sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install fakeroot build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)
Create a new folder, download the Compat-Wireless sources and extract them:
mkdir compat_src
cd !$
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tar xvjf !$:t
cd compat-drivers-3.9-rc2-2-su
Download sauyon's patch and test if it works (I posted it on because the
Sie müssen registriert sein, um Links zu sehen.
is behind's login page. Hope this is ok):
Sie müssen registriert sein, um Links zu sehen.
patch --dry-run -p1 < alx-patch.txt
If there was no error, apply the patch:
patch -p1 < alx-patch.txt
Than select the driver that should be build, build and install it:
./scripts/driver-select alx
fakeroot make
sudo make install
sudo modprobe alx
EDIT: How to do that without working internet:
I just remembered that you have no internet so you can't use apt-get or wget
. So you need to download everything on an other computer with internet access (or in your Win8 installation) and transfer it with e.g. an USB-Thumbdrive.
In Ubuntu open a Terminal and type:
sudo apt-get -qq --print-uris install fakeroot build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) | cut -d\' -f 2 > urls.txt
Copy the urls.txt to your thumbdrive and move over to the other computer. Download all files in urls.txt (if the other computer is running Linux you can use wget < urls.txt) and save them in a folder called deb on your thumbdrive. Also download
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Sie müssen registriert sein, um Links zu sehen.
Next move back to your faulty Ubuntu, plug in the thumbdrive, open a Terminal and type:
sudo cp deb/* /var/cache/apt/archives/
sudo apt-get install fakeroot build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)
mkdir -p ~/compat_src/compat-drivers-3.9-rc2-2-su
cp compat-drivers-3.9-rc2-2-su.tar.bz2 ~/compat_src/
cp alx-patch.txt ~/compat_src/compat-drivers-3.9-rc2-2-su/
cd ~/compat_src
tar xvjf compat-drivers-3.9-rc2-2-su.tar.bz2
cd compat-drivers-3.9-rc2-2-su
patch --dry-run -p1 < alx-patch.txt
patch -p1 < alx-patch.txt
./scripts/driver-select alx
fakeroot make
sudo make install
sudo modprobe alx