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Not activated V14 card


21. April 2011
Good afternoon,....

Somebody can help me to activate a V14 card it was always working fine and now after a cople of months
it stopt working this my card situation

i have oscam vu box

Fuse 05 and Payload (NDS) 0F 06 00 10 20 00 00 10

or give me a link where i can read in english

My german is not so good,

Kind regards Bitje
Bis jetzt sagt das payload nur aus das keine tiers auf der karte sind...Beiträge wie skykiste nutzen sind da blödsinnig
Ok can somebody explain to me how to do that, I also downloaded a program to see EMM log
And also @ tulpenknicker are you Dutch ?
I'm afraid that I will damaged the card
I also see indeed I have no tiers
At first you should post your Configuration files (oscam.conf, oscam.user and oscam.server). The oscam.log beginning from the oscam start is also necessary.
Which was the last EMM you wrote?

Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
Ok I will, but tonight
Unfortunately I have to work as well
I never wrote any EMM to the card

Greets bitje
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