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Registriere dich noch heute kostenlos, um Mitglied zu werden! Sobald du angemeldet bist, kannst du auf unserer Seite aktiv teilnehmen, indem du deine eigenen Themen und Beiträge erstellst und dich über deinen eigenen Posteingang mit anderen Mitgliedern unterhalten kannst! Zudem bekommst du Zutritt zu Bereichen, welche für Gäste verwehrt bleiben

Problem beim oscam bauen mit emu


Ist oft hier
13. Dezember 2008
Hallo Leute

ich versuche mir ne oscam für ne vu+ duo2 mit ipv6 support und emu zu erstellen.
dabei bin ich nach der anleitung vom streamboard wiki vorgegangen.
svn checkout http://www.streamboard.tv/svn/oscam/trunk oscam-svn

[B]Mipsel PLI4 Dreambox HD800E,8000 VU+[/B]

[*]Download (New PLI4 SSL LIBUSB PCSC gcc 4.8.1): [URL="https://www.dropbox.com/s/3hczxy3u189kgfa/Mipsel-Tuxbox-Pli4-gcc481-libc217-openssl101g-libusb109-pcsclite1811.tar.bz2?dl=1"]​https://www.dropbox.com/s/3hczxy3u189kgfa/Mipsel-Tuxbox-Pli4-gcc481-libc217-openssl101g-libusb109-pcsclite1811.tar.bz2?dl=1[/URL]
[*]Architecture : mipsel linux-3.2 gcc 4.8.1 
[*]SSL installed : yes ver 1.0.1g 
[*]libusb installed : yes ver 1.0.9 
[*]pcsc installed : yes ver 1.8.11 
[B]How to install the Mipsel Pli4 toolchain[/B]

  Run the following commands as [B]NORMAL[/B] (non-root user). 
 cd /tmp
sudo mkdir /opt/cross
wget -O Mipsel-Tuxbox-Pli4-gcc481-libc217-openssl101g-libusb109-pcsclite1811.tar.bz2 [URL]https://www.dropbox.com/s/3hczxy3u189kgfa/Mipsel-Tuxbox-Pli4-gcc481-libc217-openssl101g-libusb109-pcsclite1811.tar.bz2?dl=1[/URL]
sudo tar xf Mipsel-Tuxbox-Pli4-gcc481-libc217-openssl101g-libusb109-pcsclite1811.tar.bz2 -C /opt/cross  !!Note: do not use tar -xf but tar xf !!

[B]How to use cross compile OSCAM[/B]

  Run the following commands as your regular user in the directory where OSCAM source is. See [URL="http://www.streamboard.tv/oscam/wiki/GettingOscam"]GettingOscam[/URL]. 
export TOOLCHAIN=/opt/cross/mipsel-tuxbox-linux-gnu
export PATH="$TOOLCHAIN/bin:$PATH"
make CROSS=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/mipsel-tuxbox-linux-gnu- USE_IPV6=1

voll der Hammer ich bekam eine oscam die unter openatv auf der vu+ lief und ipv6 konnte.

jetzt will ich noch ein emu einpatchen, was leider nicht klappt.
die oscam lässt sich nich starten.
/usr/bin/oscam: error while loading shared libraries: tor: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

[TABLE="class: highlight tab-size js-file-line-container"]
[TD="class: blob-code blob-code-inner js-file-line"][/TD]
[TABLE="class: highlight tab-size js-file-line-container"]
[TD="class: blob-code blob-code-inner js-file-line"] cd oscam-svn

dann den patch per wget von github geholt[/TD]
[TABLE="class: highlight tab-size js-file-line-container"]
[TD="class: blob-code blob-code-inner js-file-line"] wenn ich den patch ausführe gibt es keine fehlermeldungen.[/TD]
[TABLE="class: highlight tab-size js-file-line-container"]
[TABLE="class: highlight tab-size js-file-line-container"]
[TD="class: blob-code blob-code-inner js-file-line"] patch -p0 < ../oscam-emu.patch[/TD]
[TABLE="class: highlight tab-size js-file-line-container"]
[TD="class: blob-code blob-code-inner js-file-line"][/TD]
[TABLE="class: highlight tab-size js-file-line-container"]
[TD="class: blob-code blob-code-inner js-file-line"] oder[/TD]
svn patch ../oscam-emu.patch

danach wieder

export TOOLCHAIN=/opt/cross/mipsel-tuxbox-linux-gnu
export PATH="$TOOLCHAIN/bin:$PATH"
make CROSS=$TOOLCHAIN/bin/mipsel-tuxbox-linux-gnu- USE_IPV6=1

leider läuft die oscam dann nicht mehr.
muss ich das toolcain auch patchen? wie bekomme ich das emu da rein?

