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oscam config für vu solo


26. September 2013
Ich habe eine Vu Solo 2 mit ORF und HD Austria.
ABer leider bleiben unter Oscam alle Österreich Kanäle schwarz.
Mit Sacm bekomme ich ORF HD und Austriasat SD zum Laufen.

Bitte um Hilfe
ANbei mein Logfile.
2013/10/04 17:00:55 0 s >> OSCam << cardserver started, version 1.20-unstable_svn, build r8778 (mipsel-oe-linux)
2013/10/04 17:00:55 0 s creating pidfile /tmp/oscam.pid with pid 662
2013/10/04 17:00:55 0 s userdb reloaded: 1 accounts loaded, 0 expired, 0 disabled
2013/10/04 17:00:55 0 s signal handling initialized
2013/10/04 17:00:55 4FF258 h webif: decompressed 53294 bytes back into 153440 bytes
2013/10/04 17:00:55 0 s orf-ice [internal] creating thread for device /dev/sci1
2013/10/04 17:00:55 0 s loadbalancer: can't read from file /tmp/.oscam/stat
2013/10/04 17:00:55 0 s waiting for local card init
2013/10/04 17:00:55 500E20 r orf-ice [internal] Reader initialized (device=/dev/sci1, detect=cd, mhz=600, cardmhz=600)
2013/10/04 17:00:55 4FF258 h HTTP Server running. ip= port=20000
2013/10/04 17:00:56 500E20 r orf-ice [internal] card detected
2013/10/04 17:00:56 500E20 r orf-ice [internal] ATR: 3B 78 12 00 00 54 C4 03 00 8F F1 90 00
2013/10/04 17:00:58 500E20 r orf-ice [internal] Init card protocol T0, FI=1, F=372, D=2, N=0
2013/10/04 17:00:58 500E20 r orf-ice [internal] Calculated work ETU is 31.00 us
2013/10/04 17:01:01 500E20 r orf-ice [internal] ATR Fsmax is: 5 MHz, clocking card to 6.00
2013/10/04 17:01:02 500E20 r orf-ice [internal] Hist. Bytes: TÄ
2013/10/04 17:01:02 500E20 r orf-ice [internal] detect irdeto card
2013/10/04 17:01:02 500E20 r orf-ice [internal] caid: 0648, acs: 0.05, country code: AUT
2013/10/04 17:01:02 500E20 r orf-ice [internal] providers: 4, ascii serial: ##########, hex serial: ######, hex base: ##
2013/10/04 17:01:02 500E20 r orf-ice [internal] active providers: 4 (002400,1ddcff,002600,1ddcff)
2013/10/04 17:01:02 500E20 r orf-ice [internal] found card system irdeto
2013/10/04 17:01:02 500E20 r orf-ice [irdeto] entitlements for provider: 1, id: 002400
2013/10/04 17:01:02 500E20 r orf-ice [irdeto] chid: 000D, date: 2013/09/25 - 2013/10/25
2013/10/04 17:01:02 500E20 r orf-ice [irdeto] entitlements for provider: 2, id: 1DDCFF
2013/10/04 17:01:02 500E20 r orf-ice [irdeto] chid: 001D, date: 2013/09/25 - 2013/12/26
2013/10/04 17:01:02 500E20 r orf-ice [irdeto] chid: 0015, date: 2013/10/03 - 2013/12/02
2013/10/04 17:01:02 500E20 r orf-ice [irdeto] chid: 7FF6, date: 2013/10/03 - 2013/10/13
2013/10/04 17:01:02 500E20 r orf-ice [irdeto] chid: FFE1, date: 2013/09/28 - 2013/10/28
2013/10/04 17:01:02 500E20 r orf-ice [irdeto] chid: 7FFA, date: 2013/10/01 - 2013/10/31
2013/10/04 17:01:02 500E20 r orf-ice [irdeto] chid: FFD9, date: 2013/10/03 - 2013/11/02
2013/10/04 17:01:02 500E20 r orf-ice [irdeto] entitlements for provider: 4, id: 1DDCFF
2013/10/04 17:01:02 500E20 r orf-ice [irdeto] chid: 7FF4, date: 2013/10/04 - 2013/10/14
2013/10/04 17:01:02 500E20 r orf-ice [irdeto] chid: FFE3, date: 2013/09/25 - 2013/10/25
2013/10/04 17:01:02 500E20 r orf-ice [irdeto] chid: 7FF8, date: 2013/10/01 - 2013/10/31
2013/10/04 17:01:02 500E20 r orf-ice [irdeto] chid: FFDB, date: 2013/10/01 - 2013/10/31
2013/10/04 17:01:02 500E20 r orf-ice [irdeto] ready for requests
2013/10/04 17:01:03 0 s init for all local cards done
2013/10/04 17:01:03 0 s anti cascading disabled
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