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Manual Installation of Incubus Camd


Elite User
27. März 2008
Hab da etwas über Incubus Camd gefunden, vielleicht kann das ja jemand ausprobieren

[FONT=&quot]Manual Installation of Incubus Camd[/FONT]

Hi dear owners of AzBox HD STB's,

This tutorial will help You to create and use Incubus Camd manually.

First of all we need this tools: [FONT=&quot]FTP Client ( FileZilla it's free )[/FONT], [FONT=&quot]SSH Client ( Putty also it's free )[/FONT]. If You dont know how to use this tools, please look at the FTP & SSH Instructions

FTP & SSH Instructions findet ihr hier Link veralten (gelöscht)

Also You will need archive Incubus files for AzBox HD receivers which You can find attached to this Post.

(zu finden in der DEB Database unter Azbox / Azbox HD / Plugins)

Now, when you are finished with downloading of Incubus Camd v0.55 which contains files for AzBox HD, extract that archive and You will find 3 files : [FONT=&quot]incubusCamd.conf , incubusCamd.prio , incubusCamd.sigma[/FONT] .

Now, connect on your Receiver by FTP and enter in directory /EMU/OpenXCAS . Inside of directory [FONT=&quot]OpenXCAS[/FONT] create new directory with name [FONT=&quot]incubusCamd[/FONT].

Enter inside of incubusCamd directory and upload inside of that directory 3 files from Incubus Camd archive ( [FONT=&quot]incubusCamd.conf , incubusCamd.prio , incubusCamd.sigma[/FONT] ).

[FONT=&quot]Give CHMOD ( Permission ) to this 3 Files on 755[/FONT]

Now in file module.seq which you can find inside of OpenXCAS directory, normally You have to put name of EMU which will be active, but this for some reason dont work for Incubus Camd, so every time when You want to start Your incubus you have to do it manually, by connecting on Receiver by SSH Client ( Putty ) for now.

To run Incubus Camd manually follow this steps :

Use Putty to connect on Your Receiver.
Username: root
Password: azbox

When you are loged in navigate to /EMU/OpenXCAS/incubusCamd with this command: [FONT=&quot]cd /EMU/OpenXCAS/incubusCamd .[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]When you are inside of incubusCamd directory ( to be sure that You are inside of incubusCamd directory type command : pwd , or type command : ls -a ).[/FONT]

Now to run incubusCamd manually, You have to type this command: ./incubusCamd and press enter.

But before running of incubusCamd be sure that You have edited file [FONT=&quot]incubusCamd.conf [/FONT]which contains data for Your card server type, in this case Gbox or CCcam server.

The Important lines are :

# this provider is a stand-in for all providers not declared------------------
# For example i choose to use gbox protocol on all other provider.
card_server_url_0=gbox://xxxxxx.myftp.org:user port:user pass@xxxxx.dyndns.org:server port:server pass

card_server_url_0=gbox://xxxxxx.myftp.org:user port:user pass@xxxxx.dyndns.org:server port:server pass

And, after You edit and owervrite existing file on Your AzBox receiver You are free to start using Incubus Camd.

Enjoy, Your AzBoxWorld.com Team.

Download Incubus Cam AzBox v055

Link veralten (gelöscht)

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