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Produktivität OmniFocus for iPhone


DEB König
26. Januar 2010
OmniFocus for iPhone

Kompatibel mit iPhone, iPod touch und iPad. Erfordert iOS 6.1 oder neuer. Diese App ist für iPhone 5 optimiert.


OmniFocus for iPhone brings task management to your fingertips. Keep track of tasks by project, place, person, or date. With OmniFocus for iPhone, you'll always have your important information at hand, whether it's a shopping list, agenda items to discuss at work, things to do at home—whatever you need.

Since winning the Apple Design Award for best Productivity App at the launch of the iPhone App Store, OmniFocus hasn't rested on its laurels: we've continuously improved the app over the years with over 40 free updates, most recently adding a Forecast view and support for capturing tasks from Siri.

"OmniFocus for the iPhone is one of the best examples of a great iPhone app that I've seen. The interface is simple, intuitive, and it just lets you get your stuff done." — iPhone Alley Editors Choice Award 2009

"Finding the right application to manage your tasks is great, and it's even better when there's a companion app for your iPhone or iPod touch. OmniFocus for the iPhone is a perfect example: It fits well with its Desktop brother, includes the features you need to organize your tasks, builds task lists based on your current location, captures voice notes and pictures, and synchronizes with your Mac via MobileMe or WebDAV servers. " — Mac Observer Editors Choice Award 2009

Use OmniFocus for iPhone on its own, or sync through the cloud with your other devices running OmniFocus (also available for iPad and Mac).


- Organize tasks by goals using projects, then work towards those goals more efficiently by grouping tasks using contexts.
- Synchronize your tasks with other copies of OmniFocus using Omni's free Sync Server or other WebDAV servers.
- Create a new task quickly anywhere in the app, or by sending tasks from other apps such as Safari and Twittelator.
- Plan your day's errands by listing nearby contexts or viewing them on a map.
- Receive notifications when a task becomes due, or when you happen to be near a context with available tasks.
- Tell Siri what's on your mind, and it can go straight to your OmniFocus inbox.
- Break large tasks up into more manageable steps you can complete and track individually.
- Attach pictures and audio to your task notes, and synchronize them with other copies of OmniFocus.
- Contact our Ninjas for free customer support via email or phone to keep your trusted system running smoothly.

For more information, please watch the video on our website, or try OmniFocus on an iPhone at an Apple Store near you!

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AW: OmniFocus for iPhone

OmniFocus for iPhone
Aktualisiert: Jul 29, 2013
Version: 1.16.2

Kompatibel mit iPhone, iPod touch und iPad. Erfordert iOS 6.1 oder neuer. Diese App ist für iPhone 5 optimiert.

Was ist neu in der Version 1.16.2

OmniFocus for iPhone 1.16.2 is a minor update which prevents misconfigured servers from downgrading the security of a connection.

OmniFocus for iPhone requires iOS 6.1 or later.

• When OmniFocus is configured to use an encrypted https connection to a sync server, it will now ignore any location headers from that server that tell it to switch to unencrypted http. Our assumption is that your configuration choice indicates that you want all sync operations to be encrypted, and that any servers which redirect to unencrypted http locations for these resources are simply misconfigured.

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