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Hardware & Software Neues original Coolstream Image 2.10

Software Update Wizard - Agreement

Do not perform updates using any data other than the official update data from our website.
Using software updates you expressly acknowledge and agree that use of this Software is at your own risk.
In no event Coolstream LTD shall be liable for any damages whatever.


V2.10 (23.10.2012) HD1, NEO, ZEE, Twin
This release will upgrade your Kernel on first boot if not already done!!!
Please dont power off your receiver bevore upgrade is done!

* kernel changed to longterm
* add support for adjusting volume per channel/pid, in %
* add FLAC audio playback
* add box info window auto-refresh, show correct free memory value
* add warnings about possible record overflow due to slow hdd
* add initial settings/channels for Astra 19.2E
* add support to play record in progress by other box (i.e over nfs)
* fix SATA hdd init problem on some drives
* fix occasional crash on record stop
* fix NIT scan for west satellite positions
* fix radio record, if radiotext enabled
* fix radio record playback
* other small fixes and improvements
* fix box lockup, when CI removed/inserted

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