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One question!

AW: Aktuelle Lemon Software hier

Please write in English!
Best regards puk
AW: One question!

someone can give me the latest software from the lemon 020 through
AW: One question!

Download the PCLink loader for the Lemon 020S and the latest patch file (.bin).

Connect a null modem lead between your PC serial port and STB.

Run the loader, and choose the latest .bin file.

On the administrator login, enter the password as 'newtv'.

Click 'upgrade' and wait until the front panel indicates the upgrade is good.

The receiver is now patched and ready for viewing.

To update keys, press menu followed by 9317 (this will take you into a hidden menu).

Now, for example, press the red key button on the 007c00 update key 00 and 10 for the Multivision AES key.

For editing, you can also use SCEditor5.7.exe, or the very neat EvilEyesManager available from Link ist nicht mehr aktiv.

and here the Link for the Firmware: Link veralten (gelöscht)
Thats the latest...

hello pukthefli idownloaded the firmware of 020 lemon mandastes me to see him meti digital tv codes and decodes notasi do not see a greeting
AW: One question!

someone can give me a list of channels to view digital tv with 020 thamks lemon
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