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Arcade & Actionspiele PokeBall Shooter for Pokemon fans


DEB König
26. Januar 2010
PokeBall Shooter for Pokemon fans

Kompatibel mit iPhone, iPod touch und iPad. Erfordert iOS 4.3 oder neuer.


The little hero "the incredibly handsome, criminal genius and master of all villainy", is stuck on a mysterious planet. After stealing his space-ship the angry ****** balls are attacking him from everywhere and they are soo many. So get ready and make your way through the traps and levels to get to your space-ship and leave this planet for good.
The little hero has passion to tackle all types of ****** balls .But beware, ammo is limited. You will have to get crafty and use the straight bullets, grenades, split, buck and laser shots in the most effective way possible to survive hundreds of levels.use the power ups to shoot the ****** balls in a stimulated time.

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