vorher habe ich simblebuild ausbropiert, damit habe ich aber keine lauffähige oscam erzeugen können.
auf meinem rechner laüft linux mint x64. ( eventuell hat es deswegen nicht mit simblebuild geklappt.)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Problem beim oscam bauen mit emu

Dem Image scheint die von OScam benötigte Library tor zu fehlen
AW: Problem beim oscam bauen mit emu

Welche Library ist denn das ?
ipkg list | grep tor
bringt ne ellenlange liste.
root@vuduo2:~# ipkg list | grep tor
alsa-state - 0.2.0-r5.1 - Alsa scenario files to enable alsa state restoration
 Alsa Scenario Files - an init script and state files to restore sound
alsa-states - 0.2.0-r5.1 - Alsa scenario files to enable alsa state restoration
 Alsa Scenario Files - an init script and state files to restore sound
alsa-utils-alsactl - 1.1.0-r0 - Saves/restores ALSA-settings in /etc/asound.state
 Digital TV Service for TV operators and broadcasters, internet service
 The base-files package creates the basic system directory structure and
bison - 3.0.4-r0 - GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement)
 Bison is a general-purpose parser generator that converts an annotated
bison-staticdev - 3.0.4-r0 - GNU Project parser generator (yacc replacement) - Development files (Static Libraries)
 Bison is a general-purpose parser generator that converts an annotated
ctorrent - 3.3.1-r1 - CTorrent is a  console BitTorrent client   with a focus on being lightweight and quick.
 lightweight and quick.. This is the Enhanced version from the dtorrent
 sit2fe kernel module; sit2 demodulator driver
enigma2-plugin-display-ubisist-rotator - git152+2af876b-r10 - Enigma2 Display Skin: ubisist-rotator
 Enigma2 Display Skin: ubisist-rotator
enigma2-plugin-extensions-cutlisteditor - 5.3+git22998+c740918-r0 - extensions-cutlisteditor
 extensions-cutlisteditorenables you to cut your movies.
 basic frontend to the transmission bittorrent client
enigma2-plugin-extensions-fstabeditor - 2.0+git6034+e303339-r10 - extensions-fstabeditor
 Editor for fstab
 Perform the cuts specified with the Cutlist editor
 Unmounter for mass storage devices
enigma2-plugin-extensions-spinnerselector - 2.1r4 - Change the Spinner
enigma2-plugin-extensions-streamwebpage - - Streamwebpagegenerator Plugin for OpenWebIf MOD by Nobody28
enigma2-plugin-extensions-tageditor - 2.0+git6034+e303339-r10 - extensions-tageditor
enigma2-plugin-extensions-translator - 1.0rc1 - EPG YouTube Trailer & Translator Plugin
enigma2-plugin-extensions-webbouqueteditor - 2.0+git6034+e303339-r10 - extensions-webbouqueteditor
enigma2-plugin-extensions-zaphistorybrowser - 2.0+git6034+e303339-r10 - extensions-zaphistorybrowser
 Shows a list containing the zapping-history and allows user to zap to the
enigma2-plugin-settings-cst.motor.db - 1.0+git394+e763d7a-r6 - CST Motor E2 Settings File
 CST Motor E2 Settings File.
enigma2-plugin-settings-malimali.motor.42e.to.30w - 1.0+git394+e763d7a-r6 - Malimali Motor 42E to 30W Sat E2 Settings File
 Malimali Motor 42E to 30W Sat E2 Settings File.
enigma2-plugin-settings-predrag.motor.28e.30w - 1.0+git394+e763d7a-r6 - Predr@d  28e , 30w
enigma2-plugin-settings-predrag.motor.42e.to.30w - 1.0+git394+e763d7a-r6 - Predr@d Motor 42E to 30W
 Predr@d Motor 42E to 30W.
enigma2-plugin-settings-vhannibal.dual.feeds.dtt.torino - 1.0+git394+e763d7a-r6 - Vhannibal E2 Settings File For Dual Feeds & DTT Torino
enigma2-plugin-settings-vhannibal.hotbird.dtt.torino - 1.0+git394+e763d7a-r6 - Vhannibal E2 Settings File For HotBird & DTT Torino
enigma2-plugin-settings-vhannibal.motor - 1.0+git394+e763d7a-r6 - Vhannibal Motor E2 Settings File
 Vhannibal Motor E2 Settings File.
enigma2-plugin-settings-vhannibal.motor.and.dtt.forli - 1.0+git394+e763d7a-r6 - Vhannibal E2 Settings File For Motor & DTT Forli
 Vhannibal E2 Settings File For Motor & DTT Forli.
enigma2-plugin-settings-vhannibal.motor.and.dtt.italia - 1.0+git394+e763d7a-r6 - Vhannibal E2 Settings File For Motor & DTT Italia
 Vhannibal E2 Settings File For Motor & DTT Italia.
enigma2-plugin-settings-vhannibal.motor.and.dtt.milano - 1.0+git394+e763d7a-r6 - Vhannibal E2 Settings File For Motor & DTT Milano
 Vhannibal E2 Settings File For Motor & DTT Milano.
