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Neue EMM ´s

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after writing EMM EK2 got changed so there is only 14byte (0A 61 DB 7E D7 6B D9 D1 F4 63 75 6C 33 FB)
so, any way to find 16byte EK2?
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I may be wrong but i think the leading "00 01" is part of the 16byte EK.
So in you case it would be "00 01 0A 61 DB 7E D7 6B D9 D1 F4 63 75 6C 33 FB"

Somebody please correct me if I am mistaken.

but I check with few cards

54 14 00 02 00 01 XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 00 01

that 14byte is changed, other all bytes are same

This doesn't matter. It goes with the leading 00 01 into the key ladder.
it looks like a 56bit ecw dcw brute force for the K1 determination is possible.
now no chance with brute-force (before we got keys via brute-force)

Provider change something and when they change only EK2 got change other all are same,

also can't see any single-byte change on the "Decrypted payload"

this is an old Decrypted payload and channels working

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and after the change I have seen on oscam log all channels getting "classD3 ins54: no CW --> Card needs pairing/extra data"

also, I update my card then EK2 got changed and that error is gone and all channels dark (and again try to brute-force K1 not found)

and this is new also changes dark

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Hi @mileta5

Can you tell me how you make log via Saleae logic analyzer for look new ins7E key also what is the baud rate ?

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anyone can explain this EMM

when I wrote this emm to card EK2 got change

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Decrypted payload

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Decrypted payload

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This is a single unique EMM without any extras. The content is hidden inside the nano 90 aka the encrypted part for the card.
when i wrote this emm to card EK2 got chnage

82 30 - EMM Marker
6E - EMM Length - 110 - OK (110)
40 - Type - unique EMM For Smartcard (1 Sub EMMs)
01 16 8E 6C - Serial Number (Smartcard)

00 - EMM-Type - unknown

00 - IRD EMM Length - 0 - OK (103)
F3 - Card EMM Length - 243 - FAIL (102)
This is a filler. I don't know what this is for.

02 - Card Nano Type - unknown
No nano! Here we start with the "EMM type".

...and the following is what you expected to see without the filler.
"is this EK1 ?": No, it's not. This is just encrypted.
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