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Info zu mine.nu Dyndns Adressen

11. Juni 2010
mine.nu outage

Link ist nicht mehr aktiv. 2012.09.01
On Sept. 1 the domain mine.nu expired, affecting Dynamic DNS service for any mine.nu DynDNS hostnames. Dyn has renewed this domain, and is waiting for the registry to reactivate the domain. We will update this status post as we have updates.
Update 17:11 UTC: We are still awaiting for the .nu registry to process the renewal and reactivate mine.nu. Once mine.nu is reactivated, it could take up to 24 hours before all mine.nu hostnames are fully operational due to DNS caching.
Update 21:25 UTC: The .nu registry is beginning to re-activate mine.nu.
Update 22:05 UTC: mine.nu has been fully re-activated at the registry level. Customers will slowly regain access of their mine.nu hostnames over the next 24 hours as DNS caches expire. If you have any questions, please contact
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