enigma2-plugin-settings-vhannibal.motor.and.dtt.napoli - 1.0+git394+e763d7a-r6 - Vhannibal E2 Settings File For Motor & DTT Napoli
 Vhannibal E2 Settings File For Motor & DTT Napoli.
enigma2-plugin-settings-vhannibal.motor.and.dtt.roma - 1.0+git394+e763d7a-r6 - Vhannibal E2 Settings File For Motor & DTT Roma
 Vhannibal E2 Settings File For Motor & DTT Roma.
enigma2-plugin-settings-vhannibal.motor.and.dtt.torino - 1.0+git394+e763d7a-r6 - Vhannibal E2 Settings File For Motor & DTT Torino
 Vhannibal E2 Settings File For Motor & DTT Torino.
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-autoresolution - 2.0+git6034+e303339-r10 - systemplugins-autoresolution
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-channelselectionnavigator - 0.9 - navigator for channel selection
 systemplugins-positionersetuphelps you installing a motorized dish.
enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-serviceeditor - 20090417-alpha - Services Editor
 Flex is a fast lexical analyser generator.  Flex is a tool for generating
 Flex is a fast lexical analyser generator.  Flex is a tool for generating
 catalogs, a directory and file naming organization for the message
 catalogs, a directory and file naming organization for the message
 catalogs, a directory and file naming organization for the message
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-compositor - 1.8.1-r0 - GStreamer plugin for compositor
 GStreamer plugin for compositor
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-jp2kdecimator - 1.8.1-r0 - GStreamer plugin for jp2kdecimator
 GStreamer plugin for jp2kdecimator
hddtemp - 0.3-beta15-r1 - Hard disk temperature monitor daemon
 Hard disk temperature monitor daemon.
htop - 1.0.3-r0 - htop process monitor
 htop process monitor.
iso-codes - 3.65-r0 - ISO language, territory, currency, script codes and their translations
 ISO language, territory, currency, script codes and their translations.
joe - 4.0-r3 - Console text editor with good functionality, good choice for vi-haters.
 Console text editor with good functionality, good choice for vi-haters..
 af9013 kernel module; Afatech AF9013 DVB-T demodulator driver
 af9033 kernel module; Afatech AF9033 DVB-T demodulator driver
 atbm8830 kernel module; AltoBeam ATBM8830/8831 GB20600 demodulator driver
 au8522-common kernel module; Auvitek AU8522 QAM-B/ATSC Demodulator driver
 au8522-dig kernel module; Auvitek AU8522 QAM-B/ATSC Demodulator driver
 FEC QAM64/256) demodulator driver
 cp210x kernel module; Silicon Labs CP210x RS232 serial adaptor driver
 cx22702 kernel module; Conexant CX22702 DVB-T Demodulator driver
 cxd2820r kernel module; Sony CXD2820R demodulator driver
 dib3000mb kernel module; DiBcom 3000M-B DVB-T demodulator
 dib3000mc kernel module; Driver for the DiBcom 3000MC/P COFDM demodulator
 dib7000p kernel module; Driver for the DiBcom 7000PC COFDM demodulator
 dib8000 kernel module; Driver for the DiBcom 8000 ISDB-T demodulator
 dibx000-common kernel module; Common function the DiBcom demodulator
 ec100 kernel module; E3C EC100 DVB-T demodulator driver
 f81232 kernel module; Fintek F81232 USB to serial adaptor driver
 lg2160 kernel module; LG Electronics LG216x ATSC/MH Demodulator Driver
 lgdt3305 kernel module; LG Electronics LGDT3304/5 ATSC/QAM-B Demodulator
 QAM) Demodulator Driver
 lgs8gxx kernel module; Legend Silicon LGS8913/LGS8GXX DMB-TH demodulator
 m88rs2000 kernel module; M88RS2000 DVB-S Demodulator driver
 mac80211-hwsim kernel module; Software simulator of 802.11 radio(s) for
 mt312 kernel module; Zarlink VP310/MT312/ZL10313 DVB-S Demodulator driver
 mt352 kernel module; Zarlink MT352 DVB-T Demodulator driver
 mxl111sf-demod kernel module; MaxLinear MxL111SF DVB-T demodulator driver
 nandsim kernel module; The NAND flash simulator
 Demodulator Driver
 nxt6000 kernel module; NxtWave NXT6000 DVB-T demodulator driver
 pl2303 kernel module; Prolific PL2303 USB to serial adaptor driver
 rtl2830 kernel module; Realtek RTL2830 DVB-T demodulator driver
 rtl2832 kernel module; Realtek RTL2832 DVB-T demodulator driver
 s5h1409 kernel module; Samsung S5H1409 QAM-B/ATSC Demodulator driver
 s5h1411 kernel module; Samsung S5H1411 QAM-B/ATSC Demodulator driver
 Demodulator driver
 si21xx kernel module; SL SI21XX DVB Demodulator driver
 stv0288 kernel module; ST STV0288 DVB Demodulator driver
 stv0297 kernel module; ST STV0297 DVB-C Demodulator driver
 stv0299 kernel module; ST STV0299 DVB Demodulator driver
 tda10023 kernel module; Philips TDA10023 DVB-C demodulator driver
 tda10048 kernel module; NXP TDA10048HN DVB-T Demodulator driver
 tda1004x kernel module; Philips TDA10045H & TDA10046H DVB-T Demodulator
 tda10071 kernel module; NXP TDA10071 DVB-S/S2 demodulator driver
 tda10086 kernel module; Philips TDA10086 DVB-S Demodulator
 zl10353 kernel module; Zarlink ZL10353 DVB-T demodulator driver
libcairo-perf-utils - 1.14.6-r0 - The Cairo 2D vector graphics library
libcairo-staticdev - 1.14.6-r0 - The Cairo 2D vector graphics library - Development files (Static Libraries)
 Cairo is a multi-platform library providing anti-aliased vector-based
libcairo2 - 1.14.6-r0 - The Cairo 2D vector graphics library
 Cairo is a multi-platform library providing anti-aliased vector-based
libcec - 2.1.4-r0 - USB CEC Adaptor communication Library
 USB CEC Adaptor communication Library.
libcec-staticdev - 2.1.4-r0 - USB CEC Adaptor communication Library - Development files (Static Libraries)
 USB CEC Adaptor communication Library.  This package contains static
 catalogs, a directory and file naming organization for the message
 catalogs, a directory and file naming organization for the message
libgstallocators-1.0-0 - 1.8.1-r0 - gstreamer gstallocators-1.0 library
 gstreamer gstallocators-1.0 library
 Libpcap provides a portable framework for low-level network monitoring.
 Libpcap can provide network statistics collection, security monitoring
 Libpcap provides a portable framework for low-level network monitoring.
 Libpcap can provide network statistics collection, security monitoring
 csh-like history expansion on previous commands.  This package contains
 csh-like history expansion on previous commands.
libtalloc-staticdev - 2.0.1-r2 - Hierarchical, reference counted memory pool system with destructors - Development files (Static Libraries)
 Hierarchical, reference counted memory pool system with destructors.
libtalloc-swig - 2.0.1-r2 - Hierarchical, reference counted memory pool system with destructors
 Hierarchical, reference counted memory pool system with destructors.
libtalloc2 - 2.0.1-r2 - Hierarchical, reference counted memory pool system with destructors
 Hierarchical, reference counted memory pool system with destructors.
libtorrent14 - 0.13.2-r0 - torrent library
 torrent library.
 Tools for monitoring and filtering incoming requests for tcp
 Tools for monitoring and filtering incoming requests for tcp
 and a small validating JSON generator.
 and a small validating JSON generator.  This package contains static
 and a small validating JSON generator.
 GNU nano (Nano's ANOther editor, or Not ANOther editor) is an enhanced
 clone of the Pico text editor.
oe-alliance-feeds-configs - 1.0-r24 - Configuration files for online package repositories aka feeds
 Configuration files for online package repositories aka feeds.
pam-plugin-pwhistory - 1.2.1-r5 - PAM plugin for -pwhistory
 PAM plugin for -pwhistory
perl-module-memoize-storable - 5.22.1-r0 - perl module memoize-storable
 perl module memoize-storable
perl-module-pod-perldoc-tortf - 5.22.1-r0 - perl module pod-perldoc-tortf
 perl module pod-perldoc-tortf
perl-module-storable - 5.22.1-r0 - perl module storable
 perl module storable
perl-module-tap-parser-aggregator - 5.22.1-r0 - perl module tap-parser-aggregator
 perl module tap-parser-aggregator
perl-module-tap-parser-iterator - 5.22.1-r0 - perl module tap-parser-iterator
 perl module tap-parser-iterator
perl-module-tap-parser-iterator-array - 5.22.1-r0 - perl module tap-parser-iterator-array
 perl module tap-parser-iterator-array
perl-module-tap-parser-iterator-process - 5.22.1-r0 - perl module tap-parser-iterator-process
 perl module tap-parser-iterator-process
perl-module-tap-parser-iterator-stream - 5.22.1-r0 - perl module tap-parser-iterator-stream
 perl module tap-parser-iterator-stream
perl-module-tap-parser-iteratorfactory - 5.22.1-r0 - perl module tap-parser-iteratorfactory
 perl module tap-parser-iteratorfactory
perl-module-tap-parser-resultfactory - 5.22.1-r0 - perl module tap-parser-resultfactory
 perl module tap-parser-resultfactory
procps - 3.3.11-r0.1 - System and process monitoring utilities
procps-staticdev - 3.3.11-r0.1 - System and process monitoring utilities - Development files (Static Libraries)
pulseaudio-module-card-restore - 8.0-r0 - PulseAudio module for card-restore
 PulseAudio module for card-restore
pulseaudio-module-default-device-restore - 8.0-r0 - PulseAudio module for default-device-restore
 PulseAudio module for default-device-restore
pulseaudio-module-device-restore - 8.0-r0 - PulseAudio module for device-restore
 PulseAudio module for device-restore
pulseaudio-module-stream-restore - 8.0-r0 - PulseAudio module for stream-restore
 PulseAudio module for stream-restore
pulseaudio-module-volume-restore - 8.0-r0 - PulseAudio module for volume-restore
 PulseAudio module for volume-restore
python-2to3 - 2.7.11-r1.2 - Python automated Python 2 to 3 code translator
python-cssselect - 0.9.1-r1 - cssselect parses CSS3 Selectors and translates them to XPath 1.0
 cssselect parses CSS3 Selectors and translates them to XPath 1.0.
 Plus, Moderator, and many other Google APIs.
python-icalendar - 3.5-r19 - The icalendar package is a parser/generator of iCalendar files for use with Python.
 The icalendar package is a parser/generator of iCalendar files for use
python-pytz - 2015.4-r0 - World timezone definitions, modern and historical
 World timezone definitions, modern and historical.
quota - 4.03-r0 - Tools for monitoring & limiting user disk usage per filesystem
 Tools for monitoring & limiting user disk usage per filesystem.
rtorrent - 0.9.2-r0 - torrent client
 torrent client.
smartmontools - 5.42-r1.0 - Control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.
 Control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T..
smbnetfs - 0.5.3a-1-gace1c51-r0 - FUSE module for mounting an entire SMB/NMB network in a single directory
swig - 3.0.8-r0 - SWIG - Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator
 SWIG - Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator.
 Tools for monitoring and filtering incoming requests for tcp
 initscripts in the /etc/rcN.d directory structure.
vim - 7.4.827-r0 - Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor
 Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor.
vim-common - 7.4.827-r0 - Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor
 Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor.
vim-help - 7.4.827-r0 - Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor
 Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor.
vim-syntax - 7.4.827-r0 - Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor
 Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor.
vim-tutor - 7.4.827-r0 - Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor
 Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor.
vim-vimrc - 7.4.827-r0 - Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor
 Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor.
zeroconf - 0.9-r1 - IPv4 link-local address allocator
 network administrator. These addresses are allocated from the
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: Problem beim oscam bauen mit emu

Ich kann es dir leider nicht sagen. Ich baue zwar auch zum Teil mit Patch aber ohne IP v6.
Die Meldung hatte ich so noch nie
AW: Problem beim oscam bauen mit emu

Ich habs jetzt hinbekommen.
Ich hab mein System neu aufgesetzt als 32Bit.
Damit gings ohne Probleme.
AW: Problem beim oscam bauen mit emu

habe auch momentan mit oscam Probleme sobald ich sie an meiner DM800se starte hängt sich die box auf???cccam läuft ohne Probleme...wo bekomme ich das Library tor her würde es gern installieren
AW: Problem beim oscam bauen mit emu

Woher stammt denn deine oscam, versuchst du sie selbst zu kompillieren?
AW: Problem beim oscam bauen mit emu

habe neu geflasht jetzt läuft alles... nur bei Protokoll cs378x hängt sich bei verschiedenen Sendern der Tuner auf und das Bild ist dann auch bei den freien Sender dunkel erst nach Neustart geht es wieder ??? was kann das sein ?