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Effizienz-Tools Notifier SmartWatch


Best Member
11. Januar 2013
Notifier SmartWatch_vbarbadine

15. Dezember 2014

This (DeLuxe, Luxe, Premium, Pro...) App will notify your SmartWatch 2 by ALL notifications with FULL content!Features:
• Launching an application on the phone from SmartWatch.
• White & Black lists for managing apps from which you want to be notified or not.
• Vibrations number for each app.
• "Ignored phrases" list to ignore notifications containing them.
• "Do not disturb" mode on a certain period of time (ex.: do not notify at night).
• Supports all non-Latin languages: Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, Russian, Thai...
• Dismiss notifications from SmartWatch.
• Light & Dark styles.
• Set font size.
• Notification widget.
How to use the app:
• Install app.
• Go to SmartConnect, and find there this app - "Notifier SmartWatch".
• Go to "Accessibility" to enable there this app - "Notifier SmartWatch".
• Use it)
Smart Connect bug: If you do not see this app in the list of programs inside Smart Connect, go to Settings->Apps and 'Clear data' of 'Smart Connect' and 'SmartWatch 2' apps.
Note: In version for Android less than 4.3 no way to remove notifications from status bar. For access to notifications need to use accessibility service. When you turn on accessibility service for 'Notifier SmartWatch 2' you may have some bugs:
- device may begins speak to you, this is a known bug in the Android OS ( ). It appears to happen mostly, if not exclusively on Samsung Devices and Samsung's custom TouchWiz UI. As solusion you can disable app titled 'Google Text-to-speech Engine' and app titled 'Samsung TTS';
- conflict message is displayed and another service is disabled. It appears to happen mostly, if not exclusively on Samsung Devices and Samsung's custom TouchWiz UI ( .
Please, don't send reviews about problems with accessibility service, try use Android 4.3+ version of app, if it possible.
If you find any bugs or you have any suggestions, please email me at shuisky@gmail.com in order to correct or implement it.
Smart Connect extension for SmartWatch 2 notification
Smart Connect extension for Notification API
Smart extension for SmartWatch 2 notification


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