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Japhar Sim : OpenPLi 4.0 with 750+ FREE IPTV Channels


24. April 2010
- Gstreamer 1.6.x has been updated
- Newer gstreamer 1.6.x master git snapshot:
They've pretty much reworked HLS (m3u8) handling completely.
There should be no more jumps when switching bitrates.
- DTS Downmix should now be working on the dm800se, dm500hd and dm8000.
Also pausing the video should work now (untested).
- Fragmented streams work now (m3u8)
- Remote control delay is now set by default to 300ms
- Feeds online for online update of image and future updates/fixes if necessary.
- Improved streaming performance in both the dvbmediasink and enigma2, Dreambox fixes for the dvbmediasink:
Framerate and resolution should now be handled correctly.
- Fragmented streams should now play more smooth and give less freezes due to async changes.
- IPTV List and JAM 5.2 Panel are now pre-shipped.
- Japhar Addon Manager 5.2 included.
- IPTV List built-in with 800+ IPTV FREE Channels.

- DM800HDse : [FONT=source_sans_proregular] [/FONT]

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AW: OpenPLi 4.0 with 750+ FREE IPTV Channels for DM800HD/DM800HDse/DM8000HD/DM500HD

Is this for dreambox 800se SIM2 too??
AW: OpenPLi 4.0 with 750+ FREE IPTV Channels for DM800HD/DM800HDse/DM8000HD/DM500HD

VU : OpenPLi 4.0 with IPTV (More than 800+ IPTV FREE Channels) by MastaG and Japhar Team

Users running the previous Gstreamer 1.7.0 image, should be able to peform a Software Update!

Changes since previous release:

- mx3L's gstreamer revert which fixes mp4 playback from remote locations
- Spark drivers updated to 20151113
- Using aio-grab from oe-alliance which includes fixes for sprak receivers
- New Japhar IPTV List (thanks to ToySoft).
- DM8000 has no more gsod's now (thanks to ToySoft for testing!)

Changes compared to openpli-oe-core gst-1:

- Ships with gstreamer upstream master git:
Using the same patches as openpli-oe-core gst-1 with only these changes:
Removed: 0001-baseparse-post-tag-list-when-avg-bitrate-changes-at-.patch
because this patch was already checked in upstream.
Added: 0001-Revert-qtdemux-respect-qt-segments-in-push-mode-for-.patch
By mx3L which fixes mp4 playback from remote locations.
- Every receiver uses christophecvr's multibox dvbmediasink.
- Using libtrmp and rtmpdump from oe-alliance.
- Some small enigma2 patches for Dreambox receivers (ac3/dts bypass and blanking on zap support).
These are only applied for Dreambox receivers.
- AAC to AC3 transcoding V2 by mx3L (requires a fast cpu).
- IPTV Player from samsamsam included (thx to Athoik for the recipe).
- Large list of public IPTV streams included thanks to the Japhar Team.
- Updated libcdio and cdtextinfo for audio-cd support by christophecvr.
- DM800Se, DM7020HD and DM800SeV2 driver upgraded to 20151201:
added si2166b blindscan support
- Spark images includes the pti.ko from OpenATV so softcam's should work now.
- Using aio-grab source from oe-alliance which includes fixes for spark receivers.
- The 2.6.18 kernel will now always pass the vermagic check when loading modules.
Now you can try and load any kernel driver from OE1.5 to 2.0.

Known issues:

- DM800 first boot will take a while, please be patient. The next boot will be faster.
- On spark/spark7162 you need to set 'boxtype = dreambox' for oscam dvbapi.
We're using the OE-A drivers and 'duckbox' doesn't seem to work on these.
- On spark/spark7162 you need to set a skin which doesn't resize the framebuffer.
Because sometimes it doesn't scale back to fullscreen.
I've included the MX-HQ7 skin for use as workaround.
- On Zgemma Star you cannot use fullHD skins.
This is a hardware/driver limitation.
Please don't try it, it will crash enigma2.
- Some Dreambox remotes behave very sensitive.
This causes button presses to register multiple times instead of just once.
As a workaround you can adjust the key interval:
Go to: Menu - System - Input devices - dreambox remote control (native).
Set "Change repeat and delay settings" to yes
Set "Interval between keys when repeating:" to 200ms or 300ms.
Press green button (OK)
Now set the same delay for: "dreambox advanced remote control (native)" as well.

