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KPCS kpcs.srvid... jemand?


Ist oft hier
10. Dezember 2009
funktioniert bei mir nicht, oder mache ich was falsch?

in den selben ordner kopieren und dann im log nachsehen, oder?
AW: kpcs.srvid... jemand?

niemand weiss wie man srvid in kpcs verwendet?
AW: kpcs.srvid... jemand?

eine Frage am rande,für was soll das gut sein??
mir genügt das kpcs log,da steht alles was man wissen muss.
AW: kpcs.srvid... jemand?

i will channel name also wissen. und meine frage war anders gestellt - warum funktioniert es nicht?
AW: kpcs.srvid... jemand?

Für dich auch auf englisch:

Since the whole thing is an just an extended copy of mpcs I'd suggest to copy your oscam.srvid *cough* kpcs.srvid to /usr/local/etc. If that doesn't work... you paid like a whole a lot of money for something that is actually free. So why not opening a ticket over at Crazy Ivan's? Solving that is the least he could do while copying other people's hard work
AW: kpcs.srvid... jemand?

wir wollen hier beim Thema bleiben..was war zu erst da...das Ei oder das Hun???also back to Topic..
AW: kpcs.srvid... jemand?

I am happy to pay money for that because it is much stable than mpcs or oscam. that is the whole point. and i know that you r just jealous because u dont have it
AW: kpcs.srvid... jemand?

Sorry for being rude in the first place. But believe me: I'm definitely not jealous - you might get the cause from my first post . It's quite OK to pay for something which just works as it's supposed to. People are doing the same to MS Office though there are free alternatives. So I didn't want to piss you of since you're not the one to blame here .
Anyways... live and let live

Did you put the kpcs.srvid to /usr/local/etc?
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