
Ident = 1702:000000;1830:003411,008011
AU = 1

Group = 1
User = server1
Pwd = passwort1
CAID = 1702
AU = 1

Group = 1
User = server2
Pwd = passwort2
CAID = 1702
IDENT = 1702:000000
AU = 1

Group = 1
User = server3
Pwd = passwort3
CAID = 1702
IDENT = 1702:000000
AU = 1

PS:habe auch schon mit älteren oscam versionen im Image versucht aber leider immer nur diese Meldung:
010/05/24 15:04:26 1980 s newcamd: Bind request failed, waiting another 90

Kann das vielleicht an dem MasterCRD2 liegen oder warum geht das nicht?
Mit dem Phönix/Smartmouse Programmer habe ich es auch schon versucht ohne Erfolg!

AW: Problem mit Oscam und CCcamd 2.0.11 brauche Hilfe!!!???

Habe es mal im [newcamd]
Key = 0102030405060708091011121314
Port = 34000@1830:000000;34100@1702:000000 und im CCcamd.cfg:
N: 34000 server passwort 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
N: 34100 server passwort 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 geändert.
MD-Image - Nokia D-BOX2 - Kernel (23:07:22)...
dbox login: root
BusyBox v1.14.4 (2009-12-06 11:20:59 CET) built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
/var # oscam
Warning: keyword 'level' in global section not recognized
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s >> OSCam << cardserver started version 0.99.4-SB
-Alno Spezial, build #1765 (powerpc-tuxbox-linux)
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s version=0.99.4-SB-Alno Spezial, build #1765, syst
em=powerpc-dbox2-linux, nice=-1
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s max. clients=29, client max. idle=120 sec
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s max. logsize=102400 Kb
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s client timeout=5000 ms, fallback timeout=2000 ms,
cache delay=120 ms
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s shared memory initialized (size=543668, fd=3)
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s auth size=4752
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s Cannot open file "/var/tuxbox/config/oscam.servic
es" (errno=2)
Warning: keyword 'au' in reader section not recognized
Warning: keyword 'au' in reader section not recognized
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s userdb reloaded: 0 accounts freed, 4 accounts loa
ded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s signal handling initialized (type=sysv)
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s can't open file "/var/tuxbox/config/oscam.srvid"
(err=2), no service-id's loaded
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s can't open file "/var/tuxbox/config/oscam.ird" (e
rrno=2) irdeto guessing not loaded
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s monitor: initialized (fd=6, port=98
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s camd 3.3x: disabled
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s camd 3.5x: disabled
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s cs378x: disabled
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s newcamd: initialized (fd=7, port=34000, crypted)
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s CAID: 1830
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s provid #0: 000000
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s newcamd: initialized (fd=8, port=34100, crypted)
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s CAID: 1702
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s provid #0: 000000
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s cccam: disabled
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s radegast: disabled
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s resolver thread started
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s logger started (pid=20371)
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s resolver started (pid=20372, delay=30 sec)
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s http started (pid=20373)
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20373 h HTTP Server listening on port 0
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s reader started (pid=20374, device=/dev/tts/0, det
ect=cd, mhz=368, cardmhz=357)
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s reader started (pid=20377, device=/dev/tts/1, det
ect=cd, mhz=600, cardmhz=357)
2010/05/24 23:07:34 20368 s waiting for local card init
2010/05/24 23:07:35 20374 r03 WARNING: your card is asking for custom_baudrate
= 9895, but your configuration can only deliver custom_baudrate = -2147483648
2010/05/24 23:07:35 20374 r03 You are over- or underclocking, try OSCam when ru
nning your reader at normal clockspeed as required by your card, and setting mhz
and cardmhz parameters accordingly.
2010/05/24 23:07:35 20374 r03 You are probably connecting your reader via a ser
ial port, OSCam has more flexibility switching to custom_baudrates when using an
USB->serial converter, preferably based on FTDI chip.
2010/05/24 23:07:35 20377 r04 WARNING: your card is asking for custom_baudrate
= 16134, but your configuration can only deliver custom_baudrate = -2147483648
2010/05/24 23:07:35 20377 r04 You are over- or underclocking, try OSCam when ru
nning your reader at normal clockspeed as required by your card, and setting mhz
and cardmhz parameters accordingly.
2010/05/24 23:07:35 20377 r04 You are probably connecting your reader via a ser
ial port, OSCam has more flexibility switching to custom_baudrates when using an
USB->serial converter, preferably based on FTDI chip.
2010/05/24 23:07:36 20374 r03 card detected
2010/05/24 23:07:37 20377 r04 card detected
2010/05/24 23:07:45 20377 r04 Error activating card.
2010/05/24 23:07:46 20374 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/24 23:07:53 20377 r04 Error activating card.
2010/05/24 23:07:58 20374 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/24 23:08:01 20377 r04 Error activating card.
2010/05/24 23:08:08 20374 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/24 23:08:09 20377 r04 Error activating card.
2010/05/24 23:08:17 20377 r04 Error activating card.
2010/05/24 23:08:18 20377 r04 card initializing error
2010/05/24 23:08:19 20374 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/24 23:08:29 20374 r03 Error activating card.
2010/05/24 23:08:30 20374 r03 card initializing error
2010/05/24 23:08:30 20368 s init for all local cards done
2010/05/24 23:08:30 20368 s anti cascading disabled
2010/05/24 23:08:30 20368 s dvbapi disabled
Und nun?
AW: Problem mit Oscam und CCcamd 2.0.11 brauche Hilfe!!!???

nicht bemerkt?

can't open file "/var/tuxbox/config/oscam.srvid"

kopiere deine files in diesen ordner.oder starte mit oscam -c /ordner/deiner config/
AW: Problem mit Oscam und CCcamd 2.0.11 brauche Hilfe!!!???


Du hast jetzt schon 3 Thema mit dem gleichen Problem eröffnet, findest du nicht das einmal reicht?

Hier habe ich dir schon eine Antwort geschrieben, jedoch hat sich an deinen Einstellung nichts geändert.

Digital Eliteboard

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