To find the download link, search for MastaG Japhar OpenPLi 4.0

Enjoy !
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: OpenPLi 4.0 with 750+ FREE IPTV Channels for DM800HD/DM800HDse/DM8000HD/DM500HD

Vorsicht, das ist nicht für SIM2 und nicht für SIM 2.10.

Nur für Japhar SIM.

Warum das nicht dabei steht entzieht sich meiner Kentniss. :emoticon-0149-no:
AW: OpenPLi 4.0 with 750+ FREE IPTV Channels for DM800HD/DM800HDse/DM8000HD/DM500HD

Users running the previous Gstreamer 1.7.0 image, should be able to peform a Software Update!

- DM800HDse+ :

Changes since previous release:

- mx3L's gstreamer revert which fixes mp4 playback from remote locations
- Spark drivers updated to 20151113
- Using aio-grab from oe-alliance which includes fixes for sprak receivers
- New Japhar IPTV List (thanks to ToySoft).
- DM8000 has no more gsod's now (thanks to ToySoft for testing!)

Changes compared to openpli-oe-core gst-1:
- Ships with gstreamer upstream master git:
Using the same patches as openpli-oe-core gst-1 with only these changes:
Removed: 0001-baseparse-post-tag-list-when-avg-bitrate-changes-at-.patch
because this patch was already checked in upstream.
Added: 0001-Revert-qtdemux-respect-qt-segments-in-push-mode-for-.patch
By mx3L which fixes mp4 playback from remote locations.
- Every receiver uses christophecvr's multibox dvbmediasink.
- Using libtrmp and rtmpdump from oe-alliance.
- Some small enigma2 patches for Dreambox receivers (ac3/dts bypass and blanking on zap support).
These are only applied for Dreambox receivers.
- AAC to AC3 transcoding V2 by mx3L (requires a fast cpu).
- IPTV Player from samsamsam included (thx to Athoik for the recipe).
- Large list of public IPTV streams included thanks to the Japhar Team.
- Updated libcdio and cdtextinfo for audio-cd support by christophecvr.
- DM800Se, DM7020HD and DM800SeV2 driver upgraded to 20151201:
added si2166b blindscan support
- Spark images includes the pti.ko from OpenATV so softcam's should work now.
- Using aio-grab source from oe-alliance which includes fixes for spark receivers.
- The 2.6.18 kernel will now always pass the vermagic check when loading modules.
Now you can try and load any kernel driver from OE1.5 to 2.0.
Known issues:
- DM800 first boot will take a while, please be patient. The next boot will be faster.
- On spark/spark7162 you need to set 'boxtype = dreambox' for oscam dvbapi.
We're using the OE-A drivers and 'duckbox' doesn't seem to work on these.
- On spark/spark7162 you need to set a skin which doesn't resize the framebuffer.
Because sometimes it doesn't scale back to fullscreen.
I've included the MX-HQ7 skin for use as workaround.
- On Zgemma Star you cannot use fullHD skins.
This is a hardware/driver limitation.
Please don't try it, it will crash enigma2.
- Some Dreambox remotes behave very sensitive.
This causes button presses to register multiple times instead of just once.
As a workaround you can adjust the key interval:
Go to: Menu - System - Input devices - dreambox remote control (native).
Set "Change repeat and delay settings" to yes
Set "Interval between keys when repeating:" to 200ms or 300ms.
Press green button (OK)
Now set the same delay for: "dreambox advanced remote control (native)" as well.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: OpenPLi 4.0 with 750+ FREE IPTV Channels for DM800HD/DM800HDse/DM8000HD/DM500HD

its nice that you post your Image for your "Super Sim" but the User dont want only the stupid PLI !
They want and need all other Images too.
You talk about over 1 Year now from your Sim but you bring not nothing realey new about it.
AW: OpenPLi 4.0 with 750+ FREE IPTV Channels for DM800HD/DM800HDse/DM8000HD/DM500HD

er bringt neues Zeug ... Hat ein "Blackhole 1.4" Image das "stabil" sein soll. Das OpenPLI, das mich eigentlich interessierte und BH 1.4 laufen aber auf meiner Box alles andere als stabil.

Habe mir nämlich so eine SuperSIM Japhar bestellt. Auch die anderen Images, die sie anbieten, laufen bei mir nicht.

Im Forum wird behauptet, "hunderte USer" hätten mit den Images keine Probleme, nur ich. Es müsse sich um einen Hardwaredefekt handeln. Angeblich das Netzteil zu schwach >> habe ich getauscht (nun eines mit max. 6.5A ... sollte wohl reichen XD), gleicher Fehler. Dann soll es der Flash-Speicher sein. Mein altes Image, das nur wenige MB kleiner ist, läuft ohne Probleme (newnigma2). Auch nach Flashen mit im BIOS eingestelltem "repair" läuft nix.

Naja wenigstens ist die SuperSIM mit meinem alten Ferrari-Image kompatibel (Abwärtskompatibilität), sodass ich nach dem Experimentieren ohne SIM-Wechsel einfach ein Backup des alten Images wieder flashen kann.

Mal ne Frage an die alten Hasen hier: Woran kann es liegen, dass die Box mit verschiedenen Images rumzick?

Folgendes Problem:

Nach dem Flashen läuft zunächst alles, ich flashe ne Senderliste, die Box läuft. Beim Zappen stürzt die Box dann aber irgendwann einfach ab (meist läuft der Ton weiter, Bild freezed aber). Kein Greenscreen, nix. Bis die Box wegschmiert dauert es beim ersten Mal so rd. 60 Min., zuvor geht alles (Zappen, Einstellungen, Videos absielen auch über Netzwerk, etc.). Beim zweiten und dritten etc. Starten der Box schmiert sie dann schneller weg.

Wenn die Box aber läuft und man den Sender nicht ändert, läuft die Box ewig.

Alles sehr seltsam. An einen kaputten Flash glaube ich zwar nicht, aber kann ich das Image nicht testweise auf nen USB-Stick flashen? Ging doch mal, oder?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: Japhar Sim : OpenPLi 4.0 with 750+ FREE IPTV Channels

Wenn deine Box mit dem kleineren Image stabil läuft und instabil wird sobald du ein größeres nutzt, dann deutet dies auf einen defekten Flash hin.

Ich gehe davon aus, das du mit dem Ferrari Image mehr freien Flash Speeicher hast als mit dme OpenPLI?

Du kannst versuchen, das OpenPLI zu flashen und als erstes das Plugin Verzeichnis auf USB verschieben.
Du mountest einen USB Stick nach /usb und verschiebst das Plugin Verzeichnis auf USB

init 4
mv /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins /media/usb
ln -s /media/usb/Plugins /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins
init 3

Hast du dann in etwas genau so viel freien Flsh Speicher wie mit deinem vorherigen Image?
AW: Japhar Sim : OpenPLi 4.0 with 750+ FREE IPTV Channels

Ja, das OpenPLI ist rd. 4 bis 5 MB größer als das alte Ferrari.

Ich würde ja mit einem Ferrari-Image testen, das größer ist, aber ich kenne keins :-) Habe schon einige Plugins drauf. Es waren auch schon mehr, aber da ist mir nie aufgefallen, dass es instabil läuft.

Vielen Dank für den Hinweis, werde ich testen. Klappt heute wohl nicht mehr, aber im Laufe der Woche. Gebe dann Rückmeldung. Das ganze Image kann ich nicht vom USB Stick laden lassen?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
AW: Japhar Sim : OpenPLi 4.0 with 750+ FREE IPTV Channels

Ist zwar jetzt zu spät, aber für eine DM800SE sind A8P oder Sim2.1 die viel besseren Alternativen.

Das ganze Image kann ich nicht vom USB Stick laden lassen?



Für Original Sim:



Verkauf die Japhar Sim hier im Marktplatz, denke DM8000 Ferrari können sie evtl. besser nutzen mangels Alternativen und kauf dir ne anständige Sim